Coffey Family April 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise

  • South Africa is currently on a 21-day lockdown like many other countries. This, of course, is affecting all our ministries.  Pray God does a great work during this “downtime.”  No one is supposed to leave their home unless it’s for food or medical needs. 
  • We were going to fly out through the American Embassy this next week but have decided to wait here in South Africa for the lockdown to end. The flight they are offering is the last one out of South Africa for Americans, but it comes with an $8000 price tag:). Pray the lockdown will be lifted in time so we can make it back for our oldest son’s wedding.  Lord willing we’ll be back sometime in May or June:)  
  • Please pray for two of our most vulnerable churches during this time.  Light House Baptist Church and Nkandla Baptist Church are just a few weeks old.  Pastors Nohamba and Johnson aren’t able to have more than telephone contact with those that have been attending.               
  • Pray we can raise $5000 soon so we can build facilities to start our 4th church. We have the property now but need help with the slab floor and building.  We want to start construction as soon as the lockdown is over.  With the economy being hit so badly, the value of the $ has risen about 25%.  This is bad for South Africans overall, but it is helpful for building. We should be able to build for a lot less right now.

Quick Updates & Reminders: 

  • We would love to have you be one of our 2021 Mission teams. Bring a group and help be a part of what’s going on at Camp Rhino and all our churches.    Construction for our new auditorium is on hold at the moment.  The walls have been extended and some of the trusses have been put together.  Our construction crew plans to be back the moment the lockdown is over. 

Being quarantined at Camp Rhino isn’t so bad.  Our two new pastors live on campus, along with Khona’s wife and daughter.  We also have two of our full-time workers, two interns, and 4 teenagers from our church staying on during this time.  We are having Bible classes, while all the guys are putting in 4 to 5 hours of work around the camp each day to keep themselves busy.  Playing soccer and taking time off in the pool has worked at keeping them from being bored.  

Athi, our deaf teenager at New Life, is one of the boys on campus.  We are hoping to use this time to learn more sign language to better minister to him and also one day start deaf ministries in all our churches.  Khona, who is one of the pastors and a Xhosa language school teacher, is still teaching Xhosa classes online.  We are also working on materials where we can soon start an Afrikaans language school as well.

Coffey Family March 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise

  • This weekend, Pastor Thomas Alute from Eldoret, Kenya will be here to be the main speaker at our Couples Retreat being held at Camp Rhino.  Pastor Alute is out of Missionary Randy Stirwalt’s ministry and has been pastoring over 30 years.
  • Pray as we head back to the states at the end of April.  We’ll be there for 2 ½ months for our oldest son Tyler’s wedding.  I still have a few openings if you would be interested in having us in.  I am trying to raise extra support to offset some of the expenses for Camp Rhino.        
  • Our two new churches are doing well.  The two new pastors are getting used to the idea of being pastors now.  Please pray for Khona & Mvume as they are pastoring their new churches while also still both in Bible College.       
  • Pray we can raise $5000 soon so we can build facilities to start our 4th church, Vision Baptist Church.  We have the property now but need help with the slab floor and building.  This will be in the area where we’ve been having midweek meetings but lost our location.  We believe it is now time to officially start a church for that community.   
Pastor Mvume Johnson preaching at his new church, Lighthouse Baptist Church

Quick Updates & Reminders

  • My oldest son Tyler will be marrying Lydia Bush on June 20.  Lydia is daughter to Jeff and Mindy Bush.  Jeff serves as the Director of our Mission Board, Vision Baptist Missions.  Please be praying for Tyler and Lydia as they prepare to start their life together.   
  • We still have openings for 2021 Mision teams if you are interested in bringing a group to be with us.  We would love to have you here on the field.

A big part of our goals for 2020 is to help strengthen the three churches we’ve helped start and to also get the forth church off the ground.  I want to do all I can to help these young pastors be successful.  

Our team of pastors is doing a great job, but we still want to improve in a lot of areas.  We are hoping to especially help our first church, New Life Baptist Church, become more financially independent this year.   That has been one of our greatest struggles.  

As we are back in the states for this short trip our desire is to raise more funds, but more importantly, we are also needing to raise more workers, short term and long term.  Our future goals involve starting a Medical Clinic, Christian school, and to expand Camp Rhino.  All of these ministries are aimed at helping us see more churches started.  If you or anyone you know are interested in being more involved on a personal level, I would love to talk to you to see how you could be more involved.    

Thank you all once again for your prayers and support.

