Coffey Family December 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests        

  • We’re finally here. Camp Rhino opens its doors to campers on December 11th for the first time.  Please pray for all our volunteers, and pray we have a great first camp.
  • There will be anywhere from 60-80 campers arriving for camp.  Pray the Lord does a great work in their hearts. 
  • Bay Baptist College- The first classes will be starting in January.  We should have 5 or 6 students our first semester.  We pray from this we will see more churches started.
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States, and our 2nd oldest son Chase, who will be leaving for Bible college in January.  They both are training for missions.
  • Finances to help get Camp Rhino ready for our first camp from December 11th to 14th.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • Missionaries Josh and Meagan Sullivan arrived this past week with their kiddos.  They have completed their deputation and will be starting language school soon.  Pray as they get set up and are working to get their long term visas. 
  • The 4 person team from Camps Abroad with the Wilds in NC arrived and have been a great help.
  • Jens Looney, a young man from the Our Generation Training Center in Alpharetta, GA, arrived this past week for his 6-month internship. 
  • Contact me ASAP if you are interested in leading a mission team to South Africa or if you would just like to come on your own.

Mattresses  are just one of the many things we had to order to get camp ready.  It’s amazing how many little things it takes to run a ministry.  It’s also amazing how easy it is to forget a lot of those little things until a week before camp starts:)

We can’t thank you all enough for helping during these past two years with the prayers and financial support and gifts that have made Camp Rhino a reality.  It’s hard to believe all that has come together to make this camp possible.  Thank you so much.    We pray the Lord blesses your investment multiple times over. 

Our two major prayers as we start camp is that teenagers’ hearts will be pierced with the truth of the Gospel and that many young people would give their lives to full time Christian ministry.  Might we see from the effects of this ministry, more churches started all over South Africa and the world. 

December 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Friends,

It’s hard to believe 2018 is over. Every year seems to go by more quickly, and every year I probably say that same thing. I am reminded again of a famous quote from Missionary C.T. Studd, “Only one life, twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” As I reflect on the past 12 months, I stand amazed at how the Lord has worked in and around my family. I am blessed!

We are busy getting ready for camp. Honestly, the work has been a little therapeutic for me. With church planting, and specifically training young men, a lot of times you don’t see change and it can get a little discouraging, even though you know it’s happening. That’s not the case with building bunk beds, human foose ball games, gaga pits, etc. It’s something you do, and at the end of the day see and understand that you have had a productive day.

Josh Sullivan and family arrived safely last Thrusday. We are assisting (when possible) in helping them set up their home and getting settled in. Jens Looney, a six month intern from the Our Generation Training Center, arrives from the states this week. Also, a group from Camps Abroad, led by Dan Brooks, will be arriving this week to help us host Camp Rhino next week. Saturday and Monday, Dan will teach two eight-hour training sessions to camp counselors and staff.

All of this is happening and my wife is scheduled to be admitted into the hospital tomorrow morning. She will be there for at least the next 9 days. Our son will be given injections of steroids and she will be monitored for the next 7 days before delivering (c-section) on the 13th. This means I also have to play mom’s role for next two weeks to our other 4 kiddos. As if life wasn’t hectic enough already!

At Soweto Baptist Church, we are continuing to progress and get ready for our formal organization of the church. We have been systematically teaching through Bible Doctrines and Church responsibilities for the past three years. My hope was to be able to organize the church last month, but it’s not going to happen until after the new year. It is finally on the schedule for February 3rd. We are excited to take this next step.

Other Prayer Requests:

  • At the end of February, I plan to begin a new work in an area called Zwide. We have a couple of people who have moved to this area from Soweto, which hopefully gives us an open door. Pray the Lord will begin to prapare hearts now.
  • Pray for Aphiwe Maboma, our song leader at Soweto Baptist Church. He has been away for two weeks now in the bush going through the cultrual process of “coming of age.” There are many sinful temptaions during this time. Please pray he would remember who he is and continue a walk controlled by the Holy Spirit.

