Prayer Requests & Praise
- $10,000 was generously given to cover one of the two dorm rooms needed for the girls at Camp Rhino. We praise the Lord that this dorm is now fully funded! We are always humbled and grateful for your support and involvement.
- When we arrived in the States in December, Camp Rhino had about $31,000 in debt from new construction, as well as repairs and remodeling due to the flood in June. We praise the Lord that we are now completely debt-free across both Camp Rhino and the Rhino Youth Home!
- I want to ask you to please keep my wife, Amy, in your prayers. After a visit to the ophthalmologist, the doctor discovered she has optical nerve damage in one of her eyes. This could be caused by MS or by an eye stroke. We are hoping to see a neurologist soon for further testing, including an MRI. Please pray that we can quickly secure all necessary appointments, receive clear answers, and, most importantly, that God brings healing and peace through this process. Your prayers and support mean so much to us.
- Josh & Morgan Barton should be leaving for Mozambique the first part of April. Pray for them as they travel and get settled in their new country with their beautiful twins.
Quick Updates & Needs
- The past few weeks I’ve been in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Wisconsin for great meetings. I’ll be traveling to Iowa next week.
- Please pray for God’s provision for our current and upcoming construction projects at Camp Rhino. We still need to build one new dorm for the girls and purchase the necessary appliances and furniture for an additional kitchen. We are incredibly grateful for how God has used so many of you to make this ministry possible.
We have been incredibly blessed during our time back in the States. God has provided new support to help cover the shortfall in our camp and youth home ministries. We are still praying for an additional $500 in monthly support before we return to South Africa on May 8th.
Last month, Rocklands High School had a great experience at Camp Rhino as students prepared for their graduation exams. Many gave their lives to Christ, but many still haven’t made that decision. Please pray for them as they return in October—pray that hearts will be softened and lives transformed.
For over a year, we’ve been working to send a shipping container filled with books for our Christian school and Bible college libraries. At last, we’ve secured shipping, and we’re now adding Bibles and tracts alongside the donated books to fill the container. We are grateful for a wonderful ministry handling the shipping logistics.
We still have room if you’d like to contribute more books to help build these libraries, you can send them to: Directline Ministry– 218 Stockyard Rd. Statesboro, GA 30458.