The Coffey Family November 2020 Prayer Letter

We’re Home!

This past month we received notice that because of the type of South Africa Visa we possess, we were now allowed to return to South Africa.

We secured our plane tickets and took off from the Atlanta airport on November 3rd around 9 pm. We landed in Cape Town, South Africa on November 5th around 1 pm after a 12-hour layover in the London airport. Pastor Mvume met us in Cape Town with my vehicle, and we drove the 8 hours back to Camp Rhino.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. We are so glad to be back home.

We attended services at New Life Baptist Church and Vision Baptist Church this past Sunday. Things are going well there and we were very encouraged to see that several people stepped up to fill in the gaps that we left back in April.

Please pray for wisdom in our next step. We want to start another church but are not sure about the location or the timing. In the meantime, we will continue working to strengthen our existing churches.

Prayer Request & Praise

  • Travel Expenses- We are very grateful for the $1000 that was given towards the cost of getting back to South Africa.
  • Wisdom concerning Junior and Teen Camps in December and January at Camp Rhino. Covid is still a major worry here. We want to figure out the best way to hold camps without stirring up too much trouble with the government.
  • Please pray for our missionaries that are serving in Africa with Vision Baptist Missions who are currently raising monthly support. We need many more laborers for a continent of over 1.3 billion people.
  1. Graham & Olivia Young – Nigeria- The Young’s have just started their deputation and are at 15% of their needed monthly support. We need many more laborers for a continent of over 1.3 billion people.
  2. Nate, Emily, & Azariah Wilkerson- West Africa- The Wilkerson’s have been on deputation for a little over a year now and have over 80% of their support.

Quick Updates

  • Our 4th church plant has officially started. There has been great interest from the community despite the Covid concerns.
  • $5,000 has been given that can help toward the $15,000 to finish the new boy’s dorms for Camp Rhino. This will enable us to have a capacity for at least 120 campers and counselors.
  • We need donors for our camps this year. This cost is about $55 per camper. We are trying to raise 120 sponsors for Teen Camp and 75 for Junior Camp.

Going Home

We have anticipated this announcement for quite some time now. What we thought would be a short trip back to the States for our oldest son’s wedding, turned into something much longer. We were supposed to return to South Africa on July 12th, but South Africa locked down their borders and kept us from going home. We are searching for airline tickets now and plan to leave no later than the first week of November:)

South Africa opened their borders on October 1st, but citizens from the United States were placed on their blacklist of people who were not allowed in the country. We contacted South Africa Home Affairs and requested an exemption since we were returning to our home and not going as tourists.

This week we received notification that we are now allowed to return to our country. We appreciate all those that have prayed and are looking forward to getting back to the field God has led us to.

Please pray for us as we raise money for our tickets. The total cost will be around $5000. We normally would have this saved, but with the unexpected expenses we have come up short.

October 2020 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

South Africa borders are finally open!

Well, sort of… They opened to every country on October 1st, except for those they put on their “blacklist” as a high-risk nation with COVID infections (a total of 54 countries btw). As you may have guessed, the US is on that blacklist.

We have two possible options to bypass the “blacklist” problem. Option one involved us applying for an exemption that I sent in this past week. Those who have business interests can apply for permission to enter even though their country is on the blacklist. We are on a Charity Visa, not a Business Visa, but are still hoping they approve our request.

The second option involves us flying to a low-risk country and staying there for 10 days, and then fly to South Africa. We would be counted as coming from a low-risk country and not the US. We are really praying and hoping that the first option works. This second option could be a bit more expensive, but we are pretty certain at the moment, that we will be back in South Africa no later than November.

Prayer Requests & Praise

  • Pray for Pastor Mvume Johnson as he holds an evangelistic revival at Lighthouse Baptist Church this month. He’s had to restart his church since the COVID lockdowns and is working to reach his community.
  • Please pray that we can raise our travel fund back to South Africa. This isn’t something we usually ask for. I try to always plan and budget our funds to cover the normal expenses of living overseas and coming back to the States. Unfortunately, our budget hasn’t worked out as we hoped. With canceled flights and unplanned expenses, we are needing about $5000 for travel.
  • Pray there won’t be hindrances to our teen and junior camps coming up this December and January at Camp Rhino. We believe we can proceed normally, but with how things change, we can’t be certain.
  • Please pray for our wonderful missionary families serving in Africa with Vision Baptist Missions. We need many more laborers for a continent of over 1.3 billion people.
  1. Graham & Olivia Young- Nigeria
  2. Kevin & Corli Hall- South Africa
  3. Nate & Emily Wilkerson- West Africa
  4. Jeremy & Bekah Hall- South Africa
  5. Jason & Charity Rishel- Burkina Faso
  6. Vicente & Gaby Garcia- Burkina Faso
  7. Jairo Valdiviezo- Burkina Faso
  8. Josh & Bethany Wormley- Kenya
  9. Dallas & Ashley Brown- Burkina Faso
  10. Robert & Kelli Canfield- Africa Representative

