🎶 🎶 I’m glaaad to be here at Vacation Bible School….Vacation Bible School… Vacation Bible School. 🎶 🎶
It’s about that time of the year when VBS starts up all over the country.
This is turning out to be a special time for Camp Rhino. Many churches announced they plan to donate their VBS offering to help purchase the 15 to 20 acres of property for the start of the camp and training center.
Just this past Sunday, Pastor Justin Gazaway of Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle in Ringgold, GA let us know they will be giving their VBS offering to Camp Rhino. What an honor and blessing.
It’s incredible to think how kids in the US will be bringing their pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to reach kids in South Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
With more than $30,000 coming in the past few months, our goal of $100,000 is getting closer and closer. Please pray we continue to advance toward this goal.
I look forward to see how this Camp and Training Center ministry aids our churches in impacting our communities and country with the Gospel of Christ.