Would you consider committing $1000 to be one of the 100 churches to give towards the Africa Youth Home? We are needing $100,00 by the end of April for this purchase. It is the property right next to Camp Rhino, which makes it a very strategic location.
The asking price is around $113,000, and we’ve already raised about $13,000. I know with prices going crazy in the States and really around the world with fuel and inflation, this is a tough time, but we know this youth home is going to help a lot of young people who don’t have anything.

Prayer Requests Praise
- We will be back to the States for our Annual Missions Orientation in April. Pray this is a productive time with our new missionaries. We’re also planning to raise funds for the Africa Youth Home. Pray we can raise $100,000 in a month:)
- Please continue to pray for my wife’s ear surgery. The date has been set for her to have surgery on May 16th.
- Pray for Missionary Katie Dilfer’s visa to arrive. Unfortunately, it didn’t arrive in time and she had to cancel her tickets to South Africa for the end of February. She is hoping she will be here no later than the end of April.
- As soon as we get back in April, we also need to apply for new visas. Pray we can get those worked out as soon as possible. There’s been a back log and some have waited over a year for their visas.
- We are thankful for those who gave to replace the things that were stolen in January. We have bought almost everything back now.
Quick Updates
- We’ve started construction on a new building for Nkandla Baptist Church. Pastor Khona & his wife Iminathi are excited about having a larger more permanent building.
- This last week I was in Nigeria with Graham and Olivia Young during their survey trip. They will return in July to work full-time under Missionary Mark Holmes for their first two years. Please be praying for them and Nigeria. There are very few missionaries to Nigeria for over 220 million people. We badly need more missionaries in this country.
- This past month, we’ve seen two guys that I’ve worked with for years walked away from the Lord come back to church. We praise the Lord and pray the Lord continues working in their lives to make them more like Him.

In church news, the main church we are working in now, Lighthouse Baptist Church, has been having more visitors. Pray, we see more saved. There are so many without Christ. New Life Baptist Church is still struggling unfortunately in the more affluent part of the township, but Vision Baptist is doing well.