Thanks again for all that you do. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Support Address:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
Att. Jeremy Hall
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

Home Church:
Whitfield Baptist Church
Pastor Wayne Cofield
2134 Dug Gap Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720

Personal Contact Info:

November 2018 Prayer Letter

A New Name Written Down in Glory: Thursday night, at our midweek service, a 57-year-old lady named Nobeko visited us for the first time. During the invitation she raised her hand to receive more information about salvation. I spoke with her briefly after the service, but I could tell she had been drinking, so I asked her to come back tomorrow when she was completely sober. To my surprise, when I showed up Friday evening at church for our movie night, Mama Nobeko was there waiting for me. I had the privilege to share the gospel with her for about a half hour before our movie started.. By the end of our conversation she was in tears. She made a profession of faith. She stayed around to watch our movie and afterwards told me she would see us on Sunday. Praise Jesus!

Soweto Baptist Church Leadership: It is exciting to see men step up and attempt things completely out of their comfort zone. Mxolisi Dama, our treasurer at Soweto Baptist Church, taught Sunday School for the last three weeks. This Sunday Matthew Olwethu will teach. These are two men who have grown tremendously in the word and we fully expect God to use them in big ways. Please remember them in your prayers.

Next Step of Faith: After the new year we plan to officially organize Soweto Baptist Church. We have been preparing for this for over 2 years now, teaching through basic Bible doctrines, developing our own personal Statement of Faith as a congregation, and outlining our Constitution (Church Covenant). As soon as this takes place, we plan to immediately take another big step of faith and begin a new work in an area called Zwide. We currently have one family attending our church that live in that area. Please pray that God will continue to ground his people in their faith, open doors of utterance and supply a meeting place for the new work.

Other prayer requests:

  • December 10-14 Youth Camp at Camp Rhino. If you would be interested in sponsoring a camper, the cost is $50 per camper for the week.
  • Camp Rhino is bare bones at the moment. We have much work to be done in order to use the property. Dorms, bathhouses, pavilion, kitchen; pretty much everything needs an incredible amount of work. Please pray for my cousin Mark as he leads this project. Pray for wisdom and funds.

As always, thank you for your partnership with our ministry through prayer and giving. May God bless you richly for His Kingdom’s sake.


Jeremy & Rebekah Hall

Support Address:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
Att. Jeremy Hall
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

Home Church:
Whitfield Baptist Church
Pastor Wayne Cofield
2134 Dug Gap Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720

Personal Contact Info:

Coffey Family October 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests      

  • South Africa Bible College on the grounds of Camp Rhino- The first classes will be starting in January.  We should have 5 or 6 students our first semester.  We pray more training will result in more churches.
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States, and our 2nd oldest son  Chase, who will be leaving for Bible college in January.  They both are training for missions.
  • Finances to get Camp Rhino ready for our first camp from December 10th to 14th.  Our most pressing need is funds to outfit the camp kitchen for a little under $7000.
  • Tim and Destiny Kelly as they have started their deputation to South Africa.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • Our house in the States sold which enable us to pay off the $42,000 loan we used to purchase the property for Camp Rhino. Praise the Lord!
  • We closed on Camp Rhino on Oct 20th, just 5 days after we closed on our house in the States:)  God’s timing was perfect.
  • Teen Camp will be Dec 10-14.  Pray for the 4 person team coming from the Wilds in NC to help with our first camp.
  • An updated list of future projects and cost can be found on our website at
  • Contact me ASAP if you are interested in leading a mission team to South Africa or if you would just like to come on your own.
  • What a blessing to host the team from Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, VA this past month.  They were a great blessing. 

This may not sound like a big deal, but we have our first couple from New Life Baptist getting married.   Khona and Thando have been going through marriage counseling with Amy and I, and they will be tying the knot on December 1st. 

Outside Pastor Sipho’s and my family, they will be the first married couple in our church.  Here is SA, finding young married couples is a difficult task, let alone getting them into church.  The rate of single moms here is extremely high.  Usually the dad is no where to be found.   We have a few married women in our church, but unfortunately their husbands don’t attend with them.  We are pray this young couple will be the first of many won to Christ who have a desire live godly and raise their children in church. 

Pray also as we minister to our teenagers.  We are praying God’s word will take root in their lives and they will truly desire to live a godly life in spite of their surroundings.

September 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Friends,

I want to begin by thanking all of you who gave so generously last month to Camp Rhino; especially Newton, New Life, and Mt. Carmel Baptist Churches. The land has been purchased and we are about to begin remodeling the structures which are there, as well as make preparations for the installation of several new facilities. Please continue to pray as we are expecting to use the property for camp on December 10th-14th of this year (click here to see a video of the property).

