I want to present to you Josh and Morgan Barton from Southside Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN.

Josh & Morgan just recently started raising support to be missionaries to the country of Mozambique. We were privileged to have Josh and Morgan do an internship in South Africa for three months earlier this year. They did a great job diving into ministry and making a positive impact on our people. While their time here, they also discovered they are expecting twins
The Bartons are on their way to one of the neediest countries in Africa. Mozambique has very few missionaries for the 32 million people that live there. We’re praying for the Bartons to raise their support quickly so they can begin learning the Portuguese language.
Would you pray for the Bartons as they travel? I can imagine that travel is a little more complicated when you’re expecting twins. Pray for especially for Morgan and her twins on the way (btw it’s a boy and a girl).
If you’re interested in having the Barton’s present their ministry you can contact Josh at 856-314-3293 or via email at jmbartonmissions@gmail.com.