I want to first apologize for the duplicate emails that occasionally come out. I’m trying to fix that on my blog and will hopefully have that squared away this week.
Amy and I arrived back from our trip to California late Tuesday night. We had a great time visiting three churches and spending time with dear friends who worked with us in South Africa. Through a mutual friend, we were also able to get connected to the ministry of Wolf Mountain Camp. After a 3 hour drive from San Jose, we met up with Director Jon Moore who graciously took time out of his busy camp schedule to pour into our lives all things camp ministry.

His emphasis on building relationships and doing certain things well really aided in our thinking about the ministry of Camp Rhino. It’s hard to explain how helpful the hours we spent at Wolf Mountain were. I’m grateful as well to have one more camp expert added to my list of emergency contacts for when we dive head first into camp ministry next year.
Here are just a few of the many insights he gave during out time with him:
- Our camp is a facility that implements a philosophy.
- We do food as much as we do preaching & we want to do both well.
- The process of camp just takes time to work.
- A good counselor is one who speaks from a platform of example with the motivation of love.
If you are anywhere near the Sacramento or North California area, I encourage you to check out Wolf Mountain Camp for yourself. They are definitely serving a needy area of our country.
Before I sign off, I would like to recommend a book that Jon gave me before leaving the camp last week. It’s entitled “The Value of Camp” by Walt Brock. It was a joy reading and gave me ideas and insights concerning camp ministry that I hadn’t even thought about. Click on the link to find out how to get your own copy.