Coffey Family February 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise  

  • We praise the Lord for the 27 young people who trusted Christ during our first ever Junior Camp at Camp Rhino.  Thank you so much for praying.  We had 55 Juniors in total attend our camp, which means almost 50% of those in attendance made a profession of faith.  
  • Since the start of our camp a little over a year ago, we have seen over 120 young people come to Christ.  Camp Rhino has been a tremendous aid in all our churches here in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.  Pray we can even see more done for Christ this year. 
  • Pastor Mvume Johnson started Lighthouse Baptist Church on January 19th with 7 visitors in attendance, 4 of which are part of his lost family. 
  • Pastor Khona Nohamba started Nkandla Baptist Church this past Sunday.  We were delayed a week because of the building, but we had a great service with 4 visitors.  
  • I’m excited about the impact of both of these new young churches and pastors. Please pray for them as they shine forth the light of the Gospel in their communities.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • We will be back in the States between April 23rd to July 13th for our oldest son’s wedding.  If you would be interested in helping with our Church Planting efforts or Camp Rhino, we would love to schedule a meeting during this time. 
  • My beautiful wife turns 40 on February 7th.  I know I’ll get in trouble, but I figured it was okay since it will already be on Facebook anyway:)
Pastor Khona working on his new church building with Pastor Sipho

We are really encouraged this new year with the start of two new churches already.  In February, we also hope to start our third church.  We have been holding weekly Bible studies in an area next to our main church, New Life Baptist, in a small shack for a couple of years now.   With newly acquired land we believe it’s time to officially start the church.  We are in need of about $5,000 for the building.  This would give us a slab floor and a very good space to start in.  It will be a metal “shack” church, but something we will be able to use for many years.   

We are thrilled to let you know that almost $18,000 came in for Camp Rhino this past month.  That is over half of what’s needed to finish phase one of construction.  Our goal for 2020 was $35,000, so we only lack $17,000 to meet our goal for the year.  When everything comes in, we will be able to put the roof on our auditorium plus build new dorms for the boys.  That will enable us to house 120 campers along with counselors and staff.  Finishing the auditorium will also enable us to have camp year-round without fears of bad weather conditions.

Coffey Family January 2020 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests and Praise

  • Junior Camp for 9 to 11 years olds starts at Camp Rhino this week.  We are expecting around 60 campers for our first Junior Camp.  Pray for many to be saved. 
  • 23 young people were saved at this year’s Teen Camp.  Pray for these young people as we get them plugged into our churches.  
  • Please pray about two important dates: January 19th will be the start of Lighthouse Baptist Church and January 26th with be the start of Nkantla Baptist Church.  Also pray for our two new Pastors, Mvumelwano Johnson and Khona Nohamba. 
  • Pray as our Bible College and Bible Institute starts back up the week of January 19th. We have one more new student joining the Bible College this semester. 
  • Pray for our trip back to the states from the end of April to the first part of July

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  God has blessed us so much in 2019, and we believe 2020 will be even better.  Thank you for making it possible for us to be on the mission field one more year.  

We hope to see more churches started in 2020 and more young people surrender to full-time ministry.  God is blessing our churches and Camp Rhino.  We also are praying God will bring many more from the States for mission trips and internships.  We really desire to impact as many people as possible in the area of world missions.

Pray as our family travels back for 2 ½ months for my son Tyler’s wedding.  We will also use this time to raise more ministry support, especially for our new church plants and Camp Rhino.  We’re close to the end up the Phase 1 construction at Camp Rhino but still need probably $35,000 to finish things up.  We also need to raise monthly support for the Camp as well.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • We haven’t yet finished our new auditorium space for Camp Rhino.  We have new plans for a higher roof which will cost us about $8000.  This will enable us to do all of our activities under roof when it’s raining or too cold. 
  • Be praying for Lynette Osborn.  She is a missionary with BIMI who just started raising support to work with us here in South Africa.  Lynette has been teaching at a Christian school for 14 years and has grown up in the ministry.  She is going to be a great help to the ministry, especially with the young ladies ministries in our churches and at Camp Rhino.  If you would be interested in having her present her ministry you can call her at (573)718-2804.

