Coffey Family July 2015 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • The start of Bay Baptist College
  • More laborers
  • VBS this coming week
  • Language learning
  • Plans for ministry expansion in the next few months

God has blessed New Life Baptist Church.  Our best Sunday this past month we saw three people (one older lady and two teens) come forward and put their faith in Christ.  The following service all three of those people were back in church.  The week before that Sunday we had a high attendance in our Friday youth meeting with 25 teens.  Josh and Meagan Sullivan, our six month interns, have been a big help in the teen meetings since they arrived at the first of June.  We are already looking forward to them being here as full time missionaries.   

Wells Youth Meeting - 1

With best weeks also comes the not so best as far as church attendance.  Usually here in South Africa the not so best weeks are during Holiday time, the time students are out of school for winter break.  Although this is a usually a low time for attendance in all our churches, it’s a great time for extra evangelistic events and mentoring time with our young preachers in training.  This past week our pastors held a week long Youth Meeting (pictured above) at Wells Estate Baptist Church were they saw 5 people make professions of faith.  Also this coming week we will have a children’s VBS type program from Tuesday through Friday.  One of young guys, Yanga Gentzu, will be to gain some good ministry experience as he is preaching every day. 

More Highlights

  • Hannah Peabody will be leaving this week after finishing up her 1-month internship.
  • Amy and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary on June 24.  We’re actually doing more of the celebrating part next week hopefully.
  • Emilee, my oldest daughter, turned 13


  • We praise the Lord that all the financing has come in to finish phase 1 at New Life Baptist Church and for the Pastor’s apartment at Madiba Bay Baptist Church.  We are so grateful for those that helped with both of these projects. 
  • Please pray that the Lord would direct us in the right area to buy property for our future training center.
  • Baptistry for New Life- $350

June 2015 Prayer Letter

First Pastor’s Retreat
Our first pastor’s retreat was hosted last month in a little town outside of PE, called Addo. It was a great success. Bekah and I were encouraged, as was I’m sure everyone who attended. Over the two days, Kevin, Mark and I (along with our wives) taught several classes to the young pastors and their wives, who attended; definitely something that will be repeated annually.

Trip to Cape Town:
Also last month, the whole family had to make a trip to Cape Town to renew our passports. Surprisingly, the kids handled the 17 hour drive exceptionally well. While we were there we had the opportunity to preach and teach at Lighthouse Baptist Church started by Missionary Larry Nelson. The believers there were very welcoming. During our stay they took our family in like their own.

Visitor in PE:
At present, we have veteran Missionary Randy Stirewalt visiting with us. He is here to help us organize and plan for future expansion of our ministry here in South Africa. His 37 years of experience church planting in Africa, along with the 260+ churches started from his ministry, gives him a wealth of knowledge to share. We are extremely blessed to have him.

Language Studies:
Though we have had to take a couple of weeks off from our language studies, we are still managing to progress some. We have continued assisting with teaching Sunday School and offering devotions at Madiba Bay BC as we have been available. Our classes will continue to be sporadic until the middle of next month due to visitors.

More Highlights and Prayer Requests:

  • There have been several people saved over the past few weeks at Madiba Bay Baptist Chruch. Two new guys you can begin to pray with us for are Songeza (14) and Mfundo (17). These are two very bright young men that we are expecting God to use.
  • Tomorrow we have a new intern family arriving, the Josh Sullivan family. They will be staying here with us for 6 months. Please pray for them as they adjust.
  • Rebekah and I celebrated our 7th anniversary on the 30th of May. You’ll have to go to my Facebook page to see what an awesome woman does for her husband on their anniversary.
  • Thank you to “The Baptist Men” of West Corinth Baptist Church for their generous donation to our building project. The flat is almost complete; we are only lacking $1300 to finish.

Thanks again for all you do!


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Coffey Family May 2015 Prayer Letter

Our first pastors retreat in the little town of Addo was a great success.  We had a wonderful time with our team of missionaries and pastors.  The classes were a big help in encouraging everyone to keep their eye on the mark.  It’s amazing how easily distracted one can get when doing the  Lord’s work. 

This week, Missionary Randy Stirewalt from Kenya was able to visit and teach several classes for our Bible institute.  Brother Stirewalt has served in Kenya for over 38 years and has been involved in starting over 260 churches in Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan.  We have been blessed to glean from his vast experience in ministry.  He has been a tremendous help in the plans of our Bible college, and will be helping as we setup the struture and curriculum. 

Please pray for the Josh Sullivan Family who arrives this week for a 6 month internship.  As they train for the field on the field, we pray God uses them in a mighty way during their time here in South Africa.

We pray God brings more young people just like the Sullivan’s here to South Africa for training.  I’m thankful to be a part of a team who has a burden to help young people to find their place in world evangelism. 

