September Prayer Letter

Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me. Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works.”

When we arrived for our internship in June of last year, we realized our original 90 day visas would not suffice; considering we weren’t planning on leaving until November. So, after 90 days we paid the fee and ordered new visas. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and our visas still had not come in! Finally, just a couple of weeks before we were set to leave, everyone’s visas came in except for mine. The day came for us to head back to America, and still no visa. Upon arriving at the airport, I was feeling very nervous and apprehensive about what Border Control would say. I knew they could potentially ban me from the country. Unfortunately, that is exactly what they did. I was declared “undesirable” for 5 years! Obviously, this was a huge bump in the road.

After arriving back in the states I quickly hired a lawyer back in South Africa to appeal this decision. After waiting 9 months, lots of money spent, and plenty of prayers, I finally heard back from my lawyer last week! She informed me my status has been changed! I was issued a waiver and I can now enter SA whenever we have finished our deputation. God is so faithful! And we are so thankful!

Please pray for –
Pastor Tom Hatley health.
Upcoming meetings
New Supporters.

Aug Review
Aug was our eighth month of deputation.
We were in a total of 8 churches.
We had 1 new family partner with us!
We are currently at 28% of our needed support.
We travelled 1,240 miles in VA and TN

November Prayer Letter

Our God is worthy to be served and we count it as a privilege and honor to serve him in South Africa.

My family and I only have 3 weeks left here in South Africa. We are sad that we have to leave but we are also excited to get deputation started! We were privileged to take a trip to Cape Town the first week of October. God opened my eyes to the need all over South Africa. Khayelitsha is the biggest township in the Cape Town area. It has over 400,000 people with very few Gospel preaching churches. The need is tremendous!

We are currently in our last week of language school. When we return to South Africa this will be our priority.

My Pastor (Tom Hatley), his daughter (Abby) and another young lady from our home church (Torrie Sutton) will be arriving in South Africa in the first week of November. We are so excited to see them. Please pray for their trip. Pray that God will use it to encourage our visitors.

Pastor Austin Gardner and a few of his colleagues will also be arriving in the 2nd week of November please pray for them as well.

Prayer Requests

– Pray for laborers to South Africa.

– The young men who Pastor Sipho and I have in our discipleship.

– Our return to The States on November 20.

– Youth Camp will be Dec 6-12. We still need nearly $3,000 to take 120 teens to camp. The young people have been fundraising on their own but if you would be interested in helping please send money to P.O. Box 519 Braselton, GA 30517 (Att. Jeremy Hall/Youth Camp).

– New church plant coming in November. Jeremy Hall will be planting a church in the Soweto Township.



September Prayer Letter

God’s grace is undeniable in our life. He has proved to us he will take care of us. We owe him our life. He deserves praise and glory. I pray that my life will be glorifying to him.

We can now count down the days until we return to the states to begin our deputation. We are so thankful to those we have partnered with us for our short-term trip. Please continue to pray for:

– Young men to train and grow in the church
– To book meetings
– To be skilled in our pronunciation in Xhosa
– Church Growth
– New church in Soweto in November.

We have less than 2 months until our internship is over. We are sad that we only have a short time left, but we are thankful for the opportunity. We pray that we can make much of the time we have left and leave a help to the ministry here in Port Elizabeth.

I have been learning and observing how to train young men and we hope to leave a few men for Pastor Sipho to continue to train and invest in when we leave. The Lord has worked and we have seen more young people make professions of faith recently. Pray that they will get baptized and discipled.

Our Pastor (Tom Hatley), his daughter (Abby Hatley), and another young lady from our church (Torrie Sutton) will be coming on a trip to visit us in the first week on November. Please pray for them to raise all the needed funds. This will be the first trip for the ladies. Please pray that God will use them and show them what ministry is like in another country.

We celebrated my and my daughters birthday this past month. Mallorie turned 4 and was very spoiled by her family and friends. My wife and I are thankful that our children have acclimated so well to the country and culture. Our 1 year old son can understand Xhosa as well as he understands English.

Thanks to everyone for their prayer and support. We can be reached at any time thru Facebook messenger, whatsapp, and voxer.


August Prayer Letter

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Three Months have flown by and we only have 3 months left!

God is abounding in grace and he has showered us with blessings.

Prayer Requests
1. Visa Extension
2. Discipleship
3. Language
4. Teen Camp

Please continue to pray for the young men in Kwadwesi who are coming to church and discipleship. Pictured is (from left to right) Miso, Stephen, Themabani, and Vuyani. The boys have been overall faithful to most of church as well as visitation. We have also been doing a soccer program led by Jeremy Hall. The boys love this and they also hear a gospel message presented by one of the local pastors.

