
We arrived home yesterday after a long month of being in the states.  Actually, I was the only one in the states for a month, but my family joined me for the last 2 weeks.  The Lord blessed in an incredible way during our time.  Individuals and churches went above and beyond helping our family during the difficult time of losing our grandparents.

As I started language school again today, I was definitely regretting being away so long.  My brain was locking up, and it was difficult remembering some of the basics of Xhosa.  No worries though! I believe we will be back to normal in a few days.

After about 8 months of planning, working, and searching, I was surprised today by news from one of the pastors.  Pastor Sipho Bonga located a piece of property for the new church, and was able to get the papers signed for the purchase.  He secured the property price which after lawyer fees will be around $8700.  It was great welcoming news to say the least.

We were hoping to start this church back in February, but because of the difficulty to find property, or even a place to rent, we kept moving the startup date.  Lord willing, after this week, we will be able to make a more educated guess to when that will be.

The money has come in for the purchase of this property, but we are still in need of money to build.  The first building which will include a small auditorium and a prophet’s chamber for the pastor and his family will be around $6000.  Pray this comes in soon.  We have enough to get started, but won’t be able to advance without more assistance.

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