Prayer Request

  • The start of Bay Baptist College
  • More laborers
  • Pastor Sipho and his family as we work together at New Life Baptist Church.
  • Language learning
  • Plans for ministry expansion in the next few months

More Highlights

  • Akeme Ubom, pre-med student from North Ga University, visited this month and was a great blessing to all our families and churches. 
  • 4 teems came to church and made professions after Akeme preached at Tamsanqa High School
  • Hannah Peabody from Fellowship Baptist in Maryville, Ga arrives June 2nd for a one month internship


  • $1300 to finish the electric work for the pastor house at Madiba Bay Baptist Church
  • $1000 to finish the plumbing at Madiba as well

February 2015 Update

Dear Pastor and Friends,        

The most exciting thing that took place since our last updated happened just a few days ago. My wife was able to witness, in Xhosa, to the lady who watches our kids during the day, Mama Khunjuzwa. After two week of going over salvation, Mama K was born again! She is a 51 year old lady who has attended church all of her life, and from her own testimony, never heard a clear presentation of the gospel until now. Please pray for Rebekah and her as they continue with some foundational lessons. Pray that she will come to our church and begin to get grounded in the word and connected with other believers.

Our Pastor, Wayne Cofield and his wife were with us for two weeks last month. During his stay he preached and taught 18 different times. One of those times was at a street soccer evangelistic out-reach we started in our church parking lot. There was an incredible turn out for our first weekend. Around 150-175 youth, and young men showed up. Pastor Cofield preached the first message and 6 young men made professions of faith. We are looking forward to using this to draw the attention of many more and share the gospel.

934771_10152680820751728_7108399752972099979_nThis is the foundation, slab and beginning of the walls for New Life Baptist Church. I can’t tell you how excited we are to see this progressing. Individuals and churches have given generously to make this happen. We were recently given $3,600 from our home church to begin building the walls. Since then, another individual has given close to $10,000! Hopefully our teammates, Mark Coffey and Sipho Bonga, will be meeting in this building within two months. God is faithful and has provided for His work! 

Future Events and Prayer Requests:

  • We are planning now for our first ever pastors retreat. We have a location and dates, May 17-19. Please begin to pray with us that this would be a profitable time for our team.
  • Also, planning has begun for our first youth camp. We’ve separated a camp for Dec 6-12. We are hoping to have 136 campers (and no more b/c there is no more space). If you would be interested in helping a camper make it to camp, the cost will be R700.00 or $65 per person for the week. 
  • Please continue to pray for us with language learning.

Thanks again for all you do and may God bless you richly!


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

January 2015 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

The quote for building materials for all the walls on the first floor of New Life Baptist Church comes out to 48,790 rand which is about $4,435.  This will be the cost once we have the foundation completed, which will include a single garage-size basement. 

For months, I have been mentioning this church, and our desire to start building as soon as possible.  The day to start building has come and gone.  The footers and most of the foundation wall is complete.  The wait is over. 


This will be the first church for me to pastor here in South Africa.  Pray for me and Pastor Sipho Bonga as we work to start this church in the coming weeks.  Originally, Pastor Sipho was going to start this church on his own, but for now he wants to come on as my helper to give his family a little time to adjust.  As time goes on, and I’m able to be be involved in more church plants, we plan for Sipho’s role to change quite a bit. 

The foundation, unfortunately, is costing more than we originally planned because of the layout of the land.  We don’t have the final number for the first floor, but it looks like it will be closer to $15,000 to have everything roughed in.  This is close to $7000 more than we had initially planned.  More details to come. 

Prayer Request

  • Amy and I as we continue learning the Xhosa language. 
  • The building of New Life Baptist- We are hoping to have all the building quotes by next week for the first floor.   
  • Possible church plant in 2015- East London, South Africa- popultation over 700,000.  One of the pastors on our team moved there this past month. 


  • $4,435 – Materials for the first floor walls 
  • Approx. $2500-Finishing the foundation
  • Electricity hook-up will be around $600.

More Highlights

  • It was great having Amy’s parents here for 2 weeks.  My father-in-law, Pastor Wayne Cofield, preached or taught 18 times during his stay.  I don’t think you could call this his vacation.
  • 6 Saved at the first Soccer outreach day. 
  • 6 Saved at the last men’s meeting at Wells Estates. 
  • We had our first pastor’s fellowship where Pastor Cofield focused on the faith of Moses.  It was a great start to our monthly meetings. 

Coffey Family December Prayer Letter

Our family hopes everyone had a terrific Christmas and want to wish everyone a happy new year.  We are thankful for your involvement that allows us to do the work of the ministry.  It’s hard to believe 2014 is coming to an end, but we are excited about what is before us.  As we look back, there are things we could have done better, but are thankful for opportunities to make changes and improvements in every area of ministry.

