$1500 from Pembroke, GA

Yesterday, Luke and I drove about 4 hours over to the small town of Pembroke, Ga to report back to one of our supporting churches.  Pastor Spencer and the great folks of Northside Baptist Church have been faithful partners in the ministry from early on in our deputation.  It was great hearing about the new ministries they have started, how God continues to bless their faith promise, and how God blessed their family with a new adopted little boy.  He and Luke took to each other pretty well.

After my message the church surprised us with an amazing offering for Camp Rhino.  They gave $1500 to help with the purchase of the property.  It was such an encouragement.  One step closer.

Thank you all for your prayers and investment into our ministry.

Check out the Initial Design for Camp Rhino

Now that we have passed the $50,000 mark in our fundraising goal (only $50,000 more to go:)), I wanted to give you a glimpse of what the future Camp Rhino site will look like.  Below is the initial design for the camp based on the first 5-year plan.  Once we actually buy property, we’ll have a better idea of the real Camp Rhino, but for now you can at least see the directions of our plans and dreams.  The $100,000 we raise this year will go toward the purchase of this property so we can get the project started.  We hope to have the property ready by July 2018 to hold our first camps.  If you’re interested in donating to help Camp Rhino you can click here.

June 2017 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Friend, 

Mother’s Day at Soweto Baptist Church was great. There were 31 mamas present, 15 of which were first time visitors. One of them, Mama Thandiswa, made a profession of faith. Three of visiting mamas have faithfully attended our services since that special day. Thank you to all who prayed! 

On the 27th of last month, we had our first Preacher’s Fellowship. There were more than 25 men who came from the churches here in Port Elizabeth who are being prepared to share the Word. We had an awesome time of fellowship and training. God is raising up a generation of laborers who are committed to faithfully proclaiming the Gospel. 

Bekah and I celebrated 9 years of marriage on the 30th of May. Many talk about how good their wives are, but mine has demonstrated it over and over again through the years. She has followed me to 3 countries, learned 2 languages, birthed 5 kids, and helped start 2 churches; and done all of that while putting up with me. I am a blessed man! 

Please continue to pray for several families on our team who are trying to obtain the papers necessary to work here in South Africa. The Kings, the Bergeys, and the Coffeys, all are having serious issues getting their visas approved. The system here has changed and is not near as conducive for missionaries and volunteers to stay long term. This has already cost them thousands of dollars and much time. Please pray for wisdom and peace for these families as they face these issues. 

Other Prayer Requests:  

  • Friday, June 23 we will host a Youth Conference at Soweto Baptist Church. All of the churches established by Project South Africa Missionaries will be invited.
  • In just over two months, we will be taking a short 4 month furlough. Our calendar is almost completely full and we are excited to see many of you very soon. 
  • The OGTC Camp 2017, June 19th-23rd at Sand Mountain Bible Camp; This is for any high school / college age student interested in missions. This camp is where I surrendered my life to become a missionary in 2004. All campers will have exposure to young missionaries, missions training, plus all the fun and excitement expected in a summer camp. There will be over a dozen missionaries attending as keynote speakers and counselors. I highly recommend this event! 

Thanks again to all of you for your faithfulness to lift up our ministry in prayer, and for the financial support that allows us to do what we do. May God bless you richly for all that you do! 


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

American Children Reaching South African Children

🎶 🎶 I’m glaaad to be here at Vacation Bible School….Vacation Bible School… Vacation Bible School. 🎶 🎶

It’s about that time of the year when VBS starts up all over the country.

This is turning out to be a special time for Camp Rhino.  Many churches announced they plan to donate their VBS offering to help purchase the 15 to 20 acres of property for the start of the camp and training center.

Just this past Sunday, Pastor Justin Gazaway of Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle in Ringgold, GA let us know they will be giving their VBS offering to Camp Rhino.  What an honor and blessing.

It’s incredible to think how kids in the US will be bringing their pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to reach kids in South Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

With more than $30,000 coming in the past few months, our goal of $100,000 is getting closer and closer.  Please pray we continue to advance toward this goal.