Soweto Baptist Church continues to progress. We are currently studying through and developing our doctrinal statement as a congregation. We do this during our mid-week service and Sunday School. As soon as we finish this, we plan to officially organize the church. Also, I am really enjoying preaching through the book of Ephesians on Sunday mornings. Through this study, Phendulani, a 28 year old young man who has been attending our church off and on for the last six months, made a profession of faith last month.

Our Bible Institute started their studies again on August 21st. From Soweto, there is currently one student enrolled, Matthew Olwethu. We have several others who are showing more and more interest in the Word and work. Please pray with us that more young men and women will step up and begin preparation for the work of the ministry.

The family unit is almost non-existent where we work. Out of the 50+ kids who attend our church, I know of three who have both a mother and father at home. Most are being raised by a grandmother or older sibling. They have no idea what a true family looks like, much less a godly one. Unfortunately, several of our teen girls (as young as 14) have already stepped over into motherhood. I was just informed last week of another young lady who is pregnant. It’s heartbreaking and overwhelming at times. There is an epidemic of kids having kids, continuing in this cycle of chaos. Of course, we know this ultimately stems from a heart issue and the Gospel is the only hope for true change. Please remember and pray for these young ladies and thousands, if not millions, more like them around this country. Also, please join us in praying specifically for 10 new family units at Soweto Baptist Church. These young people desperately need more godly examples to follow.

Another need I would like to put before you this month is a fellow South African church planter, the Bond Family. They have been serving the Lord faithfully here for over a decade with very little recognition and support. They are a solid family of like faith. They are in desperate need of transportation. My brother and I are trying to raise $8000 in order to help buy them a vehicle. If you would be interested in helping with this need, please send any donation to Macedonia labeled “Bond Vehicle Fund.”

One more final prayer request:
Vinchesto is 24 year old young man who visited our church for the first time last Sunday. He came with Wandisile, another young man who was recently saved. Today, while I was studying at the church, Wandisile brought him back so that I could share the Gospel with him personally. The Holy Spirit really seemed to be convicting him. Please pray this young man would see his need for salvation and trust in Christ for reconciliation with God.

Thanks for all you do for us and our Lord Jesus Christ!

Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Support Address:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
Att. Jeremy Hall
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

Home Church:
Whitfield Baptist Church
Pastor Wayne Cofield
2134 Dug Gap Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720

Personal Contact Info:

Coffey Family August 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our home in the US. We have taken out a loan in the States to cover the remaining $42,000 we needed to buy the property for Camp Rhino.  The sell of our house should more than cover the needed amount  if we can sell it in time.  We do have a supporting church trying to raise $20,000 toward that amount as well.   Pray we can pay back this loan asap.      
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States, and our 2nd oldest son Chase, who will be leaving for Bible college in January.  They both are training for missions.
  • Finances to get Camp Rhino ready for our first camp on December 10th.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • One teen made a profession of faith during our discipleship meeting this month.  He was invited by his friend who was saved a few weeks prior.
  • A young adult and his mom made professions of faith during door to door visitation this past week while visiting for the the new Kuyga church plant.  An older man made a decision for Christ after church this past Sunday.  Please pray they grow and make sure of their salvation.
  • Pray for a group from Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, VA as they arrive on September 22nd.  They will be here to get Camp Rhino ready for the first week of camp in December.   
  • We would love  the opportunity to host a group from your church here in South Africa next year.  Please contact me for an information packet.  It would be an honor to facilitate a trip that would encourage and challenge your people.

Our deadline to purchase property for Camp Rhino is on August 31st, and it looks like we will have the money just in time.  With the improvement in the exchange rate and with some extra offerings, we now only lack $42,000 to pay for the property and cover lawyer fees. 

We were able to work it out with a bank in the States to borrow that money for 120 days so we could meet our deadline.  It looks like all funds will be available a few days before August 31st, which means we will soon have access to the property. 

This has been a long day coming, but we are very anxious to get to work.  A lot has to be accomplished before our first day of camp on December 10th.  If you would be interested in helping by giving or by coming and working, you are all welcome.  Our top priorities right now are the guy and girl dorms, kitchen facility, soccer field, and sand volleyball court. 

