Coffey Family August 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our home in the US. We have taken out a loan in the States to cover the remaining $42,000 we needed to buy the property for Camp Rhino.  The sell of our house should more than cover the needed amount  if we can sell it in time.  We do have a supporting church trying to raise $20,000 toward that amount as well.   Pray we can pay back this loan asap.      
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States, and our 2nd oldest son Chase, who will be leaving for Bible college in January.  They both are training for missions.
  • Finances to get Camp Rhino ready for our first camp on December 10th.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • One teen made a profession of faith during our discipleship meeting this month.  He was invited by his friend who was saved a few weeks prior.
  • A young adult and his mom made professions of faith during door to door visitation this past week while visiting for the the new Kuyga church plant.  An older man made a decision for Christ after church this past Sunday.  Please pray they grow and make sure of their salvation.
  • Pray for a group from Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, VA as they arrive on September 22nd.  They will be here to get Camp Rhino ready for the first week of camp in December.   
  • We would love  the opportunity to host a group from your church here in South Africa next year.  Please contact me for an information packet.  It would be an honor to facilitate a trip that would encourage and challenge your people.

Our deadline to purchase property for Camp Rhino is on August 31st, and it looks like we will have the money just in time.  With the improvement in the exchange rate and with some extra offerings, we now only lack $42,000 to pay for the property and cover lawyer fees. 

We were able to work it out with a bank in the States to borrow that money for 120 days so we could meet our deadline.  It looks like all funds will be available a few days before August 31st, which means we will soon have access to the property. 

This has been a long day coming, but we are very anxious to get to work.  A lot has to be accomplished before our first day of camp on December 10th.  If you would be interested in helping by giving or by coming and working, you are all welcome.  Our top priorities right now are the guy and girl dorms, kitchen facility, soccer field, and sand volleyball court. 

Pray for us as things are about to get even busier.

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Coffey Family July 2018 Prayer Letter

Since June 6th we have had 78 people from 5 different groups visit our ministries here in South Africa.  They were a tremendous help to all of our churches.  From building benches, to painting Sunday school classes or passing out Gospel tracts, they did what ever was asked of them.  Hearts were touched and lives were changed.  As they worked to impact South Africa, I believe South Africa impacted them.   

From the many that visited for a short time, we believe that some may even come back to South Africa as interns and full time missionaries.  Please pray they would be open to wherever the Lord leads them. 

The land for Camp Rhino has been decided on.  Please pray things work out so we can finalize payment and secure the property.  Every visiting group has seen and prayed over the future site.  Excitement continues to build with every visit.  Our vision is spreading and more and more people are looking forward to being involved.

Prayer Requests

  • The sale of our home in the US- We have had 3 offers on our house so far, and all of three have fallen through.      
  • $66,000.  This is what I am hoping to clear from the sale of our house. We will be able to use this money to complete the purchase for the land for Camp Rhino. 
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States. 
  • Our son Chase- he is in Eldoret, Kenya for 2 weeks making a visa run and visiting missionaries Randy & Phylis Stirewalt.
  • Our daughter Emilee- she is on a missions trip this week to visit the Holt Family in Santiago, Chile.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • Several have trusted Christ in the many youth meetings, services, and VBS activities over the past 6 weeks that our visiting mission teams have been a part of.  2 young single men and 3 boys just trusted Christ last night, the last full day with our groups.
  • Our 2nd children’s book “Brayden’s Day Off” is in the illustrating stage.  We hope to have this book available to you very soon. 
  • Our last mission team of the summer left on July 26th.  We are already looking forward to the next group that arrives on September 22nd from Madison, VA. 
  • We would love to the opportunity to host a group from your church here in South Africa next year.  Please contact me for an information packet.  It would be an honor to facilitate a trip that would encourage and challenge your people.

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False Alarm

Well…..we just thought we had a buyer for our house in the States:)  A house that our potential buyer already made an offer on and was rejected, ended up lowering their price to make it possible for them to get financing.  In other words, they decided to go with their first choice.

So we need you to continue praying for another buyer so we can sell our house ASAP.  We are still very excited about our property here in South Africa and believe we will get a buyer for our house in the States soon…..or later:)

Thank you all for your prayers.  They are greatly appreciated.

Please also pray for Pastor Tony Howeth and his group of 15 from Newton Baptist Church that arrive today from Covington, GA.  Pastor Tony was my Youth Director growing up, and has really been more like a 2nd dad most of my life.  This group is the first of 5 groups during June & July.

