Summer camp season has ended. From our junior and teens camps, we saw 61 young people make professions of faith in Jesus Christ. What a fantastic time with all our Camp Rhino workers and our volunteers from the States. This was definitely one of the best camp seasons in our short 4-year history.

Over the past 4 years, we have been able to operate almost debt-free due to generous gifts from churches and individuals. All our property and buildings are paid off. This year we are hoping to start raising monthly support for Camp Rhino that will enable us to plan for more building projects and cover the actual camp, youth home, and bible college costs. Right now we’re spending at least $2000 a month just for basic upkeep and expenses.

If your church would be interested in making Camp Rhino part of your monthly mission budget we would be very grateful. We pray that this camp and training ministry will continue to aid in more churches being started all over Africa.

Prayer Requests & Praise
- We saw 10 girls and 15 boys trust Christ during our teen camps. We had 68 teen boys the first week and 52 teen girls the 2nd week. School schedules limited our numbers a bit, but we still had great camps.
- Pray for Lighthouse Baptist Church. We’ve made it past the normal summer slump and had a great attendance of 50 people this past week. I’m praying we will average over 100 by the end of the year. We also had two men trust Christ after the morning service to start the new year off right.
- Pray for our son Luke who will be going back to live in the States in February. He will be working and getting ready for Bible College in September. Any time our kids leave is a difficult time for us parents. We need your prayers as well:)

Quick Updates
- Interns Josh and Morgan Barton arrived to start their 3-month internship. The Barton’s believe the Lord may be leading them to the neighboring country of Mozambique after their internship. Pray as they finish up their last months.
- Missionaries Noah & Tristan Wilkerson’s little girl Alainey has been making good progress. Please continue to pray for her and the long road ahead.
- We’re heading back to the States on February 6 until April 26th with our son and to be a part of VBM’s annual orientation. We’re praying for this to be a productive time for recruiting, teaching, and fundraising.
- New Support Address | Vision Baptist Missions has moved locations. Vision Baptist Missions P.O. Box 647 Dawsonville, GA 30534