Coffey Family June 2021 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise  

  • Missionary Jeremy Hall will be bringing a group of 9 people from all over the US to be with us in a couple of weeks.  We’re praying the Lord really moves in the heart of this mission team.  We’re especially excited that my niece, Chloe Johnson, will be a part of that group.     
  • Please be praying for our Junior and Teen Camps that we are having in July.  These will be our first winter camps at Camp Rhino.  As you all are heating up in the States, remember our seasons are opposite here in South Africa so it’s getting a little cooler.        

Quick Updates  

  • With the funds given to help the pastors and ministries in Zambia and Kenya we’ve continued to be a blessing to those great folks.  This past month we financed a well for one of the Bible Institutes in Zambia.  Thank you all for being a great help.  We are still collecting funds to be a help to those pastors if you are wanting to give.  
  • We are starting construction on the buildings for Bay Baptist Bible College next to Camp Rhino.  $25,000 was given for the first building, and we will need about that same amount for each of the following 5 buildings.  We’re hoping to continue construction for the Bible college along with the new lodge for Camp Rhino.  

Please pray that all our churches will be strengthened and more young people will step out and give their lives to preach the Gospel so we can start more churches.  

Lighthouse Baptist Church is going well.  We had 3 ladies saved this past month and the attendance is steadily increasing.  

Vision Baptist also continues to grow.  New Life and Nkandla have struggled a bit but we’re hoping and working to see some more growth in the coming weeks.

All we do here goes toward training national leadership with the purpose of starting more churches.  We know that if people have a church in their community they have a chance at eternal life. Pray with us as we continue to work toward starting a church for every community.  There is so much work to do. 

We finished up our first semester for our Bible College this year.  Our next semester starts in August.  We plan to be in our new building by that time.  We are hoping to branch out this year and make our college available to other churches around the country, especially with our new facilities becoming a reality.  

I do have a very excited announcement to make very soon. Be watching for our next email coming out this week.

Our Half Year in Pictures

Here is a snapshot of 2021 so far for the Coffey family. Thank you all so much for being a part of our ministry. We are very fortunate to be involved in this exciting work.
We started off 2021 with two camps at Camp Rhino. We were torn about having camp during lockdown but finally decided to follow through with them. Thankfully we haven’t had a single outbreak with Covid this year with any of our meetings.
We started with Junior Camp. 

Then we followed with Teen Camp.

Remember, January is Summer for us here in South Africa:)

We saw over 50 young people make professions of faith during those two camps. Katie Dilfer who is raising support to come back to South Africa was able to visit for 3 weeks during that time. My son Chase also brought a group from the states to help with those camps.  

He also used that time to propose to his girlfriend Ashley.  We love her very much, btw:)

Two interns from Vision Baptist Missions came to work and train with us for 3 months, Noah and Tristan Wilkerson. 

Noah and Tristan surrendered to be missionaries to the bordering country of Mozambique during their time here.  We were able to take a short survey trip there to check out the country before they made their final decision.  Pray for them as they are now on deputation with the new son Logan, raising support to come back to Africa very soon.

Even though our churches were on lockdown and weren’t allowed to meet in their buildings, we invited the churches that wanted to participate to Camp Rhino for three weeks straight of Sunday services.  It was a special time for all the churches to meet together.  

In February, the restrictions were lifted and churches were able to meet again.  There is still a little struggle with attendance, but the leadership and spirit are strong and the churches are beginning to grow.  We continue to see people saved with five people making professions of faith this past month.

In March, I went back to the states for 3 weeks to teach at our annual orientation at the Wilds for Vision Baptist Missions. Below are those in attendance from our Africa team. I have the great privilege of serving them as the Africa Director for VBM. 

This is all our missionaries in attendance for orientation, those on furlough and those on deputation. 

In April, we had our very first teen camp and single camp during school’s fall break.  This is the first time we’ve had a camp outside the regular summer season.  We’re hoping this will begin our year-round camping which we hope to be the new normal.  We had 10 young people make professions of faith. 

Robert Canfield, Africa Representative and Director of the Our Generation Training Center in Alpharetta, Ga brought students from the Training Center to help during those camps.

We’ve tried to make great use of some of our downtime at Camp Rhino to improve our facilities. We’ve installed video surveillance along with an intercom system for the entire camp.

We are also working on improving Camp Rhino grounds and sport fields….

…. and adding hens soon to take down some of the expenses for the camp.