An Offer Has Been Made

Obtaining our property that will be used for Camp Rhino seems very close.  As I mentioned before, we did make an offer that was accepted on a property here in South Africa that will be used for Camp Rhino; but that purchase is contingent on the sell of our house in the States.

We’re happy to announce that yesterday an offer was made that we are very pleased with.  It’s not set in stone, but it does look like everything is going in the right direction.  If the inspections go well, I’m pretty sure we have a sold house:)

Please continue to pray.  If this offer goes all the way through, we could have the money to completely purchase the Camp Rhino property in 21 days or less.

Coffey Family May 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • Our New Bible College- We hope to start full time classes in August. 
  • Kuyga & Missionvale- 2 areas that some of our teammates will be starting churches in. 
  • The sell of our home in the US. 
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States.  We are hopeful he will also be able to visit us in December.
  • More souls to be saved during our door to door & evangelistic outreaches.
  • We have 5 mission teams visiting here in June and July.  Pray the Lord does something great in the heart of everyone who is able to experience ministry on the foreign field.  Many are leaving the US for their first time.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • 13 People made professions of faith during our 5-day evangelistic tent meeting this past month. 
  • Our oldest girl Emilee, turns 16 on June 6th.  We are very proud of the young lady she is.  Please pray for her as she will be going on a mission trip to Chile, South America in July to visit the Jason and Lori Holt Family.   
  • If you are interested in working in short-term missions and camp ministry, please contact me ASAP.   We would love to have you be a part of Camp Rhino.  There are opportunities all year long. 
  • If your church is interested in traveling to South Africa for a missions trip in 2019 or 2020, please let me know, and I will email you an information packet right away. 

This month we have seen several people make professions of faith and the majority of those people were during our evangelistic tent meeting.  Please continue to pray that we can raise funds to purchase our own tent and equipment that would allow us to do these types of meetings more often.  We hope to help our team of churches do at least one a month. 

We have made an offer that was accepted on a new property for Camp Rhino.  It’s 19.5 acres of flat land with a house and a few buildings. We are $66,000 short of the purchase price, and hope to make up the difference with the sell of our house in the States.  The purchase price of the property is approx. $196,000.  Please pray we can sell our house in the States soon. 

With our visiting groups coming in June, we have the opportunity to present the Gospel to hundreds of children and teenagers in the Public School System here in Port Elizabeth.  Pray that many will come to Christ during this time.

Coffey Family April 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our home in the US.
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States.  We are hopeful he will also be able to visit us in December.
  • More souls to be saved during our  door to door & evangelistic outreaches.
  • Pray as we are trying to build a music ministry foundation that will aid all our churches.  If you would be interested in sponsoring a student at $40 a month for 6 months to take guitar and/or music lessons, please let me know.  We have several waiting in line to start classes.
  • A mission team from Newton Baptist Church in Covington, GA will be here on June 6th.  Pray God moves in a great way during their stay.

We are in need of a tent for several ministry opportunities and needs we have now and that are to come.  The primary use for the tent is for services we are planning in areas where we want to start new churches.     

The secondary use of the tent will be for our chapel services during our weeks of camp at Camp Rhino.  We ultimately want to build a permanent structure, but will probably use a tent for the first year or so. 

Having a tent also allows us to hold evangelistic services in the surrounding areas of our churches.  It will help us make more noise and have a stronger presence in areas where we want to do more outreach. 

A brand new tent cost about $2600.  We want to find a used one, but this amount is the most we will need for a tent similar to the picture above.  We would appreciate any help with this expense.  

Thank you for everything.  Might we all do more to reach this world in our generation.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • We had a fantastic VBM Regional Conference with my Pastor Austin Gardner and Mission’s Director Jeff Bush.  I’m constantly reminded while around these men that we never need to stop learning and there is much more that needs to be done to reach the world.
  • We are now looking for American interns who desire to work in camp ministry.  If you or someone you know is interested in coming to South Africa to help with Camp Rhino, please let me know.
  • We backed out of the contract for the property that we chose for Camp Rhino after failed perc test and much prayer and counsel.  There are two good areas that we are looking at for the Camp right now.  We are hoping to nail something down very soon but we know it’s in God’s timing.  We don’t  want t0 force anything.

Coffey Family March 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • The sell of our home in the US- After a few delays, my realtor let me know he plans to list our house on April 11th. Please pray that it sells quickly and for a good price.  Proceeds from the sell will go towards Camp Rhino.     
  • New Life Baptist Church’s special Easter     3-day Revival.  We are praying for a great attendance and for many to be saved.
  • Our oldest son Tyler, who is in Bible College back in the States. 
  • More souls to be saved during our  door to door & evangelistic outreaches.
  • The right property for Camp Rhino.  Our search continues as some roadblocks have popped up. 

