Meet Robby Rhino

This past weekend we ended the month at Community Baptist Church in Curwensville, PA with Pastor Todd Hogue and his great family.  It was an honor to be a part of their missions conference this year.  Community Baptist Church has been supporting our family since 2012.

On Sunday evening of the conference, the church took up a special offering for Camp Rhino.  Pastor Hogue left the offering open for the following Wednesday and Sunday, so we don’t yet know what that amount will be.  As soon as we have those numbers we will update you.

We also had another $753 extra come in for the camp before the end of April.  We’re going to be very close to our April goal.  Thank you all for praying and giving.  It still amazes me that over $30,000 has been given to purchase property for the camp.  Only around $65,000 to go:)

Here’s a little taste of what’s to come.  This little guy is a main character that will be coming out soon in a children book series we are creating centered at Camp Rhino to help promote Bible principles involving missions.  Be on the lookout for release date.

Meet Robby Rhino:

Sunday & Monday

Wow!  What an exciting couple of days.

On Sunday, I was privilege to preach the mission’s emphasis day for a good friend of mine, Pastor Tom Hatley, as Fellowship Baptist Church in Maryville, TN.  What an honor it was to be there.  The folks at Fellowship gave over $1000 to help with Camp Rhino.  This great church has been a great partner in the ministry for several years now.

Now for Monday.  Pastor Brian Haney of Anchor of Hope Baptist Church in Rossville, GA had me in to preach the Monday night of his missions conference.  This church has been supporting our ministry for almost three years now.  Unexpectedly, Pastor Haney took up a special offering at the end of the service for Camp Rhino, and the people gave $2195.  I was blown away.  He was hoping to get $1000, and over $2000 came in.  Amazing.

Over $3200 in two days!  Praise the Lord.

I don’t have the words necessary to show the appreciation I have for everyone who has given to help purchase property for the camp.  I’m humbled, and honored.

So far $29,188 has been given or promised.  We do hope to raise $4144 more during these last few days of April to put us at $33,332 to stay on pace to raise $100,000 by the end of the year.  I believe it will come in, but please continue to pray.

Camp Rhino will impact young people like these for years to come.

Coffey Family April 2017 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • Camp Rhino- Currently, we have raised $29, 188 to purchase property for Camp Rhino.  Praise the Lord!  That’s almost 30% of our goal.  We do hope to raise $4144 more during these last few days of April to put us at $33,332 to stay on pace to raise $100,000 by the end of the year.  I believe it will come in.
  • Churches in Port Elizabeth-  Pray the Lord does a great work in all the 6 churches we are associated with in South  Africa.
  • 102,000 Gospel Tracts-  These tracts donated to our ministry arrived at the end of March.  Pray for souls to be saved through them.
  • More Laborers- As I travel I’m praying the Lord would lead many others to work with us in Southern Africa.  The need for workers is real.
  • Our Family-  We’re having a great time on furlough and are looking forward to the next 8 months, but we are a little sad about having to leave Tyler, our oldest, behind when we leave.

Someone asked this past month if we planned to change our focus from church planting to camp ministry when we return to South Africa.  My answer to that is, “Absolutely not.” 

I want to make sure it’s clear that our purpose with Camp Rhino is to accelerate our church planting efforts, not do away with them.  Camp Rhino will offer traditional summer camp opportunities, but our main focus in what we are doing is to  train young people for the work of local church ministry. 

Camp Rhino will enable us to be in continual contact with young people through the several weeks of camp during the year, and also on the weekends with our mentoring programs.    This won’t be the kind of camp where we see the teen once a summer and then look for them to come back next year.  This is a year round camp that will assist all our churches at keeping their young people plugged into the things of God. 

I’m looking forward to getting back to South Africa to start Camp Rhino, but I’m just as excited to getting back so we can start more churches.

I want to send a special thanks to Chick Publications for providing 102,000 Gospel tracts for our ministries in South Africa.  We are excited that each of the churches will have plenty of literature to distribute over the next several months.

$1602 this week:)

$1602 came in for the land purchase of Camp Rhino this week.  We had $1250 from our Sunday evening service and $352 from our Wednesday evening service.  With another $7339 we will hit our goal for April.

Every dollar given for the Camp makes me think of the lives that will be saved and trained through this ministry.  I know even growing up in a Christian culture how impacting Camp was for me growing up.  Imagine what it will do for these young people who grow up with very little Christian influence in their life.

We have little time left here on this earth.  Let’s make sure we use the time we have to impact people with the Gospel.

$1250 added for Camp Rhino

This past Sunday evening I presented the ministry of Camp Rhino in the church Amy and I grew up in, Whitfield Baptist Church in Dalton, GA.  The folks at Whitfield generously gave $1250 toward the purchase of the property.   We want to thank them for their sacrificial gift and for being a great help and encouragement in the ministry over the years.

The total we now need to raise for the month of April is $7691.  Getting this amount in before the end of April will put us back on track to raise the $100,000 by the end of the year.  Please pray.

