Please pray for our family and friends here in South Africa. We suffered a great loss on Sept 21st. The first girl who moved into our youth home and lived here for 4 years was tragically killed at 19 years old. She was like a daughter to us. She was saved at our first teen camp at Camp Rhino in 2018.

She left living at the camp about 6 months ago but was at the camp that day working to help with our Soccer and Netball Tournament. She also met with Amy and me to ask if I would walk her down the aisle at her wedding. She and Amy made plans to go shopping for her wedding dress the next week.
When she returned home, not even 2 hours later, she went to the store by her house and a guy robbing the store shot and killed her.

We had her funeral this Saturday with over 400 people in attendance. She was a young lady who truly impacted her community and those who knew her. My daughter Emilee flew back to South Africa to be here during the funeral and to comfort us and her friends during this tremendous loss.
Please pray for her fiancé, Amine. He is one of the young men here preparing for ministry. Sisipho will be missed, but we will see her again one day.

Prayer Requests & Praise
- We had 15 young people trust Christ during our Soccer and Netball Tournament.
- 3 more older adults were baptized at Lighthouse Baptist this month.
- Our first grandson was born on September 11th. He is still in the NICU, but he’s doing great. Amy was able to be there for his birth, but I’m grateful to have her back home.
- Baphumzi and Phumlani, the twin brothers of Sisipho, who are living at Camp Rhino, were baptized this past Sunday.
- Please continue to pray for our daughter-in-law Ashley, who’s experiencing health challenges, including blackouts and memory loss. She and my son Chase are seeking answers and hope to return to South Africa soon.

Quick Updates & Needs
- We now have the $33,000 to buy a brand new 15-passenger Toyota Van for our Youth Home and Camp. We are so thankful to those who helped meet this need.
- $6,000 is still needed to finish the perimeter wall to protect against future floods. This is a reminder to please pray for those affected by the hurricane and flooding in the States. The pictures we’ve seen have been terrible.
- $6000 is still needed to finish the pavilion, snack shop, and gift shop at Camp Rhino.
- My trip to Benin was terrific. I’m encouraged to see how the Lord is using Nate & Emily Wilkerson. Please pray for more laborers for West Africa.
- Amy and I will be coming back to the States at the end of December for a 5-month furlough to present our ministry in churches and to see my new grandson:) If you would like us to come and present our ministry or know of a church you could recommend us to, please let us know. We look forward to seeing many of you.