Quick Updates

  • Our 4th church plant, Vision Baptist Church in Kwadwesi Extension, is being started this month. There was a delay to the original start date because of a lack of chairs, but we’re hoping to get that worked out soon.
  • We’re at a standstill for the moment with the construction of the new boy’s dorm for Camp Rhino. The foundation is complete for the building, but we need about $15,000 to finish this project. This will enable us to have a total capacity for Camp Rhino at least 120 campers and counselors.
The New Building for Vision Baptist Church
The New Boy’s Dorm at Camp Rhino

Exciting Announcement: Coffey Family September 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise
  • Please pray the South African borders will open so we can get back home.  We are hoping we don’t have to stay in the States past October.  We were supposed to fly back on July 12th.
  • We are continuing to help pastors and their families with food in Uganda, Kenya, and Zambia during this COVID time. For about $20 we can help these pastors’ families survive on cornmeal or something similar for 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Pray for single missionaries Lynette Osborn and Katie Dilfer as they raise monthly support to help us in South Africa at Camp Rhino and in all our church plants.

Quick Updates

  • Bible College and Bible Institute classes have started back at Camp Rhino this week.  The lockdown has loosened quite a bit and our churches have been able to hold services as normal.  We have 9 Students taking a full load in our Bible College and 11 that are taking 3 hours of Bible Institute classes each week.
  • Construction for the new boy’s dorm at Camp Rhino has started. The foundation is complete, but we need about $15,000 to finish this project.  This will enable us to have a capacity for at least 120 campers and counselors.   
New foundation for the Boy’s Dorm at Camp Rhino

It is my privilege and honor to announce that I have been asked to serve as the Africa  Director for Vision Baptist Missions.  Our Mission has grown to over 60 missionary families and our General Director Jeff Bush felt like it was time to expand the leadership structure to better serve, encourage, and support all of our missionary families.  

We will still be living and working as church planters in South Africa, but this new responsibility will allow our scope of influence and ministry to expand from South Africa borders to all of Africa.  We will also still be serving at Camp Rhino. 

Pray that God will give us wisdom and that we may truly be a blessing to the missionary families and fields we serve.  Our hope is that through this new position we will be able to aid in raising up many more missionaries for all of Africa.   

Now, as always:), is a good time to plan your mission trip to South Africa.  We would love to get you booked for a 2 week trip in 2021 or 2022.  We are also open to those interested in a longer internship. 

Coffey Family August 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request & Praise 

  • We have finished the building for Vision Baptist Church, our forth church in South Africa.  It is located in an area of Kwadwesi Extension.  This is where we have had a Bible study for the last couple of years. 
  • Please pray the South African borders will open so we can get back home.  We are hoping we don’t have to stay in the States past September 15th.  We were supposed to fly back on July 12th. 
  • Pray for Pastor Khona and his wife Iminathi. They are expecting their new baby in September and hope “Mama” Amy can get back in time for the birth. Pastor Khona Nohamba pastors one of our new churches, Nkandla Baptist Church.                                
The new building for Vision Baptist Church in Kwadwesi Extension

Quick Updates  

  • The roof for Camp Rhino’s new auditorium/activity center is complete. When the lights are installed, we will be set up for year-round camps in this new building.
  • We plan to start construction on the new boys’ dorms soon but need $15,000 to complete the space for 50 more campers. This new dorm will fulfill our current housing needs.  When this project is completed, we will have all the space we currently need for our campers, counselors, and staff.   
  • In Kenya and Uganda alone, we have now been able to help more than 350 pastors and their families eat during these difficult times. We can’t thank you enough for your generous gifts that have helped these families over the last few months.  
The Roof is Finished at Camp Rhino
Kenyan Pastors Receiving Food from Pastor Alute

I never thought Pastor Thomas Alute’s visit to our ministry in South Africa in March would open these doors that enable us to minister to so many Bible preaching pastors.  

