$1602 this week:)

$1602 came in for the land purchase of Camp Rhino this week.  We had $1250 from our Sunday evening service and $352 from our Wednesday evening service.  With another $7339 we will hit our goal for April.

Every dollar given for the Camp makes me think of the lives that will be saved and trained through this ministry.  I know even growing up in a Christian culture how impacting Camp was for me growing up.  Imagine what it will do for these young people who grow up with very little Christian influence in their life.

We have little time left here on this earth.  Let’s make sure we use the time we have to impact people with the Gospel.

Camp Rhino Totals Update

So far $21,891 has been given toward the property for Camp Rhino and $2500 has been committed.  That brings our totals through March up to $24,391.  That puts us only $608 behind our monthly goal, but we are now quickly going through April.  We pray we can raise $8941 in April to make up from the shortage in March.

Although we are a bit behind going into April, I’m thrilled to see almost 25% of the needed funds come through for the property.  God has blessed, and I’m grateful and humbled for all the help.

I want to remind those giving to Camp Rhino, when you invest in this ministry, you are investing in the lives of many teenagers.  Most of these teens have no earthly father, but are going to learn about our heavenly Father.  

You can now give online directly for the camp through Vision Baptist Missions by following this link.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Camp Rhino Update- Online Giving Now Available

During a missions conference I attended at the beginning of the week, the folks gave $505 to help purchase property for Camp Rhino, and received free t-shirts in return.

Outside of Indianapolis Wednesday evening, one of my supporting churches took up a love offering for Camp Rhino.  I’m not sure of the amount yet, but I was very grateful.

As I was driving toward Lexington, KY on Thursday, news came that one of my supporting church is sending $2000 from their VBS offering to help with the purchase of property and requested 30 Camp Rhino t-shirts.  When I checked my email later that day, our Mission let me know that another $1000 had arrived from another supporting church.  Praise the Lord.

I’m encouraged to see so much involvement and interest for Camp Rhino.

We now have an on-line giving options available through PayPal, and had our first on-line donation given on Wednesday.  If you would be interested in giving through PayPal you can go to this link.


Coffey Family March 2017 Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • New Life Baptist Church in Kwadwesi & Pastor Sipho Bonga and his wife Zukhanya.  Pray that God will continue to bless them and the church while our family is traveling here in the States. 
  • Bible Institutes- Missionary Kevin Hall is leading the Bible institutes in 3 of the churches in PE.  Pray for him and the students as they are trained in the word of God.
  • Children Books- We are currently in the planing stages for a children book series  that will promote Biblical principles dealing with world missions with an African safari theme.
  • More Laborers- As I travel I’m praying the Lord would lead many others to work with us in Southern Africa.  The need is great and the need for workers is real. 


I remember growing up and attending summer camp almost every year from the time I was 12 years old.  Even after getting out of high school, I still attended camp as a worker. 

The thoughts of starting our own camp next year brings a lot of those great memories back.  I remember the fun times I had, the friends I met, and the powerful preaching that pointed me closer to Christ. 

Summer camp plays a big part in the life of the average church youth group in America.  It’s a time to unplug from the things of the world, and hopefully be more connected to the things of God.  Many decisions for Christ have been made around a camp alter or camp fire. 

With Camp Rhino, our hopes are that young people in South Africa will have those same opportunities and even more.  Camp Rhino will be a refuge to South African youth who have little spiritual encouragement by their surroundings and community. 

Currently, we are on pace to raise the $100,000  we need to purchase property for the camp.  Please continue to pray the funds to come in.  Soon we’ll be back in South Africa reaching more with the Gospel of Christ.

Would you like to invest in the future of Camp Rhino?

Possible Breakdown of Church Sponsors for a one-time donation between now & December.

  • $8333- 9 Sponsors
  • $4,166- 18 Sponsors
  • $2083- 36 Sponsors
  • $1041- 72 Sponsors

Maybe the Lord would have you commit to raising one of these amounts before the end of 2017.  Let me know if you want to sign up to be one of our camp sponsors.   

Camp Rhino Update

The reception for Camp Rhino has been outstanding.  Every place we go people are excited about the possibilities of a camp and training center ministry in South Africa.  The desire from others to be involved has been, honestly, a little surprising.  People are contemplating how they can be involved not just financially, but actually a working part of promoting the camp here stateside and being involved on site in South Africa when we get started.

Just to keep you updated, we had over $3000 given in the last week and a half for the camp.  The church we were in this past week gave many personal donations and also a $1000 gift to the camp.  Since our last update, over $8000 has come in with even more being committed before we leave.  In total we have a little over $18,000 in hand, and $23,000 committed.

Here is a short clip of one of the kids giving a testimony about our first week of camp at a rented facility.     We are anxious to hear more precious testimonies like this one, once we have our own property to start Camp Rhino.



Coffey Family February 2017 Prayer Letter

Wow, already in February.  I believe this year is going to fly by.  We’ve experienced great services and meetings from the moment we landed in the states.  The feedback we’ve received from Camp Rhino has been amazing.  Our goals for January were met and even exceeded. 

So far over $10,000 was sent in or committed to purchase the needed land.

A few thing to pray about this month:

  • Churches- Pray for New Life Baptist of Kwadwesi & the other 5 churches we work with in South Africa.
  • Sponsors-  Pray we continue to meet our monthly goals so we can stay on tract to raise $100,000 to purchase property for Camp Rhino.
  • Property-  Pray we find the right piece of property to start our camp.  Possibilities will be emailed out from time to time so you will be able to look & pray over them.
  • Architect/ Engineer- Pray we will find someone who will help us design and layout  the architectural plans for Camp Rhino.