I look forward to see how this Camp and Training Center ministry aids our churches in impacting our communities and country with the Gospel of Christ.



We’ve Passed the $30,000 Mark

I’m excited to announce this past week we passed the $30,000 mark for Camp Rhino.  

God continues to bless and people continue to get involved.

On top of passing the $30,000 on Sunday,  yesterday, I received notice that a business in Marietta, GA sent in $500 to help.

I’m looking forward to see what will happen this summer.  Many have let us know they plan to donate their VBS and Children’s Crusade offerings to help us purchase the property.  It’s neat to think about American children giving to reach African children.

Please continue to pray.

Meet Robby Rhino

This past weekend we ended the month at Community Baptist Church in Curwensville, PA with Pastor Todd Hogue and his great family.  It was an honor to be a part of their missions conference this year.  Community Baptist Church has been supporting our family since 2012.

On Sunday evening of the conference, the church took up a special offering for Camp Rhino.  Pastor Hogue left the offering open for the following Wednesday and Sunday, so we don’t yet know what that amount will be.  As soon as we have those numbers we will update you.

We also had another $753 extra come in for the camp before the end of April.  We’re going to be very close to our April goal.  Thank you all for praying and giving.  It still amazes me that over $30,000 has been given to purchase property for the camp.  Only around $65,000 to go:)

Here’s a little taste of what’s to come.  This little guy is a main character that will be coming out soon in a children book series we are creating centered at Camp Rhino to help promote Bible principles involving missions.  Be on the lookout for release date.

Meet Robby Rhino:

May 2017 Prayer Letter

God continues to grow his Church. Soweto Baptist Church is a year and five  months old now. It is unbelievable how quickly time has passed. There is still so much work to be done. We have seen several saved since our  last letter; one of the more exciting decisions for me was a 19 year old young man who has been faithfully attending our church for over 8 months now, Aphelele Nyodi. Several of you have been praying with us for him since he began  coming. Just last week, Sunday April 30th, he made his decision public and followed the Lord in baptism. Also baptized in April was 15 year old Likamva Teyisa, and 17 year old Yolisa Banda (on the right).

Easter weekend was really exciting at Soweto. Our guys worked very hard and their work paid off. There were 20 first time visitors for our special service and we had over 150 in attendance. Also that day, we had 7 of our young men stand up and give 2-3 messages. All of them did an incredible job and are showing great potential.

Also, last month we received a shipment of 100,000 tracts from Chick Tract Publications. These are now being distributed between the churches here. Soweto Baptist Church has already passed out several thousand and seen several visitors come as a result of their work. Thank you to all those who made this possible.

Other Prayer Requests:

  • This month at Soweto there will be two special services, Mother’s Day Service on 14th, and on the 21st we will have a Family Day (Picture Day).
  • There are only three weeks left in our Bible Institute, pray that all our students finish strong.
  • Our calendar is almost completely full for our upcoming furlough. We only have a few Wednesday nights available, and 2 Sundays in November. If you are interested in us coming by your church, please contact me asap.

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers!


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

March 2017 Prayer Letter

It is hard to believe that the first quarter of 2017 is almost over. February was a productive month. We had a few hick-ups getting our Bible institute started. Immigration did not want to release our materials. After a two week delay, classes were finally able to commence on February 7th. This semester the students are studying an overview of the Poetic Books, the OT Books of History, and James. Classes will continue through May 14th. 

Last month, at Soweto Baptist Church, we had a special movie night. We showed the “Jesus Film.” There were more than two dozen visitors. At the end, we gave a simple Gospel presentation and four people stayed longer to receive more information and make professions of faith.

We also had a very unexpected trip to Johannesburg last month. My sister-in-law’s brother, Gavin Theron, passed away from a brain aneurysm. He was only 33 years old. He was a good friend, and we were actually invited to go up this month for his wedding. As you can imagine, this has been very hard on everyone. Please remember Corli (my sister-in-law), Corne (his fiancé), Thersia (his mother), and all the family in your prayers. 

