November 2016 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Friends,

I had the privilege to marry our first couple at Soweto Baptist Church last weekend. Milisa (formerly known as Bulelwa) and Mxolisi were both baptized at our church this year. Milisa was already  saved when she began attending our church and Mxolisi was saved several months back. The ceremony took place at our church. It was a traditional Xhosa wedding (which means they worn their traditional attire), and there was a packed house, all of which heard the gospel. 

Our first semester of Bible Institute is coming to an end. The 13 students who have been faithfully attending just finished their first of three final exams. All seem to be thoroughly enjoying their studies and progressing in their understanding of the scriptures.

There are many things on the calendar:

  • “Project 7” outreach will begin this month at Soweto Baptist Church: 7 invitations, 7 days, 7 people. This will be used to encourage our people to get involved in personal evangelism. A pack of 7 of our new gospel tracts will be handed out weekly, and our people will be reminded and encouraged to pray daily for one opportunity to share a gospel tract and witness to one lost person.
  • December 1-4 will be our first missions conference. Pastor Tony Howeth will be coming from the states to preach this meeting.
  • December 11 we will have another special baptism service. There are several who have made professions of faith who will follow the Lord in believer’s baptism.
  • December 12-16 is our 2nd annual BFWE Youth Camp. If you are interested in helping send a camper to camp the cost is $35 per camper (expecting 100+/- campers).  Most of these campers will come from very underprivileged homes with no means of payment. We are allowing them to work and earn their own way. We are expecting our total costs to be around $3,500.00.
  • Our house will soon be full as Missionary Mark Coffey and his family will be staying with us for a couple of weeks before leaving for furlough on December 3rd. If you are needing a good missionary to speak at your church he will be available (
  • Continue to pray for the Jason King family who will be joining our team here South Africa. They have purchased their tickets and will be leaving the states on February 28th. Pray that their remaining funds will come in before departure.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. We hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Coffey Family December 2016 Prayer Letter Part 2


Would you like to invest in the future of Camp Rhino?

We start our big push to raise the funds for Camp Rhino in January.   We are looking to raise $100,000 in the next year.  This money will be used to purchase approx. 20 acres of land in the Port Elizabeth area that we will begin developing into the Christian Camp and Training Center.

Please pray we will be able to reach our first months goal of $8333.00. That’s the amount it will take to raise each month in order to purchase property when we land back in South Africa.

Possible Breakdown of Church Sponsors for a one-time donation in 2017:

  • $8333- 12 Sponsors
  • $4,166- 24 Sponsors
  • $2083- 48 Sponsors
  • $1041- 96 Sponsors

Maybe the Lord would have you commit to raising one of these amount during 2017.

Maybe this would be a project that would fit well for a Sunday school department or VBS week.

Let me know if you want to sign up to be one of our camp sponsors.


Coffey Family December 2016 Prayer Letter Part 1

I hope all had a great Christmas and pray that you have an even better New Year.

We have now been back in the states a few weeks and are getting ready to end the New Year at the Our Generation Summit at Lake Lanier Island in Buford, GA.  What a privilege to end the new year challenging people from several churches to reach the world with the Gospel.

It is strange being away from South Africa, but we are fired up about the opportunities to promote missions in Africa and present our burden for Camp Rhino.

Our two oldest boys Tyler and Chase stayed back in South Africa to help with our 2nd annual Teen Camp two extra weeks, but are now back in the states with us.


There was quite an increase in campers this year and four young people made professions of faith. Because of space and time we aren’t able to bring in a lot of outside kids.  We are hopeful in the years to come, with the new camp property, we not only will be able to minister to our church kids during camp, but we will be able to bring in an unlimited number of lost kids from all our communities.


We start our big push to raise the funds for Camp Rhino in January.   We are looking to raise $100,000 in the next year.  This money will be used to purchase approx. 20 acres of land in the Port Elizabeth area that we will begin developing into the Christian Camp and Training Center.