In January, I had t-shirts printed up to give to everyone who donates to Camp Rhino.  I’ve mainly given these shirts out at church services and pastor’s conferences, but am now making them available on-line as well.  If you would like to make a donation please let me know.  I’ll get a t-shirt to you ASAP.

Would you like to invest in the future of Camp Rhino?

Possible Breakdown of Church Sponsors for a one-time donation in 2017:

  • $8333- 12 Sponsors
  • $4,166- 24 Sponsors
  • $2083- 48 Sponsors
  • $1041- 96 Sponsors

Maybe the Lord would have you commit to raising one of these amount during 2017.  Let me know if you want to sign up to be one of our camp sponsors.   

Camp Rhino January Goals Exceeded

In order to raise $100,000 to buy property to start Camp Rhino Christian Camp & Training Center we will need to raise $8,333 a month for the next 12 months.

Already in January we were informed that $5200 is in the mail, another church set a goal to raise $2500 by October, and $1750 has been given to us in hand during the past week of church services.

Part of the $1750 came from a Preacher’s Conference I was able to attend this past week in Rossville, GA at Anchor of Hope Baptist Church with Pastor Brian Haney.   Pastors, missionaries, laymen, and other preachers gave sacrificially toward the camp.  I was blown away by their generosity.

As we travel to churches, we are giving a free Camp Rhino T-shirts to everyone who gives a donation to the camp.  Soon we will make these shirts available online.  If you’re interested in donating and having your own Camp Rhino T-shirt, just let me know.


Coffey Family December 2016 Prayer Letter Part 2


Would you like to invest in the future of Camp Rhino?

We start our big push to raise the funds for Camp Rhino in January.   We are looking to raise $100,000 in the next year.  This money will be used to purchase approx. 20 acres of land in the Port Elizabeth area that we will begin developing into the Christian Camp and Training Center.

Please pray we will be able to reach our first months goal of $8333.00. That’s the amount it will take to raise each month in order to purchase property when we land back in South Africa.

Possible Breakdown of Church Sponsors for a one-time donation in 2017:

  • $8333- 12 Sponsors
  • $4,166- 24 Sponsors
  • $2083- 48 Sponsors
  • $1041- 96 Sponsors

Maybe the Lord would have you commit to raising one of these amount during 2017.

Maybe this would be a project that would fit well for a Sunday school department or VBS week.

Let me know if you want to sign up to be one of our camp sponsors.


Coffey Family December 2016 Prayer Letter Part 1

I hope all had a great Christmas and pray that you have an even better New Year.

We have now been back in the states a few weeks and are getting ready to end the New Year at the Our Generation Summit at Lake Lanier Island in Buford, GA.  What a privilege to end the new year challenging people from several churches to reach the world with the Gospel.

It is strange being away from South Africa, but we are fired up about the opportunities to promote missions in Africa and present our burden for Camp Rhino.

Our two oldest boys Tyler and Chase stayed back in South Africa to help with our 2nd annual Teen Camp two extra weeks, but are now back in the states with us.


There was quite an increase in campers this year and four young people made professions of faith. Because of space and time we aren’t able to bring in a lot of outside kids.  We are hopeful in the years to come, with the new camp property, we not only will be able to minister to our church kids during camp, but we will be able to bring in an unlimited number of lost kids from all our communities.


We start our big push to raise the funds for Camp Rhino in January.   We are looking to raise $100,000 in the next year.  This money will be used to purchase approx. 20 acres of land in the Port Elizabeth area that we will begin developing into the Christian Camp and Training Center.

Please pray we will be able to reach our first months goal of $8333.00. That’s the amount it will take to raise each month in order to purchase property when we land back in South Africa.

Announcing Camp Rhino- Christian Camp and Training Center

November 2016 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

We are now in our last days before we head back to the States.  Our first term was fantastic.  I want to thank all of you  who have supported us these past few years. 

Although we are sad about leaving, we are excited about a new ministry we are now ready to announce and begin presenting during our time on furlough that will benefit our church planting efforts.  When we return to South Africa we will be starting Camp Rhino – Christian Camp and Training Center


Have you had your life touched by attending Christian summer camp?  Have you sent teenagers to camp and had them come back with their lives changed?  Have you had kids get saved at camp?

In America, Christian camps are doing a lot of good.  Kids can get away from the world, from the internet, and the pressures of day to day life, have an incredibly fun week, and listen to powerful preaching.  It’s a recipe God has been using for well over a hundred years.

Children and Teens in South Africa need a Bible preaching Christian camp!  Not only do they live in abject poverty, most of them experience a level of immorality, drunkenness, and demonic activity that few American kids ever experience.  Imagine the impact a week of Christian camp could have on their life.  If Christian camp helps American churches, imagine how much it could do to help missionaries and  South African churches.

I will be giving more details about our plan for the camp and training center in the coming days, but I want to let you know that our camp will also facilitate much training for all of our people and will be used year round for our church planting purposes.   

This will also provide an amazing short-term missions trip opportunity for American students. Bible College Students and other ministry minded young people will have the opportunity to travel to Africa for a season, work in South African churches with veteran missionaries, and help in the camp as counselors and camp staff. 

We are looking to raise $100,000 in the next year.  This money will be used to purchase 20 acres of land in the Port Elizabeth area that we will begin developing into a Christian camp.

We want to ask you to begin praying now that we would be able to raise  $8,333 a month during our year back in the states in order to reach our $100,00 goal.  I know that’s a big goal, but we believe in this ministry, and know if it’s God’s will,  money won’t be an issue.     

Imagine being able to invest in Apple Computer, Coco-cola, or IBM when they were just starting out.  With eternity in view, we believe investing in Camp Rhino will be an even better investment.
