Pray and Give for Baby Grace in Thailand

Yesterday, I wrote about our good missionary friend’s Philip and Lori Bassham new little baby Grace.  She was born on Monday and everything looked good for a little while until she started having problems breathing.  The Doctors feared she may have the Step B Infection.  They moved her to NICU and put in an incubator and told Philip and Lori she would be there from 3 to 7 days.


I found out a few minutes ago that the doctors have confirmed she does have the Step B Infection and will now be in the NICU at least 10-14 days.

With Philip and Lori being really close friends of our, it’s tough being so far away during a time like this.  I know it has to be even more tough for their families.

Since we can’t be there with them, we would like to help raise the $7500 in Medical expenses they are facing right now.  Amy and I have already given and are willing to give more if the needs aren’t raised.

Would you consider giving a small gift to help with these medical expenses?  You can send your gift to: Vision Baptist Missions P.O. Box 442 Alpharetta, GA  30009 or give online at  

I would also asking you to please be praying.  There are some pretty scary scenarios for babies that get it early on like little Grace.  Prayer is needed.  Please pray.  

4 thoughts on “Pray and Give for Baby Grace in Thailand

  1. I just read this from Alisha Walz FB page. Your baby daughter will lifted up in prayer at Maplewood Baptist Church in Martinsburg WV,USA. I will also share on my FB page and circulate among other missionaries I write world wide. God Bless You all. Let me know of updates at

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