Prayer Request & Praise
- We have finished the building for Vision Baptist Church, our forth church in South Africa. It is located in an area of Kwadwesi Extension. This is where we have had a Bible study for the last couple of years.
- Please pray the South African borders will open so we can get back home. We are hoping we don’t have to stay in the States past September 15th. We were supposed to fly back on July 12th.
- Pray for Pastor Khona and his wife Iminathi. They are expecting their new baby in September and hope “Mama” Amy can get back in time for the birth. Pastor Khona Nohamba pastors one of our new churches, Nkandla Baptist Church.

Quick Updates
- The roof for Camp Rhino’s new auditorium/activity center is complete. When the lights are installed, we will be set up for year-round camps in this new building.
- We plan to start construction on the new boys’ dorms soon but need $15,000 to complete the space for 50 more campers. This new dorm will fulfill our current housing needs. When this project is completed, we will have all the space we currently need for our campers, counselors, and staff.
- In Kenya and Uganda alone, we have now been able to help more than 350 pastors and their families eat during these difficult times. We can’t thank you enough for your generous gifts that have helped these families over the last few months.

I never thought Pastor Thomas Alute’s visit to our ministry in South Africa in March would open these doors that enable us to minister to so many Bible preaching pastors.

For about $20 we can help these pastors’ families survive on cornmeal or something similar for 3 to 4 weeks. Please pray for them during this time. Also, pray that we can raise more funds to continue helping these faithful men. With the water droughts, Covid19, and locust swarms, the needs in Africa are great for these Pastors who are preaching the Gospel.
In spite of the trials, God is still at work. We’re excited to see new doors open for ministry opportunities. Thank you so much for partnering with us in the ministry to reach Africa with the Gospel.
Greetings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
Brother Mark, I’m amazed as to how God is using you and your family, not only at home in South Africa, but here in the States. It continually blesses my heart as I try to fathom how many souls your ministry touches and I’m so thankful to partner with you!
I would love to go and see Camp Rhino with all the children and young people with their Bibles hearing, learning and memorizing God’s Word and growing in the love and admonition of the Lord. 2 Peter 3:18 & Ephesians 6:4-7
May the Lord continue to bless you and Amy as you continue to serve Him with you whole hearts!
Matthew 28:19-20
Psalms 37:4
Excited in His Service,
Jacqueline Farley
Philippians 1:21
I apologize for not responding sooner. I just saw this comment. Thank you so much.