Pray for us as things are about to get even busier.

Click here to download PDF.


Coffey Family July 2018 Prayer Letter

Since June 6th we have had 78 people from 5 different groups visit our ministries here in South Africa.  They were a tremendous help to all of our churches.  From building benches, to painting Sunday school classes or passing out Gospel tracts, they did what ever was asked of them.  Hearts were touched and lives were changed.  As they worked to impact South Africa, I believe South Africa impacted them.   

From the many that visited for a short time, we believe that some may even come back to South Africa as interns and full time missionaries.  Please pray they would be open to wherever the Lord leads them. 

The land for Camp Rhino has been decided on.  Please pray things work out so we can finalize payment and secure the property.  Every visiting group has seen and prayed over the future site.  Excitement continues to build with every visit.  Our vision is spreading and more and more people are looking forward to being involved.

Prayer Requests

  • The sale of our home in the US- We have had 3 offers on our house so far, and all of three have fallen through.      
  • $66,000.  This is what I am hoping to clear from the sale of our house. We will be able to use this money to complete the purchase for the land for Camp Rhino. 
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States. 
  • Our son Chase- he is in Eldoret, Kenya for 2 weeks making a visa run and visiting missionaries Randy & Phylis Stirewalt.
  • Our daughter Emilee- she is on a missions trip this week to visit the Holt Family in Santiago, Chile.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • Several have trusted Christ in the many youth meetings, services, and VBS activities over the past 6 weeks that our visiting mission teams have been a part of.  2 young single men and 3 boys just trusted Christ last night, the last full day with our groups.
  • Our 2nd children’s book “Brayden’s Day Off” is in the illustrating stage.  We hope to have this book available to you very soon. 
  • Our last mission team of the summer left on July 26th.  We are already looking forward to the next group that arrives on September 22nd from Madison, VA. 
  • We would love to the opportunity to host a group from your church here in South Africa next year.  Please contact me for an information packet.  It would be an honor to facilitate a trip that would encourage and challenge your people.

Click here to download PDF version.

July 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Friends,

Our fifth group from the states arrived last night. This group of 21 comes all the from Woodland Baptist Church in Missouri. This is the last one we will host for a couple of months. Not counting interns, this makes 77 guests over the last six weeks. Our prayer is that the Lord uses this time in their lives to help them understand the need for more churches around the world; and hopefully the Lord will impress upon some hearts the desire to become a missionary.

Vacation Bible School went well at Soweto Baptist Church. We only had it for 3 days this year, but in spite of its brevity, the Lord blessed us with a great attendance; over 150 kids participated. All our workers and volunteers did an outstanding job and the Lord greatly blessed with over 20 professions of faith. Please pray these little people will continue to come in, get grounded in the word, and see the need to be involved in the work of Lord from an early age.

We have also seen some fruit from the soup kitchen ministry. Mama Bonelwa, her daughter, and younger brother have begun attending Soweto Baptist Church as a result of this outreach. Bonelwa trusted in Christ for Salvation three weeks back, before our midweek service began. It was super exciting to come into the church and see one of our faithful ladies sharing scripture and leading this woman to the Lord. Bonelwa has already started basic discipleship lessons with my wife, and we are expecting to baptize her soon. I will personally be going by sometime this week to witness to her husband. Please pray for an open door and receptive heart; remember her and him in your prayers.

Last month we celebrated Youth Day here in South Africa by having a special meeting. Our guest speaker was Pastor Nathan Browning from Calvary Baptist Church in Hiawasee, GA. Even though it’s winter break here, and attendance is normally low, God once again showed himself to be faithful. The church was packed with teens, many of whom probably heard the Gospel for the very first time.

Exciting Announcement: Bekah is expecting again! Last week we were able to find out the gender. It’s a boy! They say January 18th is the day we should expect to meet him.

Other Prayer Requests:

  • Camp Rhino and the property are still in the works. Pray for the sale of my cousin’s house in the states and for this whole process to finalize soon.
  • Another missionary family will be joining us in November, the Josh Sullivan family. They are about to apply for their visas. This can be a very hit and miss process so please pray that their paper work falls into the right hands.

Thanks for all you do for us and for our Lord Jesus Christ!


