Mark & Amy Coffey
I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was five years old. I started attending Whitfield Baptist Church in Dalton, GA at the age of twelve with my mom and brother. However, it wasnʼt until I was nineteen on a mission trip to Peru, South America that I totally surrendered my life to the Lord. From that time until now, I have been working in and out of Peru, South America. My wife and I were full time missionaries on the field of Peru for five years, but came back to the States in 2005 to represent the Peru Baptist College and to help start the Our Generation Training Center and Vision Baptist Church. I believe God has been preparing me over the last fifteen years to reproduce in South Africa the church planting ministry we have been a part of.
Jeremy & Rebekah Hall
At the age of 19, in the fall of 1998 at Whitfield Baptist Church, I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Five years later I took a trip to South Africa for my brother’s wedding that changed my life. On that trip the Lord opened my eyes to a need I had never seen before; the need for the gospel to be preached in all the world. It was on that trip that I totally surrendered my life to his will. Since then, it has been an incredible journey. I trained and served as a missionary volunteer in Peru for two years with Missionary Austin Gardner. Then I returned to the states for two and a half years to continue my training and raise funds to return to Peru. During the process, God blessed and allowed me to meet and marry my wife, Rebekah. In the beginning of 2009, my wife and I returned to Arequipa, Peru where we served as church planters for four years. In November of 2013, my family and I landed in Port Elizabeth, South Africa where we are currently serving as church planters.
Kevin & Corli Hall
Josh & Meagan Sullivan
Chase & Ashley Southard
Noah & Tristan Wilkerson
Tim & Jessica Johnson
Brandon & Maggie Byerley
Noah Haught
Lynette Osborn
Ashley Taylor
Brittney Schear
Joy Wahl
Madison Brown
Amanda Baine