Pastor Thomas Alute when he was with us in South Africa

For about $20 we can help these pastors’ families survive on cornmeal or something similar for 3 to 4 weeks.  Please pray for them during this time.  Also, pray that we can raise more funds to continue helping these faithful men.  With the water droughts, Covid19, and locust swarms, the needs in Africa are great for these Pastors who are preaching the Gospel.  

In spite of the trials, God is still at work.  We’re excited to see new doors open for ministry opportunities.  Thank you so much for partnering with us in the ministry to reach Africa with the Gospel.

Center for World Evangelism

In August 2005, my wife and I left Arequipa, Peru, South America where I had worked for 5 years, to move to Alpharetta, GA to help start the Vision Baptist Church and the Our Generation Training Center. Our heart was to help a team, led by who would be my new Pastor, Austin Gardner, recruit and train young people for the work of World Evangelism.

I had the privilege of working as the first director of the Training Center, along with serving as the Missions and Administrative Pastor of our new church, Vision Baptist Church.

From the beginning days of the ministry, we had always dreamed to have land that could be used for the Training Center, for housing missions students, and for other ministries we felt the Lord wanted us to start out of our new church.

Fast forward 15 years, and we are almost at the place to be able to purchase the property that we have been praying and dreaming about for all these years, which will be called the Center for World Evangelism.

Of course, since I am a missionary in South Africa, I am no longer the director of the Training Center or on the pastoral staff at Vision Baptist Church, but my dreams and prayers for this ministry continues. As of today, over $554,000 has been raised to purchase 60 acres of property that will be used to house our mission board, Vision Baptist Missions, and the Our Generation Training Center.

I am writing now, to ask you to help us pray for the remaining $69,000 needed to purchase this property. Our goal was to have this amount by July 31, 2020, which is only a few days away. Would you pray and would you consider giving to help with this purchase.

If you would like to give or learn more about the Center for World Evangelism click on the link below.

Update on New Roof at Camp Rhino

Before the lockdown in South Africa, we began construction on what were animal stables when we first purchased the property for Camp Rhino. We cleaned about 3 to 4 feet of manure and dirt out of the space and built a cement floor slab. Once restrictions started easing a bit, the crew returned to finish the roof. It’s almost complete and only lacks a few pieces of metal sheeting to close off the end gables. Our next step is to have lights installed, and screens put on the windows and it will be ready for year-round use. Thank you so much for giving to this project. This is a game-changer for our ministry. This will enable us to have events all year long at Camp Rhino. Pray we can raise the remaining money needed soon to install the lights and window screens.

Coffey Family July 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise  

  • 141 Pastors were helped this last month in Kenya, Zambia, and South Africa because of your giving. We can’t thank you enough for your generous gifts that have helped these families eat over the last few months. 
  • For about $20 we can help these pastors’ families survive on cornmeal or something similar for 3 to 4 weeks.  Please pray for them during this time.  Also, pray that we can raise more funds to continue helping these faithful men.  With the droughts in Africa, Covid19 restrictions, and swarms of locust, the needs in Africa are great. 
  • Our three churches in South Africa have been able to resume services under strict guidelines.  They have also been able to continue going door to door giving out invitations and bags of rice along with giving out the Gospel.  Thank you all who have given enable our churches to continue outreach inspire of the lockdown. 

To give to help Pastors’ Families in Africa go to:
(Choose Mark Coffey or Camp Rhino)

You can also send money to:
Vision Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 442
Alpharetta, GA 30009
(Make a note for Mark Coffey- food for Pastors)

Quick Updates 

  • $5000 has been given so we can begin construction for our fourth church plant in South Africa, Vision Baptist Church.  We’ve been holding bible studies in this area for 2 years and look forward to the start of this new church. 
  • Our son Tyler and his wife Lydia were married on June 20th.  Pray for them as they raise funds to be missionaries in Argentina. 
  • The roof for Camp Rhino’s new auditorium/sports center should be completed this week….we hope:)  We plan to start construction on the new boys’ dorms soon but need $15,000 to complete the space for 50 more campers. 

I can’t thank you enough for those who prayed for my Pastor, Austin Gardner, who was on the ventilator for 21 days because of Covid19.  All his ICU doctors didn’t think he was going to make it, but miraculously he stood in his pulpit at Vision Baptist Church this past Sunday for the first time since going in the Hospital.  We thank God for bringing him back.

Since being back in the States we’ve had the opportunity to continue raising monthly support for our ministries in South Africa in spite of the lockdowns.  If you would like us to report back or present Camp Rhino, please just let me know.  I would be happy to come by.  