Coffey Family December 2019 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise

  • Pray as we go forward with our third church plant in January 2020. One of our young couples will be heading up that work. Please pray for Khona and Iminathi. Khona has been a faithful worker and is currently enrolled in our Bible college, and his wife Iminathi is enrolled in our Bible Institute.
  • Our Teen Camp at Camp Rhino is from Dec. 10th-13th. We still need help sponsoring campers to offset expenses at $50 per camper for the week. We are preparing for 100 teen campers for this first camp of the summer season.
  • This past month our South Africa team was able to visit the countries of Kenya and Rwanda. God is doing great work in Kenya, but more still needs to be done. The need for reaching Rwanda really touched our hearts. We need more missionaries there. It is wide open and definitely a good place for someone to consider being a missionary. Pray for laborers.
“Hotel Rwanda” in Kigali, Rwanda
Khona and Iminathi’s wedding one year ago.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • Over $15,000 came in to finish our girl dorms at Camp Rhino. We also had enough to update our electrical system and to start renovating an old structure for our auditorium space. We need about $6,000 for the roof on the building. We’ll be cutting it close but hope even it will be ready for camp.
  • We have secured property for the land we hope to use for our future medical clinic in Port Elizabeth, which we are also using for our 2nd church plant.
  • Katie Dilfer is here from Gospel Light Baptist Church Helena, AL to look at the possibility of maybe helping us start a Christian School. Pray for guidance in this area.
  • Regina Gordon has been serving as an intern for the last 6 months. She only has a few days left. Please pray for her as she returns to the States. She’s been a tremendous help to all the ministries during her time here.
New auditorium space for Camp Rhino – $6,000 needed for roof
Slab inside new auditorium is being laid

I hope all had a great Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. I’m especially thankful to you all for making it possible for us to serve here in South Africa. We are so blessed.

There is a special prayer request I would like to share. Pieta Struwig has served as head of maintenance and grounds here at Camp Rhino since January. We couldn’t have accomplished most of what has been built here at the camp without his help. He received news last week that he has cancer. This was surprising news for all of us. Pieta is only 40 years old and was saved last year at Grace Baptist Church where my cousin Kevin pastors.

Pieta pictured far right

As he starts Chemo this week, we are asking God for complete healing. Please pray. I’m not sure what we would do here at Camp Rhino without him. He’s been such an incredible help and blessing.

Also please don’t forget about teen camp, which is a week away. Pray for lives to be changed.

Coffey Family June 2019 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests and Praise

  • Please be in prayer for my wife Amy.  She has lost about 50% of her hearing over the last couple of months.  This week we found out the cause and the solution of her hearing loss.  Amy needs to have surgery on both ears.  If the surgery is successful she would regain 90% of her hearing.  We’re trying to decide the best place for her to have surgery right now.  If we stay here in South Africa, the surgery would be in August.
  • Pray for our mission teams coming to South Africa this summer.  Pastors Aaron Smith and Scott Young just left, and we currently have Newton Baptist Church with us.  We will have three more teams in July.     
  • As many of you know, I had viral meningitis a few weeks back and had to be in the hospital for a few days.  The worse of it is over, but some of the side effects are lingering a bit more than I was expecting.  It’s nothing serious, but the main problem is that I get tired really easy and have little energy before the day is over.  Please pray I can get past this and be energized for the ministry ahead.  

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • My son Tyler is now in Argentina on his six month internship.  Pray he has a great and productive time in South America. 
  • We are in great need for staff housing here at Camp Rhino.  I need to raise about $20,000 in the next weeks to get us where we need to be.  Pray we can complete the facilities we need soon.   
  • Our hopes are to have at least one full week of camp in July.  If we can work out housing for our staff, that won’t be a problem.  If we can’t we will probably have a few camp days where we bus in the teens.   

New Life Baptist Church is going well.  We have four students currently enrolled in our Bible College and the church is maturing.  

Because of problems at one of  our sister churches, our pastoral team is spreading out to pastor both churches at the same time.  

Right after services at New Life, Pastor Sipho, Khona (assistant pastor in training), and Mvume (song leader) will be driving over to Wells Estates Baptist Church and starting services.  We will also hold midweek services at Wells Estates on Thursdays. 

We are planning to start Bible institute classes in both churches this year for the growth of both congregations.  Pray for our team as we continue to ministry and see both churches prosper.      

Thank you all for your prayers and financial support.  It’s an honor to serve our Savior in South Africa and to be able to partner with you all in the ministry.  

Coffey Family April 2019 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise  

  • Please be in prayer for my son Tyler.  He is finishing up his missionary training degree at the Our Generation Training Center soon.  His last step is a 6 month internship in Argentina.  I have included his support letter with this prayer letter, but if you are interested in helping, any donations or support can be sent to our board. 
  • Our 5 Bible college students enjoy their studies very much, but please continue to pray for them and pray more young people surrender to ministry.   
  • We are in need of storage space for Camp Rhino.  Pray we can raise the $5000 for our first storage space. We also need additional camper and staff living quarters.  I will be devoting more time in the near future in raising the needed funds.  More videos and updates are on their way.  Check out our Instagram or Facebook page to stay informed and connected.   