Our furlough plans are coming along well. We still have several services available. If you would like for us to come by and give an update, please contact us. Again, this is going to be a very short furlough (4 months), Aug 23-Jan 3.  Our main purpose is to raise some additional funds, so if you know of any churches interested in supporting church planting in South Africa, we would appreciate your recommendations.

This month at Soweto Baptist Church:

  • We continue with our weekly homiletics class. There are currently six guys participating. Several of them will be preaching in a special midweek service at the end of the month.
  • Youth meetings have begun again on Friday night. Missionary Stephen Underwood and Thamsanqa Olifant are lead this meeting.
  • 10,000 new tracks have been ordered and shipped and we will soon begin distribution.
  • Rebekah continues to meet every Tuesday with several “mamas” for basic discipleship.

We praise the Lord for you and your participation in our work. Your faithfulness to pray and give means more than you know.

Thanks again,

Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Sunday & Monday

Wow!  What an exciting couple of days.

On Sunday, I was privilege to preach the mission’s emphasis day for a good friend of mine, Pastor Tom Hatley, as Fellowship Baptist Church in Maryville, TN.  What an honor it was to be there.  The folks at Fellowship gave over $1000 to help with Camp Rhino.  This great church has been a great partner in the ministry for several years now.

Now for Monday.  Pastor Brian Haney of Anchor of Hope Baptist Church in Rossville, GA had me in to preach the Monday night of his missions conference.  This church has been supporting our ministry for almost three years now.  Unexpectedly, Pastor Haney took up a special offering at the end of the service for Camp Rhino, and the people gave $2195.  I was blown away.  He was hoping to get $1000, and over $2000 came in.  Amazing.

Over $3200 in two days!  Praise the Lord.

I don’t have the words necessary to show the appreciation I have for everyone who has given to help purchase property for the camp.  I’m humbled, and honored.

So far $29,188 has been given or promised.  We do hope to raise $4144 more during these last few days of April to put us at $33,332 to stay on pace to raise $100,000 by the end of the year.  I believe it will come in, but please continue to pray.

Camp Rhino will impact young people like these for years to come.

Coffey Family April 2017 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • Camp Rhino- Currently, we have raised $29, 188 to purchase property for Camp Rhino.  Praise the Lord!  That’s almost 30% of our goal.  We do hope to raise $4144 more during these last few days of April to put us at $33,332 to stay on pace to raise $100,000 by the end of the year.  I believe it will come in.
  • Churches in Port Elizabeth-  Pray the Lord does a great work in all the 6 churches we are associated with in South  Africa.
  • 102,000 Gospel Tracts-  These tracts donated to our ministry arrived at the end of March.  Pray for souls to be saved through them.
  • More Laborers- As I travel I’m praying the Lord would lead many others to work with us in Southern Africa.  The need for workers is real.
  • Our Family-  We’re having a great time on furlough and are looking forward to the next 8 months, but we are a little sad about having to leave Tyler, our oldest, behind when we leave.

Someone asked this past month if we planned to change our focus from church planting to camp ministry when we return to South Africa.  My answer to that is, “Absolutely not.” 

I want to make sure it’s clear that our purpose with Camp Rhino is to accelerate our church planting efforts, not do away with them.  Camp Rhino will offer traditional summer camp opportunities, but our main focus in what we are doing is to  train young people for the work of local church ministry. 

Camp Rhino will enable us to be in continual contact with young people through the several weeks of camp during the year, and also on the weekends with our mentoring programs.    This won’t be the kind of camp where we see the teen once a summer and then look for them to come back next year.  This is a year round camp that will assist all our churches at keeping their young people plugged into the things of God. 

I’m looking forward to getting back to South Africa to start Camp Rhino, but I’m just as excited to getting back so we can start more churches.

I want to send a special thanks to Chick Publications for providing 102,000 Gospel tracts for our ministries in South Africa.  We are excited that each of the churches will have plenty of literature to distribute over the next several months.