Our time in the States has been nonstop. From Sunday to Sunday this past week I preached in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Texas, not to mention my upcoming opportunities in GA, NC, and Rhode Island before I head back to Africa on April 30th. Please pray that our remaining meetings and the VBM Annual Orientation go well. We look forward to being with our new missionaries at The Wilds in NC.
Two of our Africa missionary families have arrived on the field in the past two weeks. The Clowers and Wilkersons, both missionaries to Mozambique are in Africa. The Clowers are setting up in Mozambique, while the Wilkersons are setting up in South Africa for now. Please continue to pray for little Alainey Wilkerson as she gets set up with the doctors in South Africa. The Wilkersons are hoping they too can make their move to Mozambique within the next two years, but for now, they are working in South Africa until Alainey’s health improves to the point where they can move.

Prayer Requests & Praise
- We have a big soccer and netball tournament set up at Camp Rhino next weekend. Teams are coming from our churches and many lost will be in attendance. Pray they believe on Jesus.
- Be in prayer for Tim & Jessica Johnson as they have started their deputation for South Africa. They would be a great family to add as partners in the ministry if you’re able to have them in.
- Please be in prayer for Jacob and Christien Clower as they landed in Mozambique last week. They are there without the help of any veteran missionary. I know they will do great, but they will be facing a lot of new challenges in the coming days.
- We have a very special prayer request for one of the South African pastors. Mxolisi Dama has been very sick the past few weeks and was diagnosed with Bacterial Meningitis. I heard today he is doing better and as of right now it doesn’t appear to be fatal, but he will have a long road of recovery ahead.

Quick Updates & Needs
- We have an upcoming camp this month with the students and staff of Bay Baptist Academy.
- We still need around $10,000 for the new property and building for Bay Baptist Bible College. We’re moving the Bible college to town to make it more centrally located for our students, and pastors and missionaries who teach all the classes. This will help pay off the debt on the original purchase and prepare the building for classes in September.
- Pray for funds to enlarge our dorm space at Camp Rhino. We have decided we need 2 more girl dorms and 2 more boy dorms. This should set us up for a few years to come. The new dorms will cost about $20,000.
- Our Son Luke and his wife Adri are expecting our first grandchild in October, and it’s a boy. To say we’re excited is an understatement.