Please pray we will be able to reach our first months goal of $8333.00. That’s the amount it will take to raise each month in order to purchase property when we land back in South Africa.

Announcing Camp Rhino- Christian Camp and Training Center

November 2016 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

We are now in our last days before we head back to the States.  Our first term was fantastic.  I want to thank all of you  who have supported us these past few years. 

Although we are sad about leaving, we are excited about a new ministry we are now ready to announce and begin presenting during our time on furlough that will benefit our church planting efforts.  When we return to South Africa we will be starting Camp Rhino – Christian Camp and Training Center


Have you had your life touched by attending Christian summer camp?  Have you sent teenagers to camp and had them come back with their lives changed?  Have you had kids get saved at camp?

In America, Christian camps are doing a lot of good.  Kids can get away from the world, from the internet, and the pressures of day to day life, have an incredibly fun week, and listen to powerful preaching.  It’s a recipe God has been using for well over a hundred years.

Children and Teens in South Africa need a Bible preaching Christian camp!  Not only do they live in abject poverty, most of them experience a level of immorality, drunkenness, and demonic activity that few American kids ever experience.  Imagine the impact a week of Christian camp could have on their life.  If Christian camp helps American churches, imagine how much it could do to help missionaries and  South African churches.

I will be giving more details about our plan for the camp and training center in the coming days, but I want to let you know that our camp will also facilitate much training for all of our people and will be used year round for our church planting purposes.   

This will also provide an amazing short-term missions trip opportunity for American students. Bible College Students and other ministry minded young people will have the opportunity to travel to Africa for a season, work in South African churches with veteran missionaries, and help in the camp as counselors and camp staff. 

We are looking to raise $100,000 in the next year.  This money will be used to purchase 20 acres of land in the Port Elizabeth area that we will begin developing into a Christian camp.

We want to ask you to begin praying now that we would be able to raise  $8,333 a month during our year back in the states in order to reach our $100,00 goal.  I know that’s a big goal, but we believe in this ministry, and know if it’s God’s will,  money won’t be an issue.     

Imagine being able to invest in Apple Computer, Coco-cola, or IBM when they were just starting out.  With eternity in view, we believe investing in Camp Rhino will be an even better investment.


The Coffey Family September 2016 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • For more souls to be saved
  • Visa Renewals for my Children- All visas have been resubmitted and we’re hoping they will be granted without a problem.
  • Pray especially for my daughter Addi’s visa.  We were told by her primary school that if it’s not received, she will be dismissed from the school. 
  • Wisdom in going forward with our idea to start a Camp & Retreat Center
  • My son Chase’s knee is still not well and it looks like it will require surgery to heal.

6 people were baptized this month and one more is planning on getting baptized this coming Sunday at New Life Baptist Church.  Our discipleship meetings have been bearing fruit with souls saved and new believers growing in their faith.   

It’s been encouraging to see the growth in the church.  Last week during our celebration for Heritage Day we had a full house.  Our people took ownership of this special meeting and did a really great job getting the word out.   


With only two month left before we return to the states for furlough, there is much to do.  Please pray the church continues maturing and pray for Pastor Sipho Bonga as he will be taking on all responsibilities without me. 

In the next couple of weeks we are hoping to start a new Bible study in a different part of our area where a new church is needed.  For now, we only plan to have two meetings there a week, but we believe we’ll have a church going there very soon.  Also an older man who was recently saved is wanting us to use his house to start Bible studies so he can invite his friends and neighbors. Those meetings start this Saturday so please pray we see folks saved.

More Highlights

  • Our plan is to start furlough in December.  If you’re interested in having us report back or present our ministry, please let me know. 
  • 2 saved and 6 baptized this past month
  • Our Generation 2016 Summit is taking place at Lake Lanier Islands in North Georgia December 29th-31st.  We look forward to seeing you there if you can make it.  Sign up now. 


