Coffey Family January 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our house in the US-  It goes on the market this coming month. Our plan is to use the money toward the purchase of our camp property.    
  • Property search- We have begun looking for the right property to start Camp Rhino.  Pray we pick well.  
  • Our oldest son Tyler- This will be a repeating prayer request:). He’s back in Georgia training to be a missionary.  It’s tough being separated.  (I think more for us than for him:))  

Quick Updates & Reminders:


  • We are back in South Africa.
  • Timmy and Destiny Kelly arrive in just a few days for their 6 month internship to complete their training with the Our Generation Training Center. This is the same school my son Tyler is attending in Alpharetta, GA, which is a ministry out of our home church. 
  • We completed our first two children’s books that teach missions principles and features Camp Rhino.  Go to to order Lana’s Spots or The Little Five Friends Coloring and Activity Book.  

Last month, I announced that we met our $100,000 goal for Camp Rhino.  This month I’m happy to announce that not only did we meet our goal, we blew past it with an extra $29,000.  We now have $129,000 to put toward the property we want to purchase for the camp.    

We have looked at a few possible locations for Camp Rhino and the prices we’ve seen have been around $180 to $200,000.  With the proceeds from the sell of our home in the US, I believe we will come very close to this amount.   

We have enjoyed very much being back at New Life Baptist Church.  The church has done well with Pastor Sipho since our time in the states.  All the faithful folks we left behind are still attending, and the churches outreach has expanded.  For their Friday children’s outreach, they had several dozen new children attending, while there were at least 12  new faces in the youth meeting following the children’s service.

Please pray as we look for property to start another church.  New Life is currently holding services in two different locations so we can more access to the thousands of people in our area. 

I want to thank you all again for your involvement in our ministry.  We are truly blessed to partner with all of you.

Departing with $100,000 and much much more

As we get ready to leave for the airport today, I wanted to send you our last update before we head back to South Africa.

Two weeks before our goal date, December 31, 2017, we crossed the $100,000 mark that we were trying to reach for Camp Rhino.  As many of you know, this was the initial amount we wanted to raise in order to purchase property to start our camp and training center in South Africa.  Well…….we didn’t stop there.  A week later we received a $20,000 donation and the week after that we received an $8000 donation.  With those gifts an a few others we are now over $129,000 for Camp Rhino.

I want to Praise the Lord.  He did much more than we even hoped for.  I also believe other donations are on their way and there is no telling where we will be by the end of January.

Thank you for your prayers and for your giving.  I am so very grateful for your involvement.

Please be praying as we pack the last minute things, drive to the airport, and go through the difficult time of saying goodbye to our family and friends.  Today will be a bitter sweet time, but we are definitely looking forward to getting back to our ministry in South Africa.

Please especially pray for us and for our oldest son Tyler who will be staying here in the states.  He attending the Our Generation Training Center at our home church to become a missionary as well.  Leaving him behind will be the hardest thing for us as we head back.

Coffey Family December 2017 Prayer Letter

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • January 10th is our departure date for South Africa.  We are looking very forward to getting back to the field. 
  • 7 Young people were saved at this year’s camp, our last we hope at a rented facility.
  • We completed our first two children’s books that teach missions principles and features Camp Rhino.  Go to to order Lana’s Spots or The Little Five Friends Coloring and Activity Book. 

It is my joy and pleasure to announce that we have met our initial goal to raise $100,000 to help with the start of Camp Rhino with two weeks to spare.  PRAISE – THE – LORD!!!!! The last $388 came in the night I preached at my home church, Vision Baptist Church, on Dec 14th. When I announced our goal to raise that much money back in January, I was a little nervous to say the least. Despite my nervousness, God worked out what some thought was impossible. 

$100,000 and Growing

I know this is just the first step concerning fundraising, but God has taught my family a lot during the last year.  He has confirmed in our heart we are headed in the right direction, and He has taught us the importance to live by faith and not by sight or worries or second thoughts or doubts. 

We really desire to live a life not based on our abilities and talents, but based on God living through  us to be a blessing to many others.  Please pray for our next steps.  We need to find the right piece of property and see from there what other funds are needed.  With the sale of our house and more donations being committed, we are hoping to return to South Africa with $150,000. 

Also be praying about our next church plant.  We hope to start our second church within the first few weeks of returning to Port Elizabeth.  Although we are excited about Camp Rhino, we know our main goal is to see more churches started throughout all of South Africa.  We really believe that Camp Rhino will help accelerate those efforts. 

Prayer Requests

  • Our oldest son Tyler- He will be staying back in the States for Bible College when we return to the field.  This is our first time leaving someone behind and know it won’t be easy. 
  • The sell of our house-  When we left for the field the first time, we weren’t able to sell our house.  With the improvements in the market, we are hoping to sell and at least clear $30,000.  Our plan is to use the money toward the purchase of our camp property.

Almost to $95,000

This past week while in North Carolina, we had two of our supporting churches give a total of $1470 towards Camp Rhino.  With the new addition we now have $94, 691.74 towards our $100,000 goal.  Wow, so close!

I’m, thrilled to know we are nearing our goal.

Will you pray about helping us get the remaining $5000?

Our family leaves for South Africa on January 10th.  We can’t wait to get there and start searching for property.  We have a few options we’ve seen online that we’re excited about.  God has used all of you to be a great blessing in praying and giving.  I don’t have the necessary words to express my appreciation.

Christmas Camp Coming Soon

Our 3rd Annual Teen Camp is not very far off.  Each year during the first part of December our team host a teen camp in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, which is about 45 minutes outside of Port Elizabeth where we live.  We hope this will be our last camp at a rented facility before we’re able to purchase our own property for Camp Rhino.  We will continue our Christmas Camp but hope to be well established in our new property by December of next year.