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • Our new work at Fitches Corner is not taking off as well as we hoped.  We actually have more people at our Thursday Bible Study than we do for our Sunday AM service. Pray we can reach more with the Gospel in this new area.       
  • Tim and Destiny Kelly arrived this week.  They will be a great help with Camp Rhino.  Please pray their needed monthly support and setup fund come in.  
  • New Life Baptist Church and Pastor Sipho are doing well.  The adults and core teen group are maturing well.  Khona Nohamba is doing a great job assisting.  Pray our offering and our numbers to continue to grow so Pastor Sipho can be supported completely by the church.   

Our visa situation continues to be an area of concern.  Amy and I will be traveling to the city of Durban next week to turn in our applications for our visa renewals.  Our lawyer is confident we won’t have problems, but she was pretty condifent we wouldn’t have any issues the last time we applied as well.  It didn’t turn out well.  So…..who knows?:). 

Our teammates Jeremy & Bekah Hall, and Stephen and Ashlee Underwood are waiting to hear back from the same kind of visa application.  We are all hoping there won’t be any hold ups.  For my family, our main worry is having to travel back to the States to reapply  for a new visa if this visa application is rejected here.  Our current visa expires July 30th.  

Please pray we can get this taken care of soon.

Tyler Ellis 

Missionary Intern to Argentina 

I have fantastic news! In June of this year, I will be going to Argentina, South America to train under Missionary Patrick Henry for six months.

Two years ago, I started training to be a church-planting missionary at the Our Generation Training Center in Alpharetta, GA. This six month internship will be the last requirement to finish my degree.  

I deeply appreciate the countless prayers and support I have received up until now. It’s been an incredible experience. 

I am not sure what field the Lord will lead me to following my internship, but I look forward to the practical training I will gain from living in a Spanish South American culture.  

Goals for the 6 Months:

  • Begin learning Spanish
  • Adapt to a new culture and language
  • Gain great church planting experience in a different culture
  • Continue equipping myself for a life long service in missions
  • Win and disciple new believers
  • Get out of my comfort zone

Please pray for me as I prepare for this journey. Pray that God would greatly use, grow, and provide for me. Your prayers are invaluable as I pursue God’s calling!  

I need to raise approx. $12,000 for my timein Argentina.  This will cover everything from airfare to rent.  One-time gifts or monthly support is greatly appreciate.  I can’t do this without help from folks like you.  I currently have over $8000 committed for my trip.  Just under $4000 more to go. 

All support can be sent to: 

Vision Baptist Missions

P.O. Box 442 

Alpharetta, GA 30009 

Please add: “Tyler Ellis Internship” in the memo line.

Thank you ahead of time for your prayers and possibly your financial support.   I pray there will be much fruit to your account as He continues to draws lost men to Himself.

Please check out my Facebook Page “Follow Me to Argentina”  and my website at for further updates! Join me to see the incredible work that God is doing in Argentina!

Yours in Christ,  

Tyler Ellis

Coffey Family March 2019 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests & Praise  

  • Several teens over the last few weeks have trusted Christ at New Life Baptist Church and followed the Lord in believers baptism.  We have a few more getting baptized this week as well.  Please pray for their spiritual growth in the days to come.
  • We now have 5 students enrolled at our Bible school, Bay Baptist College which started on Feb. 27th.  Pray for these young men as they prepare for ministry. 
  • Please pray we can raise up more song leaders.  This is slowing down our efforts to start more churches a bit.  For example, one of our preachers is leading music at New Life and can’t really pull away to start a church until we can replace him.    
  • We are in need of storage space for Camp Rhino.  Pray we we raise the $5000 for our first storage space.  

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • On March 10th we started a new church called Fitches Corner Baptist Church not far from Camp Rhino.  We had 3 adults, 6 teens, and several kids in attendance.  Our Sunday AM service starts at 9am so we can still make it to New Life by 11am.   
  • Fitches Corner Baptist Church is the first of 3 churches we hope to see started before the end of the year.  Pray as we do more to reach SA with the Gospel. 
  • Tim & Destiny Kelly arrive April 10th to help full time here at Camp Rhino.  Tim & Destiny were here last year for a 6-month intership, and we are very excited about having them back here full time.  They are still in need of a bit more monthly support and set up fund.  Please pray they can get that raised ASAP.  