Our language is still very lacking but we are steadily learning new phrases. We have been working hard on our commands and this is a language focus. We can understand simple commands but it is much harder to repeat what we hear. Another focus is our pronunciation. We must be able to pronounce the words in the right way and not get in bad habits.

We are still waiting for our visas to be extended so please keep this in your prayers.

We are now booking meetings for 2015. Our goal is to have January, February and March of 2016 booked before we get back to the states.

Youth Camp:

Our youth camp is December 6-12. The cost to take 160 teens to camp is going to be $4650; $1500 for food, $2700 for camp, and $450 for transport. We are planning to charge each camper R300 ($25) for the week. That doesn’t sound like much, but considering most of the teens who will attend are probably being raised by an unemployed single parent or a grandmother, it’s almost impossible. We will be having several fundraisers and work days planned for the teens to help with their expenses. If you would be interested in helping us finance this camp please send any donation to Fellowship Baptist Church, 1102 Big Springs Road, Maryville, Tn 37801.

Update 8/19

Prayer request’s

– Our Sunday School class
– Our young men in discipleship
– to book meetings
– Cultural adaptation
– Language learning
– Youth on Fridays

My family and I are so blessed to be here in South Africa with amazing families to help train us. My wife and I continually see the benefits of our internship and are so amazed that God would allow us to have this opportunity. We are so thankful for the ones who pray for and support us in our mission.

Pastor Sipho and I are still meeting with out young men. These boys have been faithful and we are now meeting on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Pastor Sipho has been one of my main ministry partners. He has been a great help with me learning the language as well as the culture.

A new ministry opportunity has come up. Pastor Mark and Pastor Sipho are working on a plan for a possible church plant in Kwadwesi-extension. Please pray for them to have God’s wisdom. The area shows much promise as we already have people from that area wanting a church to go to.

We only have 13 weeks left here in South Africa. Less than 100 days. Please pray for us to use every bit of time we have left wisely. Our desire is to soak up all the experience and information possible while we are here. We already feel so much more prepared to live in SA.

Thank you!

July Prayer Letter

Praise God for his joy he brings to those that serve him. There are many obstacles we may face here in SA but the joy that God brings is greater than anything we face.

Pastor Sipho and I have been continually discipling about 5 young boys. They age from 13-15 and all profess Christ. They have been coming to most of our services and even came to visitation last Saturday and helped us pass out nearly 500 gospel tracts. Since they are younger the language barrier is still there because they are still learning English in school. Please pray that they will continue to make themselves available to the Lords service. Also, our youth class is growing but we are still trying to get all those who come to youth on Fridays to come to church on Sunday.

Our language learning is going well. Last week we practiced inviting people to church in Xhosa and we are adding more and more sentences each week. This language continues to prove challenging but we know that we cannot be fully successful without being fluent in the language. We must gain the trust of those we plan to work with and this comes with language and culture.

My wife and I celebrated our 5th anniversary at the beginning of this month. God has blessed me with a wonderful wife that willing to sacrifice for the Lords work. I am thankful for her and her family.  We also were able to celebrate our son, Avett, first birthday. We are so thankful of the team that is here and to have a family away from our family.

We are starting to book meetings this month. God has continued to burden my hearth that our future is in South Africa. Our goal is to be booked from January to March of 2016 before we return to America in November.

It’s amazing to think we only have 4 months left!! There is so much more we would like to accomplish in the upcoming months ahead. We don’t know want out time to go to waste.

Please pray for:

1. Language
2. Our health (our whole family has battled stomach virus)
3. Our youth class
4. The 5 young men
5. Mettings to be booked.

update July 1-11

God has done a great work at New Life Baptist Church. The Builders are finishing up with a few things on the church. The church now has a sidewalk, the basement is being worked on and the Sunday school rooms are closed off.

Pastor Sipho and I are working with the teens in Kwadewsi. We had a high of 30 in our Youth Night last Friday and 12 professions of faith were made. God knows more than we do how much of a need is here in Port Elizabeth. Please pray for us as we go and try to disciple these young people who have made professions. It was exciting to see an increase in our Sunday School class where We had 13 young people.

We have had nearly 2 weeks off from language school because of working to get our visas as well as a VBS at Wells Baptist Church. Meagan was the team captain for the iingusha (lambs) and I was the team captain of the iingoyama (lions). God blessed and we had an average of 90 Tuesday-Thursday. The kids received points thru-ought the week for memorizing scripture and well as good behavior. Sadly, at the end of the week team iingusha defeated iingoyama by only 15 points. Consequently as the captain of the losing team I had to be pied in the face. You can see this on our Facebook page.

