Prayer Requests & Praise
- I am currently discipling three new families that I don’t believe are saved. Would you pray for their salvation? They have been very open, but still need to realize that adding anything to Jesus is another gospel.
- Please pray for our son Chase and his wife Ashely. Chase was recently in the hospital for 6 days with Mono. He is doing much better but is still experiencing pain. They continue traveling raising their support to return to South Africa.
- Pray for us as we are considering starting a new church. There’s such a great need and we’re still unsure of our next step in this area.

Quick Updates
- Our oldest daughter Emilee will arrive next week for a 3-week visit. I can’t tell you how excited we are to have her back with us. She has definitely been missed since starting Bible College in the States. Adri Bush, my son Luke’s girlfriend will also be coming with her. Having them both here will be a great time.
- The South Africa Youth Home is up and running now. We moved the three boys into the new house and property. They no longer have to live in the boy’s dorms at the camp. We still need a lot to furnish the house but at least they have hot water:)
- We just completed a 900 sq ft workshop that we will use to help with projects around the camp and in our churches. It will also be used to teach trades to our teenagers in the youth home. Any carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc are welcome to come to help build and/or teach.

Medical Missions Outreach and their team of 21 people arrive this week to put on a health and vision clinic at one of our churches. We are hoping 2000 or more people come in for treatment and have the opportunity to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The last clinic we did a few years ago had over 200 people make professions of faith.

Lighthouse Baptist Church and Pastor Mvume Johnson are hosting the clinic this year. This is one of the churches we restarted a few weeks before Covid and had to close again during Covid. Please pray this will be a great help to the growth of this church.
In other African news, Graham and Olivia Young just arrived in Abuja, Nigeria. We’re very excited for this young couple as they begin their ministry in this needy country of over 200 million people. Please pray for them and pray that God would raise up more laborers for Nigeria and for Africa. Our time is short but the need is great. Maybe God is calling you.
We will be praying for your family, for souls to be saved, and for God’s direction for the new church!