Prayer Requests and Praise
- Please pray for all of our churches. For now restrictions on churches have been eased and we are hoping it stays that way.
- Be praying for our Youth Teen Retreat this next week at Camp Rhino. We are expecting to have over 100 campers. Toward the end of the month we will also be having a girls only teen event.
- Our Singles Men Retreat at Camp Rhino was a success. We had around 20 young guys participate with one of them trusting Christ as their Savior.
- We had a great marriage retreat with our Pastorial Team. It was a great time of laughs and learning.

Quick Updates
- Our new building for Bay Baptist Bible College is almost complete. The aluminum doors and windows need to be installed along with the electrical system. We should be able to use the building for the start of our semester next week.
- At the end of the month my family will be going back to the States for 2 months for my son Chase’s wedding. I will also be presenting the ministry of Camp Rhino in several churches during our time there. If you would like me to report back on the work here, please let me know. I still have a few dates available.
- Please be praying for our oldest daughter Emilee. She will also be attending the Our Generation Training Center when we return to the States. Emilee is a big part of our ministry here working with our teen girls and managing our Camp kitchen. Her leaving will be a tremendous loss. Not to mention the effect it will have on her mother and I not having her here. We don’t believe losing our first girl is going to be easy. Please be in prayer for her parents as well:)

God is at work in Africa. We have new missionaries raising support to share Jesus with people in Mozambique, Nigeria, and South Africa with Vision Baptist Missions. New churches are being started in Burkina Faso and the Lord is using national pastors I’m connected within Kenya and Zambia to see many souls saved and trained in the Word God. Please pray that God raises up even more laborers for this needed continent.

As we return to the States for 2 months, pray the Lord will make our time fruitful. We hope to make more people aware of the opportunities they can be involved in on our tremendous continent. Pray we can see people recruited for Camp Rhino, Bay Baptist Academy, and the full-time medical clinic we would like to start.
More than anything we need more folks to give their life in church planting. With a church, people have a chance at eternal life. We need more Gospel preaching churches here in South Africa and in every city all over Africa. Please pray for Africa.