Prayer Requests & Praise
- Please be in prayer for my son Tyler. He is finishing up his missionary training degree at the Our Generation Training Center soon. His last step is a 6 month internship in Argentina. I have included his support letter with this prayer letter, but if you are interested in helping, any donations or support can be sent to our board.
- Our 5 Bible college students enjoy their studies very much, but please continue to pray for them and pray more young people surrender to ministry.
- We are in need of storage space for Camp Rhino. Pray we can raise the $5000 for our first storage space. We also need additional camper and staff living quarters. I will be devoting more time in the near future in raising the needed funds. More videos and updates are on their way. Check out our Instagram or Facebook page to stay informed and connected.
Quick Updates & Reminders:
- Our new work at Fitches Corner is not taking off as well as we hoped. We actually have more people at our Thursday Bible Study than we do for our Sunday AM service. Pray we can reach more with the Gospel in this new area.
- Tim and Destiny Kelly arrived this week. They will be a great help with Camp Rhino. Please pray their needed monthly support and setup fund come in.
- New Life Baptist Church and Pastor Sipho are doing well. The adults and core teen group are maturing well. Khona Nohamba is doing a great job assisting. Pray our offering and our numbers to continue to grow so Pastor Sipho can be supported completely by the church.
Our visa situation continues to be an area of concern. Amy and I will be traveling to the city of Durban next week to turn in our applications for our visa renewals. Our lawyer is confident we won’t have problems, but she was pretty condifent we wouldn’t have any issues the last time we applied as well. It didn’t turn out well. So…..who knows?:).
Our teammates Jeremy & Bekah Hall, and Stephen and Ashlee Underwood are waiting to hear back from the same kind of visa application. We are all hoping there won’t be any hold ups. For my family, our main worry is having to travel back to the States to reapply for a new visa if this visa application is rejected here. Our current visa expires July 30th.
Please pray we can get this taken care of soon.
Tyler Ellis
Missionary Intern to Argentina
I have fantastic news! In June of this year, I will be going to Argentina, South America to train under Missionary Patrick Henry for six months.
Two years ago, I started training to be a church-planting missionary at the Our Generation Training Center in Alpharetta, GA. This six month internship will be the last requirement to finish my degree.
I deeply appreciate the countless prayers and support I have received up until now. It’s been an incredible experience.
I am not sure what field the Lord will lead me to following my internship, but I look forward to the practical training I will gain from living in a Spanish South American culture.
Goals for the 6 Months:
- Begin learning Spanish
- Adapt to a new culture and language
- Gain great church planting experience in a different culture
- Continue equipping myself for a life long service in missions
- Win and disciple new believers
- Get out of my comfort zone
Please pray for me as I prepare for this journey. Pray that God would greatly use, grow, and provide for me. Your prayers are invaluable as I pursue God’s calling!
I need to raise approx. $12,000 for my timein Argentina. This will cover everything from airfare to rent. One-time gifts or monthly support is greatly appreciate. I can’t do this without help from folks like you. I currently have over $8000 committed for my trip. Just under $4000 more to go.
All support can be sent to:
Vision Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 442
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Please add: “Tyler Ellis Internship” in the memo line.
Thank you ahead of time for your prayers and possibly your financial support. I pray there will be much fruit to your account as He continues to draws lost men to Himself.

Please check out my Facebook Page “Follow Me to Argentina” and my website at for further updates! Join me to see the incredible work that God is doing in Argentina!
Yours in Christ,
Tyler Ellis