Classes have continued for Bay Baptist Bible College and Bay Baptist Bible Institutes throughout the lockdown. Please be praying as we will be breaking ground on our new buildings for Bay Baptist Bible College in the next few days. (New Pictures Coming Soon)

We’re definitely excited about what else is in store for us here in South Africa.  Thank you all for your prayers and support.  We wouldn’t be able to do what we get to do without you.

Coffey Family May 2021 Prayer Letter

2020 was the year we planned to open up Camp Rhino to year round camps.  Unfortunately, those plans didn’t work out like we wanted for obvious reasons, but 2021 is looking much brighter.  

We held our first teen and junior camps in January and just finished another teen and singles camp at the end of April.  This is the first time we’ve had a camp outside of our summer months which we hope will be our new normal.  We had a much better turnout than we anticipated with 105 campers and 14 workers.  We were stacking kids on top of each other because of our shortage of beds:)

While a lot of countries are still shut down to travel, we’re very glad to know that South Africa is still open.  We have a group coming in June for a 10-day trip and also a large group from Medical Missions Outreach coming in September.  We are hoping to be completely booked with mission teams in 2022. If you or your church group is interested in visiting South Africa, we would love to have you.
Please continue praying for our 4 church plants as we continue reaching our communities. 

Prayer Requests & Praise  

  • This past week we had our first Fall Break Teen Camp here at Camp Rhino. We had over 100 campers and 9 of them trusted Christ as their Savior.    
  • We also hosted our very first Single’s Camp.  This was geared more toward our church young people, but we did have one young man who trusted in Christ. 
  • Please pray as we plan for the construction of Phase 2 for Camp Rhino.  In phase 2 we would like to build a lodge, a large meeting space, and several cabins that can be used for couple retreats and visiting groups.  We are probably going to need around $200,000 for these projects.   

Quick Updates  

  • My short trip back to the States went very well.  I was able to teach during our VBM Orientation and also present our ministry in a couple of new churches.  During the Orientation, it was a privilege to be with such a great group of missionaries who are eager to reach the world with the Gospel. 
  • Robert Canfield, Director of the Our Generation Training Center in Alpharetta, GA, brought three students for a two-week trip after I returned from the States.  During their trip, we traveled by car to the countries of Mozambique and Swaziland, while also visiting Durban, South Africa’s third-largest city.
  • We are in need of 40 beds and mattresses for Camp Rhino.  We have the dorm space but don’t quite have enough beds. Each bunk bed is about $300, which in total will be about $6000 if you would be interested in helping us with this need. 

Coffey Family March 2021 Prayer Letter

With summer camp season over, our crowds at Camp Rhino haven’t been as big, but we’re still busy as ever.  We’re using this down time to improve things around the camp which will make it safer for campers and staff. Not to mention our Bible College and Bible Institute classes are in full swing. 

Currently, we’re installing a new surveillance system that will help with security and accountability. We are also installing an intercom system that’s going to be very helpful in moving people around more efficiently and allows us to play good music and messages over the entire campus during downtimes. 

Camera and Speaker Systems being installed at Camp Rhino

All improvements are possible because of your generous donations.  Thank you all for playing a huge part.  We would really love for you to visit Camp Rhino sometime so you can see everything for yourself. 

We are continuing with our weekend youth mentoring program.  New Life Baptist Church is bringing a group of teens to the camp this week for an overnight retreat.  We are also planning a parents’ camp day where we invite all the parents of campers to check out the Camp. Most of these parents do not go to church and will be hearing the Gospel during their time here. Pray that lives will be impacted during these events. 

Prayer Request & Praise

  • Pray for me as I travel back to the States next week to teach at our annual orientation with Vision Baptist Missions.  Pray for Amy as she holds things down here at Camp Rhino with the kiddos while I’m gone. I do have a Wednesday evening service available along with Easter Sunday if you would like me to come by your church during this time.
  • We are planning now for the construction of our Camp Rhino Lodge. This will be the place teams from America stay during mission trips and will also be the housing for our couple retreats and camps. Pray that we’ll have the wisdom and the finances we need going forward. This will be a very large project.
  • Pray for Nate and Emily Wilkerson as they arrived in Burkina Faso, West Africa to begin their language studies this past month.  They have the opportunity to serve and learn under missionaries Jason and Charity Rishel.
  • Pray for Mvume Johnson and the Lighthouse Baptist Church, our 2nd church.  Our Friday youth meetings have doubled in size over the past few weeks.  We are hoping that many will come to Christ soon.  
Nate, Emilee, & Azariah Wilkerson

