“These are crazy times” is quickly becoming the go-to cliche every where:). That’s definetely true for things in South Africa.
Because of higher Covid numbers here in South Africa, tighter restrictions have returned. The closing of churches and not being able to sell alcohol are really the only things that have changed. We’re glad about the alcohol but not so much about the churches.
As I write this letter, we are in the middle of our last full day of teen camp. Things have been slammed with us starting camps and with two groups from the US arriving to help. I slipped away so I could let you guys know what’s going on.

Even with the restrictions on religious gatherings, we decided to have both our junior and teen camps. Businesses are allowed to have 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors. Our plan was to stay under the 50 number for campers, but we haven’t done a perfect job at that. These camps have been a blessing to our churches and we are thrilled to see many young people believe on Jesus.

Prayer Request and Praise
- Pray for all our churches here in South Africa. Churches aren’t allowed to meet until February 15th, at the earliest, because of Covid. We have been holding services at Camp Rhino for the churches that want to be involved. Soon some of the churches will start meeting even though there is a lockdown. It’s hard to find a good reason to stay closed with casinos, theatres, and malls still open.
- We had 22 saved during Junior Week at Camp Rhino to start off this year! 🙂
- Our smaller camp ideas didn’t exactly work out for Teen Week:) We ended up having 78 campers and hit 106 with staff and counselors. Too many wanted to come, and we couldn’t turn them away.
- Katie Dilfer, a single missionary to South Africa with BIMI, came for three weeks to help out with camps. Pray for her as she returns to the States next week to continue raising monthly support to come and work here full time.
- Pray for Noah & Tristan Wilkerson as they are here for a 2-month internship with the OG Training Center. If you are interested in helping with their expenses during their time here please let me know.

Quick Updates
- We praise God for the offerings that came in the last 2 months. Those gifts enabled us to finish our boys’ dorms, install the electricity for our auditorium/activity center, and cover the cost of both teen and junior camps this year.
- Our next building projects for Camp Rhino will probably be our couples’ cabins and main lodge. We have really been amazed at how far we’ve come in such a short time with all your prayer and support. We can’t thank you enough.