Prayer Requests & Praise
- Several teens over the last few weeks have trusted Christ at New Life Baptist Church and followed the Lord in believers baptism. We have a few more getting baptized this week as well. Please pray for their spiritual growth in the days to come.
- We now have 5 students enrolled at our Bible school, Bay Baptist College which started on Feb. 27th. Pray for these young men as they prepare for ministry.
- Please pray we can raise up more song leaders. This is slowing down our efforts to start more churches a bit. For example, one of our preachers is leading music at New Life and can’t really pull away to start a church until we can replace him.
- We are in need of storage space for Camp Rhino. Pray we we raise the $5000 for our first storage space.
Quick Updates & Reminders:
- On March 10th we started a new church called Fitches Corner Baptist Church not far from Camp Rhino. We had 3 adults, 6 teens, and several kids in attendance. Our Sunday AM service starts at 9am so we can still make it to New Life by 11am.
- Fitches Corner Baptist Church is the first of 3 churches we hope to see started before the end of the year. Pray as we do more to reach SA with the Gospel.
- Tim & Destiny Kelly arrive April 10th to help full time here at Camp Rhino. Tim & Destiny were here last year for a 6-month intership, and we are very excited about having them back here full time. They are still in need of a bit more monthly support and set up fund. Please pray they can get that raised ASAP.
10 years ago this month, God brought Tyler Ellis and Chase Southard into our home. What we thought was going to be a 6-month stay, ended up beign a liiiittle longer. God changed our family and all of our lives that day. My 11 and 9 year old distant 2nd cousins, became my two oldest sons. What a blessing it has been to see both of them grow into young men who love the Lord. They are both now training to be missionaries and Tyler is raising support to for his 6-month internship in Argentina, South America with missionaries Patrick and Leslie Henry.
Tyler, Mark, and Chase
Would you consider supporting him during his time in Argentina. It would be a great blessing to him and especially to his parents living on the other side of the world:). Any support can be sent for him to our mission, Vision Baptist Missions.