Quick Updates

  • Noah & Tristan Wilkerson finished their internship and were accepted as new missionaries to the country of Mozambique with Vision Baptist Missions.  Pray for them as they begin raising support and please consider having them in your church to present their ministry.  You definitely won’t regret it. 
  • We’ve had 3 young people trust Christ at our 4th church plant this month, Vision Baptist Church with Pastor Sipho Bonga. Here we are also starting Sunday morning services on Easter.  Before we’ve only had evening services on Sundays and Wednesdays.  
  • Pastor Khona is having Bible studies with those who trusted Christ last month.  He and his wife Iminathi are doing a great job there at Nkandla Baptist Church. Pray for this dear family and for more souls to be saved. 
1st Youth Meeting at Lighthouse Baptist Church with Pastor Mvume
Lisakhanya sharing the Gospel with one of the teens

February 2021 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

While traveling through much of South Africa that I’ve never visited before on our way to Mozambique, I’m reminded the need for the Gospel of Christ is great in places we didn’t even know about.  

We are on our way to Maputo, the capitol of Mozambique.  We know of very little work being done in this large country.  Will you pray that more men will be raised up to reach these needed cities and countries.  

As we travel, Bay Baptist College has resumed classes on the Campus of Camp Rhino.  We currently have 2 new students for the new semeseter, and may possibly add 2 or 3 more within the next week.  Pray for these young men as they train and pray we are able to see many more added. 

I will be traveling alone back to the States at the end of March to teach at the annual orientation for our board, Vision Baptist Missions. This is part of my responsibilities as the Africa Director for VBM.  I’m looking very forward to spending time with our new young missionaries.   God has blessed and more couples who want to be a part of world evangelism.

5 Saved at Nkandla Baptist Church

Prayer Request & Praise

  • Pray for my friend Mario Genada in Zambia and the 65 plus pastors he has trained and is working with.  Many have just planted their corn in the villages and they must wait for the harvest.  The little harvest they had from last year is already exhausted.  Covid 19 has caused many of their people to be out of work which means little is coming in for the Pastors to provide for their families.  If you would like to give to help them through these next few months please let me know.    
  • 49 saved during Junior and Teen Camps in January, with 2 teenagers getting saved at Camp Rhino the following Sunday after teen camp.    
  • 5 Young people trusted Christ at Nkandla Baptist Church this past week.  Pray for Pastor Khona as he disciples these new converts.
Zambian Pastors receiving food to help their families

Quick Updates

  • Noah & Tristan Wilkerson are in the last month of their internship here.  Pray as we take a quick trip to Mozambique for a survey trip.  Noah has been praying about being a missionary there for quite some time.  We’re actually at the border now waiting for their system to come back online so we can get a visa to cross.
  • This past week Noah and I took a 2-day survey trip to the city of Durban, South Africa. It’s the 3rd largest city here in South Africa with almost 4 million people and there are only a few Bible-preaching churches.  The need is great. 
  • Churches have started back full time, and we hope restrictions are over.  We enjoyed the joint services we held at Camp Rhino but are glad we can get back to regular church services.
Noah & Tristan Wilkerson at the Mozambique Border

Coffey Family January 2021

“These are crazy times” is quickly becoming the go-to cliche every where:). That’s definetely true for things in South Africa. 

Because of higher Covid numbers here in South Africa, tighter restrictions have returned.  The closing of churches and not being able to sell alcohol are really the only things that have changed. We’re glad about the alcohol but not so much about the churches. 

As I write this letter, we are in the middle of our last full day of teen camp.  Things have been slammed with us starting camps and with two groups from the US arriving to help. I slipped away so I could let you guys know what’s going on.  

Even with the restrictions on religious gatherings, we decided to have both our junior and teen camps.  Businesses are allowed to have 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors.  Our plan was to stay under the 50 number for campers, but we haven’t done a perfect job at that.  These camps have been a blessing to our churches and we are thrilled to see many young people believe on Jesus.

Prayer Request and Praise

  • Pray for all our churches here in South Africa.  Churches aren’t allowed to meet until February 15th, at the earliest, because of Covid.  We have been holding services at Camp Rhino for the churches that want to be involved. Soon some of the churches will start meeting even though there is a lockdown.  It’s hard to find a good reason to stay closed with casinos, theatres, and malls still open. 
  • We had 22 saved during Junior Week at Camp Rhino to start off this year! 🙂         
  • Our smaller camp ideas didn’t exactly work out for Teen Week:) We ended up having 78 campers and hit 106 with staff and counselors.  Too many wanted to come, and we couldn’t turn them away.     
  • Katie Dilfer, a single missionary to South Africa with BIMI, came for three weeks to help out with camps.  Pray for her as she returns to the States next week to continue raising monthly support to come and work here full time.          
  • Pray for Noah & Tristan Wilkerson as they are here for a 2-month internship with the OG Training Center. If you are interested in helping with their expenses during their time here please let me know.

