Camp Rhino Update

“A Week at Camp – A Chance at Life.”


In the first week of announcing our goal to raise $100,000 to buy property to start Camp Rhino, we received great feed back.  A supporting pastor wrote to let me know his church has a goal to raise $2500 between now and their missions conference in October for the camp.  Another supporting pastor let me know a check for $200 was on it’s way from their children’s offerings to go toward the camp, and to top it off, we got news of a $5000 donation being sent in.  Praise the Lord that makes $7700 for the very first week, which is a little over 7% of our needed goal.

I have faith that God is going to provide all the funds, and it is really fun to see the money come in from the very first week.

If you’re interested in investing in the beginning stages of this ministry, we would love to hear from you. Camp Rhino Christian Camp and Training Center will give young people all over South Africa a chance at a different kind of life.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

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