Meagan and I are excited about our sons first birthday this month. Our children have acclimated very well here and we are excited about them experiencing a new culture, language, and way of life here in SA.

Prayer Request:
– We get out visas excepted.
– Young men to disciple.
– Growth of New Life Baptist Church.
– More Laborers to be sent to South Africa.


July 2015 Sullivans in South Africa

We are so thankful. Thankful to God for allowing us to serve him and Thankful to our supporters. We understand our reasonable service and we are amazed that God allows us to serve him. This past month has gone by so fast, and we are trying to soak up every minute!

Pastor Sipho and I have started a youth department at New Life Baptist Church which is in the KwaDwesi Township. I teach Sunday school every Sunday morning as well as a youth night every Friday night. We have had a high of 25 in our first month of youth night. We have seen many different faces over the last month and not many of the same people. Pastor Sipho and I have made it our goal to keep in touch with the many that have come and continue to build relationships with them.

As well as a Sunday school class, my wife and I have started language school. Learning any new language is a difficult task. You have to be humble, and keep a childlike attitude. Our language teacher, Lubabalo, is very encouraging and supportive. We can say our greetings and invite people to church as well as construct some very simple sentences. My daughter has even learned some simple words as well.
Mallorie has been able to begin preschool here. She is very excited and seems to be adjusting to the new culture faster than her parents are. Our son Avett, will turn 1 this month, we are so excited to be able to celebrate it with the team of missionaries here in Port Elizabeth.

Mark Coffey, Kevin Hall, Jeremy Hall and their wives have been a tremendous blessing to us and so valuable in our training this last month. They have taken us in as if we are their own family. Hannah Peabody, who travelled here with us, was able to stay a whole month and we saw her off this week as she went back home.
After one month here my wife and I are confident that God wants us to continue our mission in South Africa after our internship. I am starting to book meetings already for January 2016 and we hope to be back in SA by January 2018. We also have a new website that is different from our prayer card. It is now Please help us continue to pray for:

• Growth in our language ability
• Steady growth in the youth Sunday school
• Our visas to be extended so we can stay all six months without exiting the country
• A few young men that I can begin to disciple
• My family as we continue to assimilate to the culture
• Wells Baptist in Wells. Madiba Bay Baptist in Kwazakhele and New Life Baptist in Kwazakele
• Churches to partner with us.

Update June 22-29


It’s Holiday

It is now holiday here in Port Elizabeth. All students (including my daughter) now have a 3-week break from school.
With that said we only had 5 people at or youth night this Friday but we are not going to let that hold us back. Our Sunday School class was low as well but we will continue to visit and make contacts during the holiday.

Our language vocabulary is steadily growing and we are constructing very simple sentences. Our language teacher, Lubabalo, and his family came over to our house for dinner this past week. It was a good lesson in culture and customs for us as we try to assimilate to the culture here.

We have our visa extension appointment tomorrow. As of now we only have 90 days here in SA and we need 90 more. Please pray that everything goes smoothly. We have had our eyes opened to how other countries deal with foreigners and we hope we have all we need to get the extension.

Thank you to all of you for the prayers and support. We can be reached by Facebook and email at any time, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our website is NO longer We can now be seen at or

God has been so good to us and all the glory is His.

Josh Sullivan

Update June 14-21 New Website

We have a new website!

We will no longer be using We can now be found at

Please forgive me for not posting in a while. With the new update to the website it took us awhile to get ready to post. Much thanks goes to Trent Cornell for setting up our new site!

Pastor Sipho and I have started a youth night which occurs every Friday night. It is an hour-long and we will play games and fellowship for half an hour and then I will preach for half an hour. The kids really seemed to enjoy it the first week and we had about 10. This past Friday the Lord blessed and we had 25 kids from the township come! I am preaching on “The Whats of Christianity” This past week I taught on “What is a Christian?” and I preached the gospel. There were 3 teens who had questions about salvation and three people made professions this past Sunday.   Pastor Sipho will preach this week.

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to preach at New Life Baptist Church. This is the church we will be attending and serving in for this internship period and I am the youth pastor. Please also pray for Wells Baptist Church , which is in the Wells township and Madiba Bay Baptist Church, which is in the Kwazakheli Township.

There is nothing better in this World than to serve God. It is our reasonable service and i cant think of anything else I would rather do with my life.

Please help us pray for:

– That we can get our visas extended

– We can continue to progress in language school.

– Salvation in our youth class