Here are a few things you could be praying about with us if you would:

  • Souls to be saved at this year’s teen camp.
  • Teenagers to commit their life to full time ministry.
  • That we are patient to wait on the property the Lord wants us to buy.
  • Our oldest son Tyler who will be staying back when we return to South Africa.
  • Direction as we hope to start our second church.
  • Funds to come in to finish off our $100,000 goal and beyond

We currently have a little over $93,000, but still have a little way to go.

Big Check for Camp Rhino

Back in January, a supporting pastor and good personal friend reached out to me about helping with Camp Rhino.  Pastor Aaron Smith and the folks at Crossroads Baptist Church in Mobile, AL committed to giving $2500 to purchase property to help start Camp Rhino.  Their plan was to take up a change offering from then until their missions conference in October with the purpose of giving that offering to Camp Rhino.  The folks at Crossroads were actually the very first church to commit to helping with Camp Rhino raise $100,000.

This past Wednesday was the first day of their conference where they presented us with a not a $2500 check, but huge $2600 check.  With their gift, we not only have over $87,000 with gifts and  commitments, but now have over $87,000 in hand.

Please continue to pray as we get closer to our $100,000 mark.



October 2017 Coffey Family Prayer Letter

Prayer Request

  • The sell of our house-  When we left for the field the first time, we weren’t able to sell our house.  With the improvements in the market, we are hoping to sell it and at least clear $30,000.  Our plan is to use the money we clear toward the purchase of our camp property.    
  • Safety as we travel- This coming month we’ll be in Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, and Florida.   
  • Our oldest son Tyler- He will be staying back in the States for Bible College when we return to the field. 
  • Christmas offerings being designated for Camp Rhino- We are praying to meet and surpass our $100,000 by the end of December. 

Quick Updates & Events:

  • Volunteer visas for our children were approved.  They are good through July 2019.  Afterwards we hope to get a 5 year work visa which would allow us to one day obtain permanent residence.
  • With the children’s visas in hand, we purchased our airline tickets for South Africa.  We are booked to fly out January 10th.    
  • Our first children’s books that will promote missions principles and Camp Rhino will be shipped out on October 31st. Check them out and pre-order at
  • Plan to attend the Our Generation Summit either at Lake Lanier Island Resort in Buford, Ga on December  28th-30th or in Boston, MA on January 4th-6th.  For more information go to

Through these past months on furlough, God has really taught us and grown our faith in an incredible way.  When we started announcing our goal back in January to raise $100,000 to start Camp Rhino, to be honest, we were a little nervous.  This is the first time we’ve personally tried to raise money like that.  Month after month God, met or even surpassed our goals.   From the first $5000 given to the last $1000 that came in last week, it’s been amazing to see. 

Looking back and knowing the churches and individuals that have been involved is a bit overwhelming.  God has placed us in the path of some incredible people that have been a great encouragement and help.   

We now have over $87,000 towards the purchase of property to start our new camp.  With around $13,000 to go, we’re not near as nervous as we were in January:). Thank you all again for your prayers and support.

Camp Rhino and our Christmas Camp

Another $3000 came in within the last week and a half for Camp Rhino.  The total is now over $85,000.  I believe we will meet and beat our goal of $100,000.  Thank you all for praying and giving.  I want to say a special thanks to Oakland Heights Baptist Church in Cartersville, GA and Fellowship Baptist Church in East Ridge, TN with helping us pass the $85,000 mark.

Our team at Camp Rhino will be renting a facility to use in December to host our annual Christmas Camp.  Please pray as churches are preparing now to bring their young people and recruit lost teens from their community.  This should be our biggest camp week so far.

If you or your church would be interested in making a trip to South Africa sometime next year to help with Camp Rhino please let me know.  We are hoping to have our first teen week July 2018, but need help before and after getting the Camp ready.  We already have six groups schedule to visit us next year, but are looking for many more.

Visas are in Hand

As we’ve mentioned in previous updates, we were a little concerned about obtaining visas for our children.  Amy and I have our visas that are good until July 2019, but our children’s visas were already expired.  Last week, thankfully, our kids visas were approved and sitting in our mailbox when we arrived back from our trip to Texas.

Missionaries working and/or going to South Africa are facing visa problems that we have never faced before.  It’s always been fairly easy to get a visa to do ministry in South Africa.  This year has been a bit different.   Changes in the visa process have created a lot of stress and uneasiness when it comes to getting permission to work in South Africa.

We aren’t sure how the visa process will be after July 2019, but we are praying some things get worked out so it won’t be a problem for missionaries to stay long term.  We are hoping even through Camp Rhino, we can create a way for missionaries to obtain 5 year work visas.  From a 5 year work visa, missionaries would then be qualified for permanent residency.

With all our visas in hand, we are officially buying our plane tickets for January 10th, and are looking very forward to getting back.

New Total for Camp Rhino – Over $80,000 Now

This past week my family was privileged to be a part of Worth Baptist Church’s missions conference in Fort Worth, TX.  Pastor Tyler Gillit, his staff, and church people put on a spectacular conference.  The Saturday night Foreign Food Festival was unbelievable.  I’ve never seen so much involvement in a dinner like that, and I’ve definitely never tasted so many wonderful tasting foreign dishes in one evening.   Throughout the entire conference we were blown away by the encouragement and kindness of everyone.

On Sunday evening of the conference, Worth Baptist really was a blessing to our family, and one of the things that really stuck out was the offering they gave to help with Camp Rhino.  The generously gave $2460 to help buy property and take us past a pretty big hurdle.

We’ve broken the $80,000 mark and the new total of funds given or committed is $81,188.  Another $18,812 will take us to our $100,000 goal.  Praise the Lord.