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Support Address:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
Att. Jeremy Hall
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

Home Church:
Whitfield Baptist Church
Pastor Wayne Cofield
2134 Dug Gap Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720

Personal Contact Info:

June 2018 Prayer Letter


Dear Pastor and Friends,

The weather is changing and it’s feeling more like winter. Our kids love this change as it means it’s time for rugby. Some of you might laugh at our calamity as we pull out the heaters in 50 degree weather. As I write that, it sounds kind of silly. However, it is taking a toll on many people in our churches and amongst the missionaries. Fortunately, our house has been blessed with only minor sicknesses: ear infections and bronchitis.

Last month we celebrated Mother’s Day. God blessed us with a great attendance, over 20 first time visitors. We had 35 moms in total come celebrate the day with us. Click here to see a short video .

Recently I read in my devotions in Psalm 41:1, the Lord says, “Blessed is he that considereth the poor.” One of the ways we have chosen to help the poor in our area is through hosting a soup kitchen at Soweto Baptist Church. This new ministry is made possible by Missionary Brent Bergey. Every Tuesday the ladies of Soweto prepare food for around 150 people. While they get ready to serve, a young man preparing for the ministry will get up and present the Gospel. This is a great opportunity for our guys to get experience preaching, while the church shows the love of Christ through filling their bellies. Pray the Lord uses this ministry to grow His church.

​We are about to get really busy with visitors from the states. Our first group arrives tomorrow; Newton Baptist Church from Covington, GA. We will have three more groups visiting after them, consecutively. The next two months are completely book with all kinds of exciting activities; tract drops, school assemblies, construction projects, special meetings, etc. Please remember these groups, their travels, and their time here in your prayers. Our desire is to see the Lord call some laborers from these groups.

Camp Rhino: My cousin, Mark Coffey, has signed a contract on property for Camp Rhino. This deal is contingent upon the sale of his house in the States. Please pray for the Lord’s will in this transaction. Soon, we expect to begin preparing and using the land for the furtherance of the Gospel.

Upcoming events for prayer:

  • Our Bible institute finishes the semester and takes their final exams tonight.
  • June 15 we will have a special youth service to celebrate Youth Day in South Africa.
  • June 17 we will have a special service to honor the fathers of Soweto.
  • July 3-6 we will have Vacation Bible School.

As always, thank you for your partnership with our ministry through financial contributions and prayer.


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall




Support Address:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
Att. Jeremy Hall
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

Home Church:
Whitfield Baptist Church
Pastor Wayne Cofield
2134 Dug Gap Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720

Personal Contact Info:

Coffey Family May 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • Our New Bible College- We hope to start full time classes in August. 
  • Kuyga & Missionvale- 2 areas that some of our teammates will be starting churches in. 
  • The sell of our home in the US. 
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States.  We are hopeful he will also be able to visit us in December.
  • More souls to be saved during our door to door & evangelistic outreaches.
  • We have 5 mission teams visiting here in June and July.  Pray the Lord does something great in the heart of everyone who is able to experience ministry on the foreign field.  Many are leaving the US for their first time.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • 13 People made professions of faith during our 5-day evangelistic tent meeting this past month. 
  • Our oldest girl Emilee, turns 16 on June 6th.  We are very proud of the young lady she is.  Please pray for her as she will be going on a mission trip to Chile, South America in July to visit the Jason and Lori Holt Family.   
  • If you are interested in working in short-term missions and camp ministry, please contact me ASAP.   We would love to have you be a part of Camp Rhino.  There are opportunities all year long. 
  • If your church is interested in traveling to South Africa for a missions trip in 2019 or 2020, please let me know, and I will email you an information packet right away. 

This month we have seen several people make professions of faith and the majority of those people were during our evangelistic tent meeting.  Please continue to pray that we can raise funds to purchase our own tent and equipment that would allow us to do these types of meetings more often.  We hope to help our team of churches do at least one a month. 

We have made an offer that was accepted on a new property for Camp Rhino.  It’s 19.5 acres of flat land with a house and a few buildings. We are $66,000 short of the purchase price, and hope to make up the difference with the sell of our house in the States.  The purchase price of the property is approx. $196,000.  Please pray we can sell our house in the States soon. 

With our visiting groups coming in June, we have the opportunity to present the Gospel to hundreds of children and teenagers in the Public School System here in Port Elizabeth.  Pray that many will come to Christ during this time.