I’ve been waiting weeks to let you know that we finally have the property secured for Camp Rhino.  Unfortunately, this won’t be the week we make that announcement either. I received word yesterday that all three perc tests failed for the property we have a contract on.  We are researching to see if there are different options for septic systems that will allow us to still use the land, and we have also begun looking at other properties in case that door closes.

As we continue searching for property, I’m encouraged to know the Lord will help keep us from making a bad land decision.  Pray that we are patient and sensitive to His leading.    

Remember, we still need your help.  Pray that God would call more laborers to be involved in what’s going on in South Africa.  A foundation is being laid which I believe is the start of many coming to Christ and many being called to take the Gospel to the world.  Maybe you are the one who God is leading to come and help.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • We had two young men, 21 & 22 year old, trust Christ this past month at New Life along with several children during our children services.
  • We are hosting the Vision Baptist Missions Regional Conference taught by our Director Jeff Bush and Pastor Austin Gardner April 5-12.  We look forward to this valuable time of training for our whole team.  Pray for those traveling in for the conference.
  • Our 2nd children’s book “Brayden’s Day Off” is in the illustrating stage.  We hope to have this book available to you very soon. 
  • Almost our entire summer is booked with mission teams for 2018, but we would love for you to make plans for 2019.  Please let me know if you or your church is interested in bring a group.

Coffey Family February 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayer Requests

  • Expansion of New Life Baptist Church in Kwadwesi.  We are wanting to start a second church soon.
  • The sell of our house in the US-  Our realtor let me know the house should be ready to list by March 9th. Please pray that it sells quickly.    
  • Property search- We have looked at several possible properties for Camp Rhino.  We are running into drainage/sewer problems for the properties we have liked so far.  Pray we will be patient and choose the property God wants us to have and that will be best for future growth.
  • Our oldest son Tyler in Bible College back in the States.
  • Josh and Meagan Sullivan are in their last months of their deputation.  Pray they raise the remainder of their support quickly and also pray their South Africa Visa applications go though without a problem.  They are applying for their visas next week.

Quick Updates & Reminders:

  • We have settled in our new/temporary home.  We rented a place that suits our family well and also has extra space to house our interns and visitors from the States. 
  • Timmy and Destiny Kelly, interns from The Our Generation Training Center in Alpharetta, GA, are doing terrific.  They have been heavily involved in all the ministries here since their arrival.
  • Our 2nd children’s book of The Little Five Friends Series is in the illustrating stage.  We hope to have this book available to you very soon.

There is so much that needs to be done.  Arriving back to South Africa has been great, and there are so many opportunities we are excited about in the coming months.  I am now working with 5 young guys for ministry preparation.  Seeing them trained to do the work of the ministry is my priority, and I’m praying God would send us many more like then. 

The need here in Africa is great.  We need more laborers.  Pray God works in the hearts of people to be a part of what’s going on.  We are building a strong team that I pray not only impacts our country, but is involved in seeing missionaries and pastors sent all over Africa. 

As Kevin Hall and I sat this week with a young man who wants to be a pastor from Zimbabwe, a country just north of us, I was reminded even more of the potential to see churches started here in South Africa and our neighboring countries. 

Please Pray.


Because of my lack of talent and ability with music, our church hasn’t really excelled in that area.  Since we are a very young ministry we don’t have a supply of people who can play instruments, lead groups, and/or lead congregations.  This is an area I know we have to improve in.

Recently, a man started attending my cousin Kevin Hall’s church in town who is a guitar and singing instructor.  This opened the door for my son Chase to start taking singing and guitar lessons, and also for four of our guys at New Life as well.

Please pray for these guys as the begin their lessons.  I believe they will be a great asset in the ministries of all our churches here in Port Elizabeth.

New Church at Kwadwesi Extension

Across the valley of our current church New Life Baptist Church, is an area called Kwadwesi Extension.  This is a much denser populated area then where we are now, and also where several of our people are from.

Pastor Sipho has been holding midweek services there even before we arrived back to South Africa.  The attendance is really starting to pick up.  For our special Valentines service this past Wednesday we had around 125 people in attendance.  We had to keep the kids 12 years of age and below outside because of the space.  This is the area we want to start our next church and believe from there we can start churches in at least two other areas near by.