Quick Updates

  • We praise God for the offerings that came in the last 2 months.  Those gifts enabled us to finish our boys’ dorms, install the electricity for our auditorium/activity center, and cover the cost of both teen and junior camps this year. 
  • Our next building projects for Camp Rhino will probably be our couples’ cabins and main lodge. We have really been amazed at how far we’ve come in such a short time with all your prayer and support.  We can’t thank you enough. 

2020 Coffey Family December Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • Wisdom concerning Junior and Teen Camps in December and January at Camp Rhino.  Higher restrictions were placed on our province this past week that will probably change the way we do our normal camps.        
  • Our churches here are struggling a bit, just as churches in the States, from Covid.  Our brand new churches have few people attending while our oldest church is around 70% of its normal attendance.  Pray we will have the wisdom to reach people more effectively during this time.  We don’t want to coast.    
  • Pray God blesses and uses our teammates as they are back in the states for furloughs: Jeremy & Rebekah Hall, Kevin & Corli Hall, & Josh & Meagan Sullivan. 
  • Pray we can raise the $3000 needed to do the electrical work in our new auditorium/activity center at Camp Rhino.                          

Quick Updates  

  • In spite of Covid affecting our church attendance, the leadership has continued to be strengthened.  Our pastors have been faithful and other young men have stepped up. 
  • We praise the Lord that $10,800 has been given to help finish the new boy’s dorms for Camp Rhino.   This will enable us to start the construction back and have the dorms finished by the end of the year.  
  • We still need donors for our camps this year, even though we will have to revamp our previous plans for overnight camps.  The cost is about $55 per camper. We are trying to raise 120 sponsors for Teen Camp and 75 for Junior Camp. 

Covid Hot Spot

We live in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa which is now the #1 hot spot of Covid spikes in all of South Africa, making it one of the major hot spots for all of Africa.  

Sadly, our coworker, Pastor Sipho, lost his dad this past week to Covid.  I received this news shortly after attending the funeral of the grandmother of one of our faithful teenagers.  She also died of Covid.  Please pray for these families during this difficult time.  

Because of the rise of Covid numbers, stricter restrictions have been put in place.  We’ve even been told criminal prosecution could be brought against us if someone from our camp spreads it to someone and they die from it. 

Unless things change, it doesn’t look like we will be able to do over night camps in December and January at Camp Rhino.  We do believe we can continue with day camps and still abide by all the restrictions. Pray we can work through all of this and still have great camps.

October 2020 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

South Africa borders are finally open!

Well, sort of… They opened to every country on October 1st, except for those they put on their “blacklist” as a high-risk nation with COVID infections (a total of 54 countries btw). As you may have guessed, the US is on that blacklist.

We have two possible options to bypass the “blacklist” problem. Option one involved us applying for an exemption that I sent in this past week. Those who have business interests can apply for permission to enter even though their country is on the blacklist. We are on a Charity Visa, not a Business Visa, but are still hoping they approve our request.

The second option involves us flying to a low-risk country and staying there for 10 days, and then fly to South Africa. We would be counted as coming from a low-risk country and not the US. We are really praying and hoping that the first option works. This second option could be a bit more expensive, but we are pretty certain at the moment, that we will be back in South Africa no later than November.

Prayer Requests & Praise

  • Pray for Pastor Mvume Johnson as he holds an evangelistic revival at Lighthouse Baptist Church this month. He’s had to restart his church since the COVID lockdowns and is working to reach his community.
  • Please pray that we can raise our travel fund back to South Africa. This isn’t something we usually ask for. I try to always plan and budget our funds to cover the normal expenses of living overseas and coming back to the States. Unfortunately, our budget hasn’t worked out as we hoped. With canceled flights and unplanned expenses, we are needing about $5000 for travel.
  • Pray there won’t be hindrances to our teen and junior camps coming up this December and January at Camp Rhino. We believe we can proceed normally, but with how things change, we can’t be certain.
  • Please pray for our wonderful missionary families serving in Africa with Vision Baptist Missions. We need many more laborers for a continent of over 1.3 billion people.
  1. Graham & Olivia Young- Nigeria
  2. Kevin & Corli Hall- South Africa
  3. Nate & Emily Wilkerson- West Africa
  4. Jeremy & Bekah Hall- South Africa
  5. Jason & Charity Rishel- Burkina Faso
  6. Vicente & Gaby Garcia- Burkina Faso
  7. Jairo Valdiviezo- Burkina Faso
  8. Josh & Bethany Wormley- Kenya
  9. Dallas & Ashley Brown- Burkina Faso
  10. Robert & Kelli Canfield- Africa Representative