10 years ago this month, God brought Tyler Ellis and Chase Southard into our home.  What we thought was going to be a 6-month stay, ended up beign a liiiittle longer.  God changed our family and all of our lives that day.  My 11 and 9 year old distant 2nd cousins, became my two oldest sons.  What a blessing it has been to see both of them grow into young men who love the Lord.  They are both now training to be missionaries and Tyler is raising support to for his 6-month internship in Argentina, South America with missionaries Patrick and Leslie Henry.  

Would you consider supporting him during his time in Argentina.  It would be a great blessing to him and especially to his parents living on the other side of the world:).   Any support can be sent for him to our mission, Vision Baptist Missions.

Coffey Family August 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our home in the US. We have taken out a loan in the States to cover the remaining $42,000 we needed to buy the property for Camp Rhino.  The sell of our house should more than cover the needed amount  if we can sell it in time.  We do have a supporting church trying to raise $20,000 toward that amount as well.   Pray we can pay back this loan asap.      
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States, and our 2nd oldest son Chase, who will be leaving for Bible college in January.  They both are training for missions.
  • Finances to get Camp Rhino ready for our first camp on December 10th.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • One teen made a profession of faith during our discipleship meeting this month.  He was invited by his friend who was saved a few weeks prior.
  • A young adult and his mom made professions of faith during door to door visitation this past week while visiting for the the new Kuyga church plant.  An older man made a decision for Christ after church this past Sunday.  Please pray they grow and make sure of their salvation.
  • Pray for a group from Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, VA as they arrive on September 22nd.  They will be here to get Camp Rhino ready for the first week of camp in December.   
  • We would love  the opportunity to host a group from your church here in South Africa next year.  Please contact me for an information packet.  It would be an honor to facilitate a trip that would encourage and challenge your people.

Our deadline to purchase property for Camp Rhino is on August 31st, and it looks like we will have the money just in time.  With the improvement in the exchange rate and with some extra offerings, we now only lack $42,000 to pay for the property and cover lawyer fees. 

We were able to work it out with a bank in the States to borrow that money for 120 days so we could meet our deadline.  It looks like all funds will be available a few days before August 31st, which means we will soon have access to the property. 

This has been a long day coming, but we are very anxious to get to work.  A lot has to be accomplished before our first day of camp on December 10th.  If you would be interested in helping by giving or by coming and working, you are all welcome.  Our top priorities right now are the guy and girl dorms, kitchen facility, soccer field, and sand volleyball court. 

Pray for us as things are about to get even busier.

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Coffey Family April 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our home in the US.
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States.  We are hopeful he will also be able to visit us in December.
  • More souls to be saved during our  door to door & evangelistic outreaches.
  • Pray as we are trying to build a music ministry foundation that will aid all our churches.  If you would be interested in sponsoring a student at $40 a month for 6 months to take guitar and/or music lessons, please let me know.  We have several waiting in line to start classes.
  • A mission team from Newton Baptist Church in Covington, GA will be here on June 6th.  Pray God moves in a great way during their stay.

We are in need of a tent for several ministry opportunities and needs we have now and that are to come.  The primary use for the tent is for services we are planning in areas where we want to start new churches.     

The secondary use of the tent will be for our chapel services during our weeks of camp at Camp Rhino.  We ultimately want to build a permanent structure, but will probably use a tent for the first year or so. 

Having a tent also allows us to hold evangelistic services in the surrounding areas of our churches.  It will help us make more noise and have a stronger presence in areas where we want to do more outreach. 

A brand new tent cost about $2600.  We want to find a used one, but this amount is the most we will need for a tent similar to the picture above.  We would appreciate any help with this expense.  

Thank you for everything.  Might we all do more to reach this world in our generation.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • We had a fantastic VBM Regional Conference with my Pastor Austin Gardner and Mission’s Director Jeff Bush.  I’m constantly reminded while around these men that we never need to stop learning and there is much more that needs to be done to reach the world.
  • We are now looking for American interns who desire to work in camp ministry.  If you or someone you know is interested in coming to South Africa to help with Camp Rhino, please let me know.
  • We backed out of the contract for the property that we chose for Camp Rhino after failed perc test and much prayer and counsel.  There are two good areas that we are looking at for the Camp right now.  We are hoping to nail something down very soon but we know it’s in God’s timing.  We don’t  want t0 force anything.