On another note.  Here is a recent picture taken from some of our church folks back in South Africa.  Pastor Sipho took this picture after the Easter morning service.  Pray for these sweet people.  We really miss being able to see and minister to them on a regular basis.

102,000 Gospel Tracts Arrived to Port Elizabeth

Through the help of Chick Publications and Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church, we received 102,000 Gospel booklets, aka Chick Tracts, this week in Port Elizabeth.  Chick Publications donated the tracts to our ministry and Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church in Gray, TN helped cover the customs cost.  These high quality tracts should supply the six churches we work with until the end of the year.

Pray that many come to Christ through our witness and through the Gospel message presented in these booklets.


Camp Rhino Totals Update

So far $21,891 has been given toward the property for Camp Rhino and $2500 has been committed.  That brings our totals through March up to $24,391.  That puts us only $608 behind our monthly goal, but we are now quickly going through April.  We pray we can raise $8941 in April to make up from the shortage in March.

Although we are a bit behind going into April, I’m thrilled to see almost 25% of the needed funds come through for the property.  God has blessed, and I’m grateful and humbled for all the help.

I want to remind those giving to Camp Rhino, when you invest in this ministry, you are investing in the lives of many teenagers.  Most of these teens have no earthly father, but are going to learn about our heavenly Father.  

You can now give online directly for the camp through Vision Baptist Missions by following this link.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Camp Rhino Update- Online Giving Now Available

During a missions conference I attended at the beginning of the week, the folks gave $505 to help purchase property for Camp Rhino, and received free t-shirts in return.

Outside of Indianapolis Wednesday evening, one of my supporting churches took up a love offering for Camp Rhino.  I’m not sure of the amount yet, but I was very grateful.

As I was driving toward Lexington, KY on Thursday, news came that one of my supporting church is sending $2000 from their VBS offering to help with the purchase of property and requested 30 Camp Rhino t-shirts.  When I checked my email later that day, our Mission let me know that another $1000 had arrived from another supporting church.  Praise the Lord.

I’m encouraged to see so much involvement and interest for Camp Rhino.

We now have an on-line giving options available through PayPal, and had our first on-line donation given on Wednesday.  If you would be interested in giving through PayPal you can go to this link.


Coffey Family March 2017 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • New Life Baptist Church in Kwadwesi & Pastor Sipho Bonga and his wife Zukhanya.  Pray that God will continue to bless them and the church while our family is traveling here in the States. 
  • Bible Institutes- Missionary Kevin Hall is leading the Bible institutes in 3 of the churches in PE.  Pray for him and the students as they are trained in the word of God.
  • Children Books- We are currently in the planing stages for a children book series  that will promote Biblical principles dealing with world missions with an African safari theme.
  • More Laborers- As I travel I’m praying the Lord would lead many others to work with us in Southern Africa.  The need is great and the need for workers is real. 


I remember growing up and attending summer camp almost every year from the time I was 12 years old.  Even after getting out of high school, I still attended camp as a worker. 

The thoughts of starting our own camp next year brings a lot of those great memories back.  I remember the fun times I had, the friends I met, and the powerful preaching that pointed me closer to Christ. 

Summer camp plays a big part in the life of the average church youth group in America.  It’s a time to unplug from the things of the world, and hopefully be more connected to the things of God.  Many decisions for Christ have been made around a camp alter or camp fire. 

With Camp Rhino, our hopes are that young people in South Africa will have those same opportunities and even more.  Camp Rhino will be a refuge to South African youth who have little spiritual encouragement by their surroundings and community. 

Currently, we are on pace to raise the $100,000  we need to purchase property for the camp.  Please continue to pray the funds to come in.  Soon we’ll be back in South Africa reaching more with the Gospel of Christ.

Would you like to invest in the future of Camp Rhino?

Possible Breakdown of Church Sponsors for a one-time donation between now & December.

  • $8333- 9 Sponsors
  • $4,166- 18 Sponsors
  • $2083- 36 Sponsors
  • $1041- 72 Sponsors

Maybe the Lord would have you commit to raising one of these amounts before the end of 2017.  Let me know if you want to sign up to be one of our camp sponsors.   

Camp Rhino Update

The reception for Camp Rhino has been outstanding.  Every place we go people are excited about the possibilities of a camp and training center ministry in South Africa.  The desire from others to be involved has been, honestly, a little surprising.  People are contemplating how they can be involved not just financially, but actually a working part of promoting the camp here stateside and being involved on site in South Africa when we get started.

Just to keep you updated, we had over $3000 given in the last week and a half for the camp.  The church we were in this past week gave many personal donations and also a $1000 gift to the camp.  Since our last update, over $8000 has come in with even more being committed before we leave.  In total we have a little over $18,000 in hand, and $23,000 committed.

Here is a short clip of one of the kids giving a testimony about our first week of camp at a rented facility.     We are anxious to hear more precious testimonies like this one, once we have our own property to start Camp Rhino.