As we look ahead to 2015, we pray the Lord allows us to participate in many church planting endeavors that we were hoping for in 2014.  There are a couple of young preachers that are close to stepping out.  I know God can use them in a great way to see His kingdom advance.   

We have now been in South Africa about a year and a half.  The time has passed quickly and it’s a reminder that there is a lot to do and little time to do it in.  The labor that has gone on in Madiba Bay Baptist Church, Wells Estates Baptist Church, and Servants of Christ Baptist Church is just the beginning.  So much more has to be done to reach the million and more people here in Port Elizabeth, and the countless others in Southern Africa.

Pray for open doors and boldness as we seek to please Him in advancing the Gospel.

Pastors Dec 2014

Prayer Request

  • Amy and I as we continue learning the Xhosa language. 
  • For the two singles pastors to find good wives and for the three married pastors to have strong marriages that will impact future generations. 
  • Stephen Underwood and Jason King families that are on deputation for South Africa. 

More Highlights

  • A builder is giving us an estimate on laying the foundation for New Life Baptist Church this week.  The waiting to start building seems to be coming to an end.
  • Amy and kids are doing great. 
  • Plans have been made for our first pastors fellowships, teen camps, couples retreats, and pastors school this coming year.  Please keep these events in your prayers as we hope to see maturity and involvement increase.   


  • $600 for the water and sewer hook-ups for New Life Baptist.
  • Approx. $6500 needed to build the first building phase for New Life Baptist Church.  $3800 has come in so far.

Coffey Family November Prayer Letter

Our family moved over to Wells Estates Baptist Church about three weeks ago.  Since we have been in South Africa, we have been based at Madiba Bay Baptist Church.  We made the move to Wells because it’s about a 10 minute drive from where we hope to start the new church. This will enable us to work with Pastor Thami as we are also starting the church.   

Our original plan when coming to South Africa involved spending the first two years learning the language with plans to start a church toward the end of those two years.  Being a little eager, we hoped to start a church a little after our first year here.  Well, we’re still hoping.

Although we don’t have a building yet, we had a promising lead this past week.  Starting this week, we plan to go door to door in the new area to share the Gospel and collect as many contacts as we can for when we do start the church. 

Pastor Sipho is still waiting to start construction for New Life Baptist Church.  We are still waiting for the building plans to be approved.  This process has taken a bit longer than we have hoped and planned, but we believe it won’t be much longer.  We did get the go ahead to have the water and sewer hook-ups installed. 


Prayer Request

  • Our first church plant.  We are still in need of a building. 
  • Our language learning.  This is of course is a repeated prayer request because it’s the #1 priority in our ministry at the moment.
  • More young men to step up.

More Highlights

  • 8 Professions of faith at our last men’s meeting.
  • Our first college intern, Bethany Staley, is in her last month of  her 6 month trip here in South Africa.
  • We able to build an addition onto Well Estates to expand the children’s ministry.  They still have class outside, but now they don’t have to worry about the sun or rain.
  • Missionary Keith Shumaker from Burkina Faso  visited.  He was a great help to the missionaries and to the pastors. 


  • $600 for the water and sewer hook-ups for New Life Baptist.
  • Approx. $7000 needed to build the first building for New Life Baptist Church. 

November 2014 Update

Dear Pastor and Friends,

Rebekah and I want to being by wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving! God is good and we are blessed to have friends like you!

Language Update:

November marks our 10th month in language school. We knew coming into this that it was going to be a long, difficult process. It has not disappointed us in either of those ways. We are still making steady progress (though many days it doesn’t feel like it) and slowly getting involved in more ministries. Please pray with us that we stay focused and do the work necessary to speak well. The Gospel deserves men who can clearly proclaim it.    

Work Days:

This past week a few of us built an additional shed roof on to Wells Estate Baptist Church. The area is small, maybe 150 square feet. But, it will be a tremendous help as it will give a place for the children to meet in the shade, which will free up space inside the building for the adults. The church is still waiting to obtain a permanent property. This is something they desperately need since their pastor, Tamsanqa Olifante, is doing such an incredible job filling up what they already have. God is blessing there and many souls are being saved!

At the church we are currently attending, Madiba Bay, there was also a work day last week (and several more in the near future). There were 15 men, and several women, who showed up to donate their Saturday to help beautify the property. It was awesome to work along side of these men and have another opportunity to get to know them better, and practice the language a little more. Kevin has many things planned for this church that we will be telling you more about in future updates.