Quick Updates

  • Our 4th church plant, Vision Baptist Church in Kwadwesi Extension, is being started this month. There was a delay to the original start date because of a lack of chairs, but we’re hoping to get that worked out soon.
  • We’re at a standstill for the moment with the construction of the new boy’s dorm for Camp Rhino. The foundation is complete for the building, but we need about $15,000 to finish this project. This will enable us to have a total capacity for Camp Rhino at least 120 campers and counselors.
The New Building for Vision Baptist Church
The New Boy’s Dorm at Camp Rhino

Exciting Announcement: Coffey Family September 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise
  • Please pray the South African borders will open so we can get back home.  We are hoping we don’t have to stay in the States past October.  We were supposed to fly back on July 12th.
  • We are continuing to help pastors and their families with food in Uganda, Kenya, and Zambia during this COVID time. For about $20 we can help these pastors’ families survive on cornmeal or something similar for 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Pray for single missionaries Lynette Osborn and Katie Dilfer as they raise monthly support to help us in South Africa at Camp Rhino and in all our church plants.

Quick Updates

  • Bible College and Bible Institute classes have started back at Camp Rhino this week.  The lockdown has loosened quite a bit and our churches have been able to hold services as normal.  We have 9 Students taking a full load in our Bible College and 11 that are taking 3 hours of Bible Institute classes each week.
  • Construction for the new boy’s dorm at Camp Rhino has started. The foundation is complete, but we need about $15,000 to finish this project.  This will enable us to have a capacity for at least 120 campers and counselors.   
New foundation for the Boy’s Dorm at Camp Rhino

It is my privilege and honor to announce that I have been asked to serve as the Africa  Director for Vision Baptist Missions.  Our Mission has grown to over 60 missionary families and our General Director Jeff Bush felt like it was time to expand the leadership structure to better serve, encourage, and support all of our missionary families.  

We will still be living and working as church planters in South Africa, but this new responsibility will allow our scope of influence and ministry to expand from South Africa borders to all of Africa.  We will also still be serving at Camp Rhino. 

Pray that God will give us wisdom and that we may truly be a blessing to the missionary families and fields we serve.  Our hope is that through this new position we will be able to aid in raising up many more missionaries for all of Africa.   

Now, as always:), is a good time to plan your mission trip to South Africa.  We would love to get you booked for a 2 week trip in 2021 or 2022.  We are also open to those interested in a longer internship. 

Coffey Family August 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request & Praise 

  • We have finished the building for Vision Baptist Church, our forth church in South Africa.  It is located in an area of Kwadwesi Extension.  This is where we have had a Bible study for the last couple of years. 
  • Please pray the South African borders will open so we can get back home.  We are hoping we don’t have to stay in the States past September 15th.  We were supposed to fly back on July 12th. 
  • Pray for Pastor Khona and his wife Iminathi. They are expecting their new baby in September and hope “Mama” Amy can get back in time for the birth. Pastor Khona Nohamba pastors one of our new churches, Nkandla Baptist Church.                                
The new building for Vision Baptist Church in Kwadwesi Extension

Quick Updates  

  • The roof for Camp Rhino’s new auditorium/activity center is complete. When the lights are installed, we will be set up for year-round camps in this new building.
  • We plan to start construction on the new boys’ dorms soon but need $15,000 to complete the space for 50 more campers. This new dorm will fulfill our current housing needs.  When this project is completed, we will have all the space we currently need for our campers, counselors, and staff.   
  • In Kenya and Uganda alone, we have now been able to help more than 350 pastors and their families eat during these difficult times. We can’t thank you enough for your generous gifts that have helped these families over the last few months.  
The Roof is Finished at Camp Rhino
Kenyan Pastors Receiving Food from Pastor Alute

I never thought Pastor Thomas Alute’s visit to our ministry in South Africa in March would open these doors that enable us to minister to so many Bible preaching pastors.  

Pastor Thomas Alute when he was with us in South Africa

For about $20 we can help these pastors’ families survive on cornmeal or something similar for 3 to 4 weeks.  Please pray for them during this time.  Also, pray that we can raise more funds to continue helping these faithful men.  With the water droughts, Covid19, and locust swarms, the needs in Africa are great for these Pastors who are preaching the Gospel.  

In spite of the trials, God is still at work.  We’re excited to see new doors open for ministry opportunities.  Thank you so much for partnering with us in the ministry to reach Africa with the Gospel.