Prayer Request & Praise
- Winter Teen Camp started on June 29th and we had 88 campers attend with 23 counselors. 8 campers made professions of faith in Jesus while 3 said they were lost but weren’t ready to make that decision. Please pray for these 3 to come to Christ soon.
- A group from Southside Baptist Church led by Youth Pastor Tim Johnson was here to help with the camp. They jumped right in, were a great help, and really ministered to our kids.
- Please pray for my daughter Emilee who is raising money for her 6-month internship in Argentina. This internship will be the last part of her bachelor’s degree from the Our Generation Training Center. She plans to leave for her internship in February. I have attached her letter below. No pressure, but it would mean a lot to this father if God led you to be a help to her:) You can send any support for her to VBM and mark it Emilee Coffey Internship.

Quick Updates
- Our two American interns, Noah Haught & Katie Holt have done a great job during their short time here and really have a heart to learn and serve. Katie leaves at the end of July, but Noah will be here until February. We are grateful for the young people God is sending our way. Please let me know if you are interested in a short internship here in South Africa.
- We had $11,000 given to help with new construction at Camp Rhino. This enabled us to add two new dorms that we can use for camps and for housing our Bible college students.
- Listed are a few of our more significant needs for Camp Rhino & the Rhino Youth Home. Pray the Lord provides as He would like us to add tools and shelves/counters for our Work Shop for $8000; $10,000 for two more dorm rooms at the camp—tractor w/backhoe $25,000; 15-passenger van $25,000.
We hit some pretty major milestones for the month of June this year. June 23 marked the 10-year anniversary of our family arriving in South Africa. On June 24th, Amy and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary. Thank you all for being with us along the way. We are truly blessed.

At the beginning of June, Amy and I traveled to Abuja, Nigeria to be with VBM missionaries Graham and Olivia Young. They are some of our closest friends and we are encouraged to see how the Lord has used them during their first year on the field. Would you please continue praying for them and for the country of Nigeria? It’s the largest populated country on the continent and there is such a need for more laborers.

Having Winter Camp with Southside Baptist here was a great experience. We have another group coming at the end of July from Texas. Pray that more churches will come to see the field and pray that more people surrender their lives to full-time missions as a result of their time here.
Emilee’s Internship Letter
Internship letter
Dear Pastor,
I am writing this letter to update you on what the Lord has been doing in my life. Your years of support allowed me to serve alongside my family as your missionaries in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I’m very grateful for your investment that allowed me to grow up on the mission field.
Since 2022 I have been attending the Our Generation Training Center majoring in missions. I am now preparing for my six-month overseas internship in Argentina at the beginning of 2024 to complete my studies working under Patrick and Leslie Henry.
During this time, I will continue my mission studies with practical on-the-field training from missionaries, assist in church planting and their other ministries, and start Spanish language school.
Please pray for me as I start this exciting new step, and please consider financially partnering with me to make this internship possible.
I am excited to take this next step of faith and finish my missionary training. If you would like to give a monthly donation for the longevity of those six months or a one-time offering you, can send any donation to:
Vision Baptist Missions
PO Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
memo line – “Emilee Coffey Internship.”
Or, if you prefer to donate online, please visit:
select “Emilee Coffey – Internship” for the designation
Here to serve,
Emilee Coffey