Special Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for Stephen Underwood and family. Stephen is a member of our Project South Africa team who has recently suffered the sudden loss of his father. It was very unexpected, as he was only 55 years old.
  • We had the opportunity to have our field director down for a visit, Bro. Keith Shumaker. He was a tremendous blessing to the churches, and to my family, while he shared God’s word and his own personal experiences in his ministry in Burkina Faso. Please remember him and his family in your prayers as I’m sure you have heard of the turmoil that he returned home to in the news.
  • We are still in need of $10,000 for the building in Kwadwesi. They have begun to move dirt and we are wanting to begin to build soon. Hopefully, by this time next year, you will be reading updates about how God is blessing Pastor Sipho Bonga there, like he is blessing at Wells Estate.

Again we want to thank you for your participation in our ministry through prayers and giving. We are so blessed!


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Coffey Family September 2014 Prayer Letter

Delay…. Probably.  Please continue to pray.  The location we planned to use for the new church plant fell through this past week.  One of the owners was worried the community would be upset with a church being started in the neighborhood, and wouldn’t give us the go ahead.  We’re not sure if this is a closed door, but we are praying the Lord would change hearts if that’s the place for us.   We are continuing to look for a new location and hope to do outreach soon with an address in mind.  We were planning to start today on September 14th, but that’s wasn’t possible.  I’m hoping we can start sometime in September, but it’s dependent on a building. 

We’re not discouraged.  We know the Lord is in control and we’ll just see what happens.  Our main priority is still improving on our language abiblity so there is plenty to do.  We are continue to do minsitry in the other churches until others doors open up.  We thoroughly enjoy helping the other pastors and their churches, especially with the young people who have a heart for ministry. 

Prayer Request

  • Our first church plant.  We are still hoping to start in September.
  • The place for the new church plant fell through.  Pray we can find a different location soon.
  • Souls saved & faithful men
  • Our language learning.  This is of course is a repeated prayer request because it’s still a big priority.

More Highlights

  • Madiba Bay Baptist just celebrated their 7 year anniversary.  This is the main church we have been attending while in language school. Pictured to the right is Pastor Lubabalo during the anniversary service. He’s been a great help to us in learning the language. 
  • 4 Baptised after the anniversary service.
  • Needs met for Wells Estates Baptist Property and the Gospel Tracts 


  • Pulpit, Sign, Overhead Projector (Old-School Projector), song books, and a small trailer for the new church plant.
  • Approx. $7000 needed to build the first building for New Life Baptist Church.  $3300 has come in so far.

The Lord has blessed this past month by meeting two of the needs we have been mentioning.  Wells Estates Baptist has a piece of property they should be able to move to in December.  The money that has already been raised for this church is plenty for the property and a decent building unless things change.

Three churches gave toward the tracts and invitations needed.  This should be enough to last us for a few months, and for new tracts to be printed for the new church plant.   We are always grateful and humbled by the giving of goods people.  Thank you for loving missions and thank you for caring for souls around the world. 

Coffey Family August 2014 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • Our first church plant the 1st of Sept.
  • Right location for the new church
  • Souls saved & faithful men
  • Our language learning.  We still have a long way to go.  Starting the new church will definitely push us more in the right direction.

More Highlights

  • Amy and I sang our first Xhosa special together.  It’s actually the first of any song we have every sang as a duo together:)  To see the video you can go to Facebook.
  • Intern Bethany Staley, has decided to stay for six months instead of just two.
  • My son Chase preached his 1st message


  • $600 for Gospel Tracts and Invitation cards
  • Pulpit, Sign, Overhead Projector, and a small trailer for the new church plant.
  • Approx. $7000 needed to build the first building for New Life Baptist Church.  $3300 has come in so far.
  • Still looking for land for Wells Estates Baptist.  We have $5500 for this need but will probably need $6000 more.

The time has come for Amy and I to step out and start our own church.  Over the past year, we have been privileged to assist in the three churches that Missionary Kevin Hall and his team have started, while attending language school.  We will definitely continue to have a part in these churches as well, but in September, Amy and I are diving in to start our own church.  Although we have a long way to go in the language, we believe this new church plant will help up grow by leaps and bounds.  

This past week, we made the first purchase for the church.  We were able to get 40 black chairs for under $5 a piece.  I would like to purchase more of these chairs if anyone is interested in helping.  This is the best price we’ve ever seen on chairs and the sale ends Sept. 30th.  

There are three areas we are praying about starting the church in right now: Walmer, Greenbushes, and Seaview.  Seaview is a smaller area and would probably be ideal to start a Bible study or 2nd church plant at the same time we are working in one of the other areas.  

Please be in prayer.  We only have a few weeks to nail down the area and find a place to start holding church services if we want to start in September.  We are hoping to find a small store front or school to rent.  The areas we are considering are on the opposite side of the city from where the other churches are located, and have had very little outreach from a Bible preaching ministry.