Prayer request and Praise
- We started a new teen Sunday school class for 13 to 15-year-olds at New Life Baptist Church because of recent growth. Our classes are growing and we had another teen trust Christ this past week. Camp Rhino is really helping us attract more teens.
- Our Bible Institutes and Bible College classes are going well. We have 18 taking Bible Institute Courses and 4 going full time at Bible College. We are praying and hoping for more young people to surrender to full-time ministry.
- My wife Amy’s surgery appears to have gone very well. The doctor was happy with the results at her first appointment after the surgery, but we really won’t know how much her hearing has improved until the 3-month mark.
- Please be in prayer for Wells Estates Baptist Church. It’s a church our team has had to restart. Pastor Sipho is leading a team from New Life to minister each week in the Wells Estate’s community. They are doing good work.

Quick Updates and Reminders
- We now have $11,800 committed of the $20,000 needed for new dorm-style cabins at Camp Rhino. Please be praying for the rest we need as we also hope to start the main auditorium construction before our main camp season starting in December.
- We had a terrific summer (winter for us) season of mission teams here in South Africa. We have already heard of three individuals surrendering to full-time missions who were part of the 4 trips.
- Medical Missions Outreach arrives in South Africa to start a 4-day clinic on Sept. 19th.

About 15 young guys from the ages of 12-16 have been coming faithfully to New Life Baptist Church the past couple of months. Almost all of them first responded to the Gospel while attending Camp Rhino. This is a trend we hope to see in all of our churches.
When we first started praying about starting Camp Rhino, this is what we had in mind. A place that would aid in getting more young people plugged into our local churches. We’re now beginning to see that take place.
Our goal is to see more churches started through everything we do. Pray as we labor to impact more young people with the Gospel. The foundation is still being laid. We pray many young people are raised up with the burden to follow our King’s command to get the Gospel to every creature. We know that command was given in the context of Bible-preaching churches. If they have a church, they have a chance.