We’re Home!
This past month we received notice that because of the type of South Africa Visa we possess, we were now allowed to return to South Africa.
We secured our plane tickets and took off from the Atlanta airport on November 3rd around 9 pm. We landed in Cape Town, South Africa on November 5th around 1 pm after a 12-hour layover in the London airport. Pastor Mvume met us in Cape Town with my vehicle, and we drove the 8 hours back to Camp Rhino.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. We are so glad to be back home.
We attended services at New Life Baptist Church and Vision Baptist Church this past Sunday. Things are going well there and we were very encouraged to see that several people stepped up to fill in the gaps that we left back in April.
Please pray for wisdom in our next step. We want to start another church but are not sure about the location or the timing. In the meantime, we will continue working to strengthen our existing churches.
Prayer Request & Praise
- Travel Expenses- We are very grateful for the $1000 that was given towards the cost of getting back to South Africa.
- Wisdom concerning Junior and Teen Camps in December and January at Camp Rhino. Covid is still a major worry here. We want to figure out the best way to hold camps without stirring up too much trouble with the government.
- Please pray for our missionaries that are serving in Africa with Vision Baptist Missions who are currently raising monthly support. We need many more laborers for a continent of over 1.3 billion people.
- Graham & Olivia Young – Nigeria- The Young’s have just started their deputation and are at 15% of their needed monthly support. We need many more laborers for a continent of over 1.3 billion people.
- Nate, Emily, & Azariah Wilkerson- West Africa- The Wilkerson’s have been on deputation for a little over a year now and have over 80% of their support.
Quick Updates
- Our 4th church plant has officially started. There has been great interest from the community despite the Covid concerns.
- $5,000 has been given that can help toward the $15,000 to finish the new boy’s dorms for Camp Rhino. This will enable us to have a capacity for at least 120 campers and counselors.
- We need donors for our camps this year. This cost is about $55 per camper. We are trying to raise 120 sponsors for Teen Camp and 75 for Junior Camp.