  • Meetings in New Churches during our furlough in 2017

September 2016 Prayer Letter

(Click here to view pictures)

Dear Pastor and Friends, September 2016

This month at Soweto Baptist Church we baptized four; Bulelwa, Sindisiwe, Thuli, and Nwabisa. We were also able to give out baptismal certificates to many of those who have been saved and baptized since Soweto started. Over the last 10 months (since the church was started) we have seen a total of 26 people follow the Lord in believer’s baptism.      

Another super exciting thing: We will have our very first couple, saved and baptized at Soweto, get married! Mxolisi (pictured above standing on my right side) and Bulelwa (pictured above getting baptized with the purple head covering) will be getting married Sunday, November 6th. Bekah and I will begin pre-marriage counseling lessons with this couple within the next two week.

We started going through Foundations on Friday night with our teens and young people. We are averaging over 20 in attendance. Matthew, Thami and I are teaching them in smaller group settings.

As planned, Bible Institute began on August 16th. This semester Life of Christ, Exodus, and Acts are being taught. We just finished up our fifth week.  There are 12 currently enrolled and several others who are auditing the classes. All seem to be enjoying their studies of the Scriptures.

Other prayer requests:

  • Ladies Conference will be this Saturday, September 17th at Grace Baptist Church
  • Stephen and Ashlee Underwood are settling in and have officially begun language school.
  • Praise God, all our visas have come in approved! Now that our kids have study visas, we can enroll them in a school a couple of blocks from our house.
  • Please continue to pray for our future church plant in Zwide. Everything we are looking at is in the $25,000 range. Pray the Lord will supply the funds necessary to proceed.

Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support!


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

August 2016 Prayer Letter

(Click Here to view pictures)

Dear Pastor and Friends, August 2016

Satan does not like what we are doing here. More and more I realize we are in a spiritual battle. Souls are being saved and lives are being changed and the more that happens, the more the leader of darkness is going to get upset. I want to ask that you pray for wisdom and protection for our church family, for my wife and children, and for myself. Our enemy has shown his teeth a couple of times lately, but we serve a good God who is able to keep us in perfect peace.

Bath Baptist Church, from Michigan, is currently here with us. Pastor Nathan Gregory and his group of 14 have been an incredible blessing. They have jumped right in at our churches and worked like they were their own. They did a great job in Soweto, painting murals on the walls of our children’s church, putting a new roof on the apartment, and helping decorate our new missions wall. Please pray for safety for them as they continue to work for the next week, and then travel back home.

New Church Plant: I have found the location for our next church plant. It is in an area called Zwide. It is just a few miles from our current work in Soweto, but since transportation is so expensive, there is no way people will travel that far by foot to attend our church. The area has tens of thousands of people, and that we know of, no Baptist church. The thing I would like for you to pray with me about, is a piece of property and a building. I have found a nice, large lot with a small dwelling on it. The asking price is R279,000 ($21,461.00). If the Lord wills, we would like to purchase this property and start a church there.

The young men and women at Soweto continue to grow and advance. We have one small, but specific answer to prayer from our last update. A young man named Aphiwe has stepped up and taken the reigns of our music. It has been awesome to see him come out of his shell so quickly. The first couple of times he led, he was very reserved, but now you would never know it. Please continue to pray for our guys, that their love for our Lord would increase more and more.

Next week, August 16th, begins our Bible Institute. There are 16 people currently enrolled from the churches here in P.E. There are several others who are interested in auditing these classes. Pray God would use these classes to equip his men and women for the work of the ministry.

Other prayer requests:

  • We had a new missionary family arrive, the Stephen Underwood family, last week. They are busy setting up their new home and soon will begin the process of learning Xhosa.
  • Remember my wife as she continues to train the ladies of Soweto. There are several that she meets with weekly for Bible study. Pray that those who attend will mature, and more would join.
  • This Friday, Aug 12th we will have a combined youth conference with all of our churches
  • Saturday, Aug 13th we will have a special family day at Soweto. We will have food, games and most importantly be preaching the Gospel to all who come.

Thanks again for your participation in our ministry through prayer and support.

God Bless,

Jeremy and Rebekah Hall