During the week I’ve been able to teach at the Our Generation Training Center in Alpharetta, GA.  This is a missionary training school that started out of our home church.  Our unexpected extended stay has definitely opened teaching opportunities.  The OGTC is currently in the process of trying to buy 60 acres but still needs $100,000.  Could you pray this money can be raised soon?  More than 50 missionaries have been trained here since we began, and we believe the Lord is going to raise up many more.  

Coffey Family June 2020 Prayer Letter

Wedding Day

The day has finally come for my oldest son Tyler to get married. We are excited that Lydia Bush will be an official part of our family in a few hours. I’m thankful for Jeff and Mindy Bush raising such a wonderful daughter.

Tyler and Lydia at their rehearsal dinner

We were uncertain concerning flying back from South Africa earlier for the wedding because of lockdowns, but definitely believe now it was the right decision. Please do pray flights to open back up so we can get back to South Africa by the first part of August. We are thankful we’ve been able to report back to supporting churches and present our ministry in new churches. We are still hoping to raise extra support to help towards Camp Rhino during our time here.

I want to thank all of you who have given to help the pastors and their families in Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, and South Africa. I’ve heard terrific reports on how much of a blessing you all are to these families in need. If you would like to be involved to help more families in these countries please send your offering to Vision Baptist Missions or you can give via PayPal. $10-20 can help a pastor and his family eat on the very basics for a month during these unprecedented difficult times.

To give to help Pastors’ Families in Africa go to:
(Choose Mark Coffey or Camp Rhino)

You can also send money to:
Vision Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 442
Alpharetta, GA 30009
(Make a note for Mark Coffey- food for Pastors)

Pastor Alute giving food to Pastors on the border of Kenya/Uganda
Food being given out from Pastor Mario Genada’s Church in Zambia
Pastor Alute giving food to another pastor in Kenya.

The roof for our provisional auditorium at Camp Rhino is nearing completion. The weather has slowed us down a little, but the metal sheets should go on this week. Thank you all for the continual gifts that are helping build Camp Rhino.

I want to also thank everyone who has been praying for my Pastor Austin Gardner. He was on the ventilator for 21 days because of Covid19. He has been off the ventilator now over a week and actually went home yesterday. I’m still amazed at how the Lord has work to bring him back from a very bad situation.

May 2020 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise 

  • God has opened doors for us to work in Zambia and in Kenya with some very trusted and proven national pastors along with a missionary from the Philippians.  Pray more doors to be opened so we can help make even a greater impact in all of Africa. 
  • We are currently trying to help 65 pastors ministering in Zambia.  Because of a severe drought and Covid19, many of these pastors are starving.  For about $20 we can help these pastors’ families survive on cornmeal for 3 to 4 weeks.  Please pray for them during this time.  Pray that we can also raise more funds to help. So far we’ve only been able to send enough money to help about 20 pastors a month.  
  • Pastor Thomas Alute who recently came and preached a marriage conference for us from Kenya is in need of help in order to assist the team of pastors He works with.  Because of Covid19, they are in the same situation as South Africa, but with fewer resources to work with.  They are asking for help to buy food that would enable them to minister to their people and surrounding communities.  
  • Please pray for two of our most vulnerable churches during this time.  Light House Baptist Church and Nkandla Baptist Church are just a few weeks old.  Pastor Nohamba and Pastor Johnson aren’t able to have more than telephone contact with those that have been attending.
  • Our pastors are going to try to hold small services and Bible studies in a few of the township communities in Port Elizabeth.  Pray they will be able to evangelize and train without hindrance.
Pastor Thomas Alute delivering food in Kitale, Kenya

At the last minute, my family decided to take the last flight out of South Africa after being on lockdown for 2 weeks. It was a difficult decision, but I’m glad now we decided to do it.  South Africa is still on lockdown and it may be many months before international flights start back.  We’ve even heard rumors that church services may not be allowed to start back officially until September.  At least now, we don’t have to worry about missing our son’s wedding, but we hope to be back in August. 

Our hope is that we can travel and present our ministry here in the states as things seem to be opening back up, and then be back to South Africa right when things open back up there. 

We are currently raising money to do outreach during the lockdown in South Africa.  Our Pastors can go door to door passing out the Gospel as long as they also give out food.  A bag of rice along with a Gospel tract and church invitation cost about $1.50.  We would appreciate any amount that would help our churches continue to reach out to their communities.  So far we’ve given been able to purchase about 900 bags of rice.

Pastor in Zambia receiving cornmeal for his family.
Pastor Khona and Likhaya passing going from house to house in the townships
Pastor